With the e
nergy co
n a
nd emissio
n reductio
n i
n the co
n of harmo
nious society, a
nd promote a
nd impleme
nt co
ntrated heati
ng relative to the local heati
ng showed great adva
ntage. This topic is a three layers of zhe
ngzhou buildi
ng desig
n of ce
ntral heati
ng system with heati
ng desig
n, program, co
nt a
nd basic pri
nciples, methods a
nd steps of the lear
ng desig
n, improve operatio
n a
nd use of drawi
ng a
nd data, co
nsolidate the k
nowledge, cultivati
ng the ability of solvi
ng desig
n problems. I
n the desig
n, through the desig
n of buildi
ngs, determi
ne the thermal load, the choice of the form of heati
ng systems, hydraulic calculatio
n a
nd check calculatio
n, A
nd the buildi
ng pla
n a
nd system diagram. Desig
n is adopted by the mecha
nical circulatio
n, shari
ng risers u
nder dual co
ntrol vertical system for the
next time. Radiator made of steel, heat si
nk i
n the form of ipsilateral above water below backwater. I
ndoor programmi
ng system for the same water flow of horizo
ntally. Desig
ned for retur
n water temperature is 85/60 ℃. Key words: ce
ntral heati
ng radiator machi
ne cycle double tube with the way 目录 引言6 1工程概述8 1.1原始资料8 1.2热源状况介绍8 1.2.1土建资料8 1.2.3换热站8 2热负荷计算9 2.1校和维护结构传热阻9 2.1.1墙体9 2.1.2屋顶10 2.1.3地板10 2.2房间热负荷计算11 2.2.1各层房间设计热负荷计算原理11 2.2.2负荷计算11 2.2.3各房间负荷见附表1. 12 3供热方案的确定14 3.1热媒的选择及参数确定14 3.1.1热媒分类14 3.1.2热媒参数的确定15 3.2供热管网的平面布置16 3.2.1管网的布置形式16 3.2.2热水系统形式17 3.2.3平面布置原则17 3.2.4管网位置布置确定17 3.2.5敷设方式17 3.3散热器片数计算18 3.3.1散热器型号的选择18 3.3.2散热器片数计算18 4管道水力计算20 4.1系统形式确定20 4.1.1管路形式的选择20 4.1.2管路布置与敷设20 4.2系统水力计算步骤21 4.2.1支管的水利计算步骤21 4.3对单元立管进行水利计算21 4.3.1单元立管的水利计算21 4.4最不利环路阻力及不平衡率22 4.4.1最不利环路各管段的管径22 4.4.2确定局部阻力损失23 4.4.3最不利环路及不平衡率24 5热力站计算及设备选型25 5.1任务说明25 5.1.1设计基本说明25 5.2供热系统供热设备的选择25 5.2.1、循环水泵25 5.3补给水泵26 5.3.1补水量确定26 5.4热交换器27 5.4.1传热面积计算27 5.5水处理设施选择28 5.5.1容量确定28 5.5.2软化水箱29 5.6其它设备选择29 5.6.1除污器29 5.7换热站内各条管路管径选择30 5.7.1一次网管径确定30 5.7.2补水管路管径31 6管道保温和管网土建措施32 6.1管道的保温选择计算32 6.1.1保温材料32 6.1.2保温材料的选择原则及保温结构32 6.1.3确定保温材料33 6.1.4最大允许热损失下保温层厚度34 7设计总结35 致谢36 参考文献37 附表1 38 附表2 53 附表3 65 附表4 68
nergy co
n a
nd emissio
n reductio
n i
n the co
n of harmo
nious society, a
nd promote a
nd impleme
nt co
ntrated heati
ng relative to the local heati
ng showed great adva
ntage. This topic is a three layers of zhe
ngzhou buildi
ng desig
n of ce
ntral heati
ng system with heati
ng desig
n, program, co
nt a
nd basic pri
nciples, methods a
nd steps of the lear
ng desig
n, improve operatio
n a
nd use of drawi
ng a
nd data, co
nsolidate the k
nowledge, cultivati
ng the ability of solvi
ng desig
n problems. I
n the desig
n, through the desig
n of buildi
ngs, determi
ne the thermal load, the choice of the form of heati
ng systems, hydraulic calculatio
n a
nd check calculatio
n, A
nd the buildi
ng pla
n a
nd system diagram. Desig
n is adopted by the mecha
nical circulatio
n, shari
ng risers u
nder dual co
ntrol vertical system for the
next time. Radiator made of steel, heat si
nk i
n the form of ipsilateral above water below backwater. I
ndoor programmi
ng system for the same water flow of horizo
ntally. Desig
ned for retur
n water temperature is 85/60 ℃. Key words: ce
ntral heati
ng radiator machi
ne cycle double tube with the way 目录 引言6 1工程概述8 1.1原始资料8 1.2热源状况介绍8 1.2.1土建资料8 1.2.3换热站8 2热负荷计算9 2.1校和维护结构传热阻9 2.1.1墙体9 2.1.2屋顶10 2.1.3地板10 2.2房间热负荷计算11 2.2.1各层房间设计热负荷计算原理11 2.2.2负荷计算11 2.2.3各房间负荷见附表1. 12 3供热方案的确定14 3.1热媒的选择及参数确定14 3.1.1热媒分类14 3.1.2热媒参数的确定15 3.2供热管网的平面布置16 3.2.1管网的布置形式16 3.2.2热水系统形式17 3.2.3平面布置原则17 3.2.4管网位置布置确定17 3.2.5敷设方式17 3.3散热器片数计算18 3.3.1散热器型号的选择18 3.3.2散热器片数计算18 4管道水力计算20 4.1系统形式确定20 4.1.1管路形式的选择20 4.1.2管路布置与敷设20 4.2系统水力计算步骤21 4.2.1支管的水利计算步骤21 4.3对单元立管进行水利计算21 4.3.1单元立管的水利计算21 4.4最不利环路阻力及不平衡率22 4.4.1最不利环路各管段的管径22 4.4.2确定局部阻力损失23 4.4.3最不利环路及不平衡率24 5热力站计算及设备选型25 5.1任务说明25 5.1.1设计基本说明25 5.2供热系统供热设备的选择25 5.2.1、循环水泵25 5.3补给水泵26 5.3.1补水量确定26 5.4热交换器27 5.4.1传热面积计算27 5.5水处理设施选择28 5.5.1容量确定28 5.5.2软化水箱29 5.6其它设备选择29 5.6.1除污器29 5.7换热站内各条管路管径选择30 5.7.1一次网管径确定30 5.7.2补水管路管径31 6管道保温和管网土建措施32 6.1管道的保温选择计算32 6.1.1保温材料32 6.1.2保温材料的选择原则及保温结构32 6.1.3确定保温材料33 6.1.4最大允许热损失下保温层厚度34 7设计总结35 致谢36 参考文献37 附表1 38 附表2 53 附表3 65 附表4 68