手机电池激光点焊自动机-焊片切断上料系统设计 摘要 21世纪,随着手机行业以迅雷不及掩耳之势发展壮大,锂电池也随之应用到手机行业中。电阻点焊是我国目前使用比较广泛的技术之一,这种焊接方式的优点在于其可实现自动化和量产的机械化,生产效率较高等比较多的优点。当然也不可避免的存在一切弊端,其中就有:因为焊点比较小损伤位置检测非常困难,可能造成焊点粘连,焊接处连接强度较低等。伴随着焊接技术的发展和壮大,激光焊接、超声波焊接等越来越多的新兴焊接技术都可以应用到锂电池的焊接当中。点焊呈现出越来越多样化,就目前而言使用的焊接技术有:电阻点焊、电弧点焊、胶结点焊等多种焊接方法。 目前已经被广范使用的全新的电池焊接方式——激光点焊接,和以前的电阻点焊相比有着非常多的优势。它是一种利用高能量的光束作为焊接热源的焊接方式。在以前主要用来焊接比较薄的工件和,激光焊接的过程就是用光加热工件,简单的来说就是利用激光照射工件需要焊接的地方,工件表面获得热量通过工件向工件的内部加热,使需要焊接的部位融化,从而达到焊接的目的。正是基于其独特的优点,目前国内已成功作用于微小零件的精密焊接当中去。从而可以看出,这个焊接方式是焊接方法中重要的方面之一。 在2014年7月,中国的焊接专家获得了国内外焊接领域最高的学术奖--布鲁克奖,中国的激光焊接水平首次得到了世界的肯定。那么这就意味着,我国的激光焊接技术目前已经处于世界先进的水平,逐步掌握了使用激光成形超过12平方米。这项技术已经运用到许许多多的工业加工方面,为我国的工业发展奠定了良好的基矗 关键词:锂电池,焊接技术,焊片切断 Mobile pho
ne battery laser spot weldi
ng robot - weldi
ng sheet cutter feedi
ng system Abstract I
n 21st ce
ntury, with the rapid developme
nt of the mobile pho
ne i
ndustry, lithium batteries also will be applied to the mobile pho
ne i
ndustry. Curre
ntly usi
ng more resista
nce spot weldi
ng, this weldi
ng ca
n be automated a
nd mecha
nized productio
n, high productio
n efficie
ncy. Adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages, difficult to detect the prese
nce of damage locatio
n, spot adhesio
n, low weld bo
ng stre
ngth. With the developme
nt of weldi
ng tech
nology, weldi
ng tech
nology more a
nd more to the lithium battery soldered them. Laser weldi
ng, ultraso
nic weldi
ng a
nd the like. Spot weldi
ng also diversify, there are curre
ntly used a variety of methods for resista
nce spot weldi
ng, arc weldi
ng, spot weldi
ng a
nd other ceme
nt. Laser weldi
ng as a
new weldi
ng tech
nology is widely used, compared with the previous resista
nce spot weldi
ng has a lot of adva
ntages. Laser weldi
ng tech
nique, is the use of high e
nergy de
nsity of the laser beam as a heat source a
nd efficie
nt precisio
n weldi
ng. Laser weldi
ng is o
ne of the importa
nt aspects of laser materials processi
ng tech
nology applicatio
ns. 1970 is mai
nly used i
n weldi
ng of thi
n-walled material a
nd low speed weldi
ng, the weldi
ng process is hot co
n type, that laser radiatio
n heati
ng the surface, the surface of the heat through the heat tra
nsfer based i
nal diffusio
n, by co
ng the laser pulse width, e
nergy, peak power a
nd repetitio
n rate a
nd other parameters, are welded parts melt, travel a specific pool. Hesitatio
n has u
nique adva
ntages, has bee
n successfully used i
n precisio
n weldi
ng of small parts. At prese
nt, the domestic laser weldi
ng is already i
n the world's adva
nced level, with the use of laser formi
ng more tha
n 12 square meters of the complex tita
nium. Key Words Lithium batteries, weldi
ng tech
nology, weldi
ng sheet cutter 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究意义2 1.3研究内容2 第2章技术背景介绍4 2.1世界焊接技术的发展情况4 2.2国内焊接技术的发展情况4 2.3国内焊接技术的展望5 第3章焊片切断上料系统的设计6 3.1功能设计6 3.2概要设计6 3.3详细设计8 3.3.1四位分度回转工作台的选择8 3.3.2气动缸的选择9 3.3.3焊片上料设计11 3.3.4电机的选择12 3.3.5焊接激光头的选择13 第4章手机电池夹具的设计15 4.1夹具的设计及工作状态15 4.2本夹具的优点16 结论17 参考文献18 谢辞19
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