盘刀式茎秆切碎机设计 DESIGN OF DISC CUTTER STALK SHAREDDER 摘要 本次设计主要是以国内的秸秆作为参考,通过分析秸秆构成成分,设计出适合国内使用的切碎机,能耗低、碎稳定为优点的茎秆切碎机。为我国农业科研技术贡献一份力量。 根据对以往的切碎机的研究和总结,分析出过去切碎机的优点与不足,对切碎机的整体进行设计,传送方案的选择,动力资源的合理配比,各大机构的尺寸参数等进行比较和计算,做出了详细的说明。 该机主要是由切碎器、变速箱和喂入机构、喂入槽、甩抛装置、带传动、电动机组成。其原理是秸秆由喂入槽喂入,在喂入机构作用下将其压实并卷入机构,被动定刀片组成的切碎器切碎,最后由抛送装置抛出机外。 关键词:秸秆,切碎机,喂入槽,动定刀片。 Abstract This desig
n is mai
nly based o
n the domestic straw as a refere
nce, by a
ng the compositio
n of straw, desig
ned for domestic use chopper, low e
nergy co
n, broke
n stability as the adva
ntages of the stem shredder. For Chi
na's agricultural scie
nce a
nd tech
nology to co
ntribute a force. Accordi
ng to the research a
nd summarizatio
n of the previous chopper, the adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages of the chopper are a
nalyzed, the whole desig
n of the chopper, the selectio
n of the tra
n scheme, the reaso
nable proportio
n of the dy
namic resources, the size parameters of the major i
ns Such as compariso
n a
nd calculatio
n, made a detailed descriptio
n. The machi
ne is mai
nly composed of chopper, gearbox a
nd feedi
ng mecha
nism, feedi
ng slot, throwi
ng device, belt drive, motor compositio
n. The pri
nciple is that the straw is fed by the feed ta
nk, u
nder the actio
n of the feedi
ng mecha
nism to be compacted a
nd i
nvolved i
n the mecha
nism, the chopper composed of the passive blade chopped, a
nd fi
nally by the throwi
ng device out of the machi
ne. Keywords: Straw, chopper, feed slot, move the blade. 目录 1绪论5 1.1研究的目的和意义5 1.2秸秆综合利用现状5 1.3秸秆的特性: 6 1.3.1秸秆的物理特性6 1.3.2秸秆的切碎特性7 1.3.3秸秆的化学成分7 2切碎机整体方案设计7 2.1总体结构设计7 2.2主要参数的大致确定7 2.3本章小结8 3秸秆切碎机结构设计8 3.1切碎器设计8 3.1.1切碎方式选择8 3.1.2主要技术参数确定9 3.2喂入机构设计10 3.3传动系统设计11 3.4本章小结11 4切碎机整体结构的设计11 4.1电机选择11 4.1.1切碎器转速的确定11 4.1.2切碎器功率消耗12 4.1.3电机选择12 4.2 V带传动的设计计算13 4.3传动零件设计计算14 4.3.1圆柱直齿轮传动14 4.3.2圆锥齿轮传动18 4.4轴的设计计算和轴系零件的选定24 4.4.1输入轴的设计与计算24 4.4.2大齿轮轴的设计计算27 4.4.4输出轴的设计28 4.7本章小结32 5总结33 参考文献34 致谢35
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