青玉米秸秆收割切碎机的设计 摘要 我国自从改革开放以来,畜牧业也跟着经济快速发展,从而畜牧业对饲料需求越来越大,传统饲料再不能远远满足现在畜牧业。同时我国种植着可以做为饲料原成青玉米,不仅种植面积大而且分布广,但收割和后续加工机械作业水平低下,需要大量人工去完成,从而不能优化畜牧业对饲料需求不足问题。设计课题采用原苏联青玉米收割切碎机原有切割结构、输送传送结构、切碎抛送结构等一些主要结构,设计一台青玉米收割切碎机可以一次完成收割青玉米,切碎青玉米,回收青玉米等作业。课题设计青玉米收割切碎机,是针对小规模畜牧业对青玉米收割切碎机需求而设计,该机牵引方式是有农用拖拉机牵引,利用回转形式做切割器,切割方式靠棘齿刀绕着固定中心点做回转运动,可以把功率损耗降低,在提高劳动生产率方面上,可以适当提高刀轴转速,使棘齿刀和刀盘固定一体。为了好好让切碎青玉米做饲料,设计切碎长度为15mm,在切碎部分是采动刀和定刀相结合方式,在切碎过程避免作物与切刀之间滑动,切碎力更加省力和提高工作效率等前提下,动刀可设计为V型,定刀设计为长方形。 关键词:饲料需求;机械收割;机械切碎;切碎长度 Abstract Si
nce Chi
na's reform a
nd ope
ng up, a
nimal husba
ndry has also followed the rapid eco
nomic developme
nt, so that the a
nimal husba
ndry dema
nd for feed more a
nd more, the traditio
nal feed ca
no lo
nger meet the curre
nt a
nimal husba
ndry. At the same time, we pla
nted gree
n cor
n which ca
n be used as the origi
nal cost of feed,
not o
nly the pla
ng area is big a
nd the distributio
n is wide, but the machi
ne worki
ng level of harvesti
ng a
nd succeedi
ng processi
ng is low, it
needs a lot of artificial to complete, thus ca
not optimize the a
nimal husba
ndry to feed dema
nd i
ncy questio
n. This graduatio
n project uses the former Soviet U
n gree
n cor
n harvesti
ng a
nd cutti
ng machi
ne origi
nal cutti
ng structure, co
ng tra
n structure, cutti
ng a
nd throwi
ng the structure a
nd other major structures, desig
n a gree
n cor
n harvesti
ng a
nd cutti
ng machi
ne ca
n be fi
nished harvesti
ng gree
n cor
n, chopped gree
n cor
n, recovery of gree
n cor
n a
nd other operatio
ns. The gree
n cor
n harvesti
ng a
nd shreddi
ng machi
ne desig
ned i
n this project, is aimed at small-scale a
nimal husba
ndry o
n the dema
nd of gree
n cor
n harvesti
ng a
nd cutti
ng machi
ne desig
n, the tractor is the tractio
n of agricultural tractors, the use of rotary as a cutter, cutti
ng way by the ratchet k
nife arou
nd the fi×ed ce
nter poi
nt do rotary moveme
nt, ca
n reduce the power co
n, I
n the improveme
nt of labor productivity, the speed of the cutter shaft ca
n be raised properly so that the ratchet k
nife a
nd the k
nife plate are fi×ed together. I
n order to make the chopped gree
n cor
n feed, the desig
n of chopped le
ngth of 15mm, i
n the shreddi
ng part is the combi
n of the mi
ng k
nife a
nd the fi×ed k
nife, i
n the process of cutti
ng to avoid the crop a
nd cutti
ng betwee
n the slide, the crushi
ng force more effort a
nd improve the efficie
ncy of the premise, the movable k
nife ca
n be desig
ned as a V-shaped, fi×ed k
nife desig
n for recta
ngular. Keywords: feed dema
nd; mecha
nical harvesti
ng; mecha
nical cutti
ng; cutti
ng le
ngth 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1研究目的1 1.2研究意义1 1.3收获工艺2 1.3.1现在收获方式2 1.3.2以前收获方式2 1.4目前青贮饲料收获机发展现状3 1.4.1国外青贮饲料收获机发展现状4 1.4.2国内青贮饲料收获机发展现状4 第2章总体设计方案6 2.1制定设计方案6 2.2制定结构6 2.3工作原理7 2.4重要部件选择9 2.4.1切割器选择10 2.4.2切碎器选择10 2.5圆盘式切割器和滚筒式切碎器设计11 2.5.1圆盘式切割器设计11 2.5.2滚筒式切碎器设计12 2.6碾压辊和喂入辊设计14 2.6.1喂入辊设计14 2.6.2碾压辊设计15 2.7抛送器设计16 第3章部件设计计算18 3.1功率预算18 3.2预算切割器功率损耗18 3.3预算切碎器功率损耗18 3.4预算抛扬器功率损耗19 3.5预算传送带和碾压喂入装置功率损耗19 3.6预算总功率损耗19 第4章传动设计21 4.1设计用V型传动21 4.1.1计算工作时功率21 4.1.2确定使用带型21 4.1.3基准直径d设计21 4.1.4计算小带轮线速度21 4.1.5确定V带中心距和基准长度22 4.1.6计算小带轮实际包角22 4.1.7决定使用带根数23 4.1.8验算单带承受初拉力23 4.1.9压轴力确定23 4.1.10带轮设计具体结果24 4.2确定锥齿轮传动设计24 4.2.1齿轮类型设计24 4.2.2确定齿轮精度等级24 4.2.3确定齿轮材料和齿数24 4.2.4根据接触疲劳强度来设计齿轮25 4.2.5根据齿根弯曲疲劳强度来设计锥形齿轮28 4.2.6计算齿轮几何尺寸30 4.2.7设计结果31 4.4确定滚子链传动31 4.3.1齿数31 4.3.2实际工作功率31 4.3.3节数31 4.3.4节距32 4.3.5链长32 4.3.6中心距32 4.3.7链速33 4.3.8轮毂33 4.3.9轴上力和圆周力33 第5章输入轴设计34 5.1确定输入轴实际情况34 5.2计算作用在带轮上力34 5.3初步对输入轴最小直径设计35 5.4输入轴结构36 5.5输入轴上静载荷37 5.6校核输入强度38 5.7疲劳强度校核38 第6章铺助部件设计39 6.1防尘装置设计39 6.2外壳设计39 结论40 参考文献42 致谢43
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