祁东煤矿3.0Mt/a新井设计 摘要 本设计包括三个部分:一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分。 一般部分为祁煤矿3.0 Mt/a新井设计。一般部分共包括10章:1.矿区概况与井田地质特征;2.井田境界和储量;3.矿井工作制度和设计生产能力及服务年限;4.井田开拓;5.准备方式―采区巷道布置;6.采煤方法;7.井下运输;8.矿井提升;9.矿井通风及安全;10.矿井基本技术经济指标。 祁东煤矿位于安徽省宿州市东南,京沪铁路西侧,井田中心距宿州市约20km,交通便利。井田形状近似长方形,东西长约9 km,南北宽约3.0 km,面积约24 km2。井田内开采61煤层和71煤层,先采61,做为解放层开采,后开采71煤。煤层倾角12~15°,平均12、3°。煤层平均厚度61煤层7.5 m,71煤7.0 m。井田地质条件较为简单。 矿井工业储量为330.2297Mt,可采储量为220.6853Mt。矿井设计生产能力为3.0Mt/a。矿井服务年限61.3 a。矿井涌水量不大,正常涌水量为436m3/h,最大涌水量为586 m3/h。61煤相对瓦斯涌出量为10 m3/t,属高瓦斯煤层。矿井煤尘无爆炸危险性,煤层不易自燃,自然发火等级为Ⅲ级。 矿井采用暗斜井两水平开拓,下行开采。一矿一面,采煤方法为综合机械化放顶煤开采。全矿采用胶带运输机运煤,辅助运输前期采用1.5 t固定箱矿车,后期采用齿轨车运输。矿井通风方式前后期均为为采区式通风。 矿井年工作日为330 d,日净提升时间16 h,工作制度为“四六制”。 专题部分题目是煤炭地下气化开采技术基础研究。以一些煤矿工程实例为例,通过建立模型进行分析计算,研究了煤炭地下气化过程中顶板岩层移动特征、煤炭地下气化过程中半焦孔隙结构的变化规律以及煤炭地下气化过程中覆岩应力场的数值,得出关于以上三方面的相关结论。 翻译部分是一篇关于煤层气恢复技术的,英文题目为 Simulatio
n of CO2-geosequestratio
n e
nced coal bed metha
ne recovery with a deformatio
n-flow coupled model 关键词:新井设计;综合机械化放顶煤开采;采区式通风;立井开拓;采区 ABSTRACT This desig
n i
ncludes three parts: the ge
neral part, special subject part a
nd tra
n part. The ge
neral part is a
new desig
n of Qido
ng mi
ne. This desig
n i
ncludes te
n chapters: 1.A
n outli
ne of the mi
ne field geology; 2.Bou
ndary a
nd the reserves of mi
ne; 3.The service life a
nd worki
ng system of mi
ne; 4.Developme
nt e
ng of coalfield; 5.The layout of mi
ng area; 6.The method used i
n coal mi
ng; 7. Tra
n of the u
nd; 8.The lifti
ng of the mi
ne; 9. The ve
n a
nd the safety operatio
n of the mi
ne; 10.The basic eco
nomic a
nd tech
norms. The Qido
ng mi
ne locates at the crosspart of Qixia
n, Xisipo a
nd Guzhe
n of Suzhou i
n A
nhui provi
nce, 20 km away from the ce
nter of the tow
n. A
nd the tra
n is very co
nce. The shape of mi
nefield is like a recta
ngle which has a le
ngth of 9 km i
n the east a
nd west a
nd a width of 3 km i
n the south a
north o
n average. The total pla
ne area of the mi
ne is about 24 km2. There are two coal seams i
n the mi
ne —NO.61 a
nd NO. 71. Mi
ng the NO.61 coal seam firstly.The a
ngle is about 9.05~13.8 degree with a
n average of 12 a
nd the thick
ness of both coal seams is about 7.0 m. The mi
nefield geological co
n is simple. The proved reserves of the mi
nefield are 330.2297 millio
n to
ns. The recoverable reserves are 220.6853 millio
n to
ns. The desig
ned productive capacity is 3.0 millio
n to
ns per year. The service life is 61.3 years. The
normal water flow of the mi
ne is 437 m3 per hour a
nd the max water flow is 586 m3 per hour. The Relative gas discharge qua
ntity is 10 m3 per to
n, whichmea
ns it is a high gaseous mi
ne. The coal seam is hardly spo
neous combustio
n a
nd the level of spo
neous combustio
n is Ⅲ. Apart from coal without gas, the coal seam is of high explosio
n hazard. The developme
nt of the mi
ne is double levels with vertical shaft at the first level a
nd i
nd shaft at the seco
nd level. The
number of the worki
ng faces is o
nly o
ne. The mi
ng method is Comprehe
nsive mecha
n with putti
ng off the top coal tech
nology. Several belt co
nveyers u
ndertake the job of coal tra
nsport i
n the mi
ne a
nd the auxiliary tra
n system is ce
ntralized juxtapose. The ve
n method is diago
nal ve
n system. The worki
ng days i
n a year are 330. Everyday it takes 16 hours i
n lifti
ng the coal. The worki
ng system i
n the mi
ne is “four-six”. The title of the special subject part is “U
nd Coal Gasificatio
n i
n mi
ng tech
nology basic research”. By some examples of coal mi
ne project, a
nalyzed a
nd calculated by modeli
ng, Study the mobility characteristics of the roof strata i
n u
nd coal gasificatio
n process, the variatio
n of the semi-coke pore structure i
n the process of u
nd coal gasificatio
n a
nd u
nd coal gasificatio
n process i
n the overburde
n rock stress field value, co
ns draw
n o
n these three aspects wi
nd stress, the evolutio
n of deformatio
n is obtai
ned whe
n the dual roadway deformatio
n, Deputy La
ne by the basic law of mi
ng a
nd the left pillar set a reaso
nable size, with similar co
ns Roadway refere
nce. The tra
nslated academic paper is about classificatio
n tech
nique for da
nger classes of coal a
nd gas outburst i
n deep coal mi
nes. Its title is “Simulatio
n of CO2-geosequestratio
n e
nced coal bed metha
ne recovery with a deformatio
n-flow coupled model”. Keywords: desig
n of mi
ne; fully mecha
nized mi
ng with top coal cavi
ng tech
ng area ve
n;vertical shaft developme
ng distr 目录 1矿区概述及井田地质特征1 1.1矿区概述1 1.1.1矿区地理位置1 1.1.2河流1 1.1.3矿区气候条件1 1.1.4工农业生产情况1 1.2井田地质特征2 1.2.1井田地形及煤系地层概述2 1.2.2井田地质构造3 1.2.3井田水文地质4 1.3井田煤层特征7 1.3.1煤层特征8 2井田境界与储量10 2.1井田境界10 2.1.1井田境界划分的原则10 2.1.2井田境界10 2.2矿井工业储量10 2.2.1井田勘探类型10 2.2.2矿井工业储量的计算及储量等级的圈定10 2.3矿井可采储量11 2.3.1计算可采储量时,必须要考虑以下储量损失11 2.3.2各种煤柱损失计算11 2.3.3井田的可采储量13 3矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限15 3.1矿井工作制度15 3.2矿井设计生产能力及服务年限15 4井田开拓17 4.1井田开拓的基本问题17 4.1.1影响井田开拓的主要因素17 4.1.2井筒形式、数目的确定17 4.1.3工业广场的位置、形状和面积的确定19 4.1.4开采水平的确定19 4.1.5井底车场和运输大巷的布置19 4.1.6矿井开拓延伸及深部开拓方案19 4.1.7开采顺序20 4.1.8方案比较20 4.2矿井基本巷道25 4.2.1井筒25 4.2.2井底车场29 4.2.3主要开拓巷道30 5准备方式——采区巷道布置34 5.1煤层的地质特征34 5.1.1首采采区煤层特征34 5.1.2地质构造34 5.1.3顶底板特征34 5.1.4水文地质34 5.1.5地表情况34 5.2首采采区巷道布置及生产系统34 5.2.1采区位置及范围34 5.2.2采煤方法及工作面长度的确定35 5.2.3确定采区各种巷道的尺寸、支护方式及通风方式35 5.2.4煤柱尺寸的确定35 5.2.5采区巷道的联络方式35 5.2.6采区接替顺序35 5.2.7采区生产系统36 5.2.8采区内巷道掘进方法36 5.2.9采区生产能力及采出率36 5.3采区车场选型设计38 5.3.1采区主要硐室布置39 6采煤方法41 6.1采煤工艺方式41 6.1.1采区煤层特征及地质条件41 6.1.2确定采煤工艺方式41 6.1.3回采工作面参数42 6.1.4回采工作面破煤、装煤方式43 6.1.5回采工作面运煤方式44 6.1.6回采工作面支护方式45 6.1.7采放比、放煤步距、放煤方式48 6.1.8各工艺过程注意事项49 6.1.9回采工作面正规循环作业49 6.2回采巷道布置53 6.2.1回采巷道布置方式53 6.2.2回采巷道参数53 7井下运输57 7.1概述57 7.1.1井下运输设计的原始条件和数据57 7.1.2运输距离和货载量57 7.1.3矿井运输系统57 7.2采区运输设备选择59 7.2.1设备选型原则59 7.2.2采区设备的选型60 7.2.3采区辅助运输设备选型62 7.3大巷运输设备选择64 7.3.1运输大巷设备选型64 8矿井提升67 8.1概述67 8.2主副井提升67 8.2.1主井提升67 8.2.2副井提升68 9矿井通风及安全70 9.1矿井通风系统选择70 9.1.1矿井概况70 9.1.2矿井通风系统的基本要求70 9.1.3矿井通风方式的确定70 9.1.4矿井通风方法确定71 9.1.5采区通风系统的要求72 9.1.6工作面通风方式的选择72 9.1.7回采工作面进回风巷道的布置73 9.2采区及全矿所需风量74 9.2.1采煤工作面实际需要风量74 9.2.2备用面需风量的计算75 9.2.3掘进工作面需风量75 9.2.4硐室需风量76 9.2.5其它巷道所需风量76 9.2.6矿井总风量76 9.2.7风量分配77 9.3矿井通风总阻力计算77 9.3.1矿井通风总阻力计算原则77 9.3.2确定矿井通风容易和困难时期78 9.3.3矿井通风阻力计算83 9.3.4矿井通风总阻力85 9.3.5总等积孔85 9.4矿井通风设备选型86 9.4.1主要通风机选型86 9.4.2电动机选型88 9.5防止特殊灾害的安全措施89 9.5.1瓦斯管理措施89 9.5.2煤尘的防治89 9.5.3预防井下火灾的措施89 9.5.4防水措施90 10设计矿井基本技术经济指标91 参考文献92 致谢93
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