塑料垃圾桶注塑成型工艺及模具设计 摘要 由于塑料具有多数金属和其它非金属无法比拟的优点,所以近年来塑料具发展尤为迅速。在现代工业和日用产品中,越来越多的塑料制品代替了以往的多类产品,而模具作为塑件的成型技术也得到了迅速发展。 塑料模具现阶段在模具设计中采用了大量的新技术,新工艺和新材料。模具设计已经成为一种综合型技术。塑料的主要成分是聚合物,如我们常见的ABS塑料便是丙烯腈、丁二烯、苯乙烯这三种单体采用乳液、本体或悬浮聚合法生产,使它具有三种单体的优越性能和可模塑性,且在一定的温度和压力下注射到模具型腔,产生流动变形,获得型腔形状,保压冷却后顶出成塑料产品。注射模具的主要组成部件有定模板、动模板、复位杆、顶杆、导柱等。 塑料注射模具是现阶段所有塑料模具中使用最为广泛的模具,它能够成型复杂的高精度的塑料制品。塑料模具设计的主要内容包括塑料制品的几何形状、尺寸精度和表面质量。 塑料模具设计的基础知识主要包括:注射模具的分类、注射模具与注射机的关系、浇注系统的设计、成型零件的结构设计(模具分型面的选择与凹模、凸模、型芯的设计以及组合形式)。注射模具设计的过程中每个零件的设计步骤一般由产品分析及零件选择、塑件几何特性分析、注射成型机的选择、注射成型机参数的校核、浇注系统的设计、成型零件的机构设计、成型零件的尺寸、加热冷却装置的设计以及模具的零件等组成。 关键词塑料;注塑成型工艺;塑料模具;注射机;注射模具 Abstract Plastics have developed especially rapidly i
n rece
nt years because of their adva
ntages over ma
ny metals a
nd other
nmetals. I
n moder
n i
ndustry a
nd daily products, more a
nd more plastic products have replaced ma
ny ki
nds of products i
n the past, a
nd the moldi
ng tech
nology of molds as plastic parts has also bee
n rapidly developed. At prese
nt, a lot of
new tech
new tech
nology a
new materials are used i
n the moder
n mould desig
n. Mold desig
n has become a comprehe
nsive tech
nology. The mai
n compo
nt of plastic is polymer. As we ofte
n say the ABS is co
ntractile, buta
ne a
nd polystyre
ne usi
ng three ki
nds of mo
nomer emulsio
n or suspe
n polymerizatio
n, o
ntology productio
n, has the better performa
nce of three ki
nds of mo
nomers a
nd moldi
ng, i
n u
nder certai
n temperature a
nd pressure to the mold cavity a
nd flow deformatio
n, get the cavity shape, the holdi
ng out i
nto plastic products after cooli
ng. The mai
n compo
nts of i
n mould i
nclude fixed template, movi
ng template, reset bar, top bar, guide post, etc. Plastic i
n mould is the most widely used plastic mould, which ca
n form complex a
nd high precisio
n plastic products. The mai
n co
nt of plastic product desig
n i
ncludes plastic products Geometric shape, dime
n precisio
n a
nd surface quality. The basic k
nowledge of plastic mold desig
n i
nclude the classificatio
n of the i
n mold, i
n mold, a
nd the relatio
nship betwee
n the i
n machi
ne (basic tech
nical parameters a
nd the basic process parameters of checki
ng) whe
n choosi
ng i
n mouldi
ng machi
ne, the structure of the desig
n of gati
ng system, moldi
ng parts desig
n, mold parti
ng surface selectio
n a
nd the desig
n of the die, pu
nch, cores a
nd combi
ns). Each of the parts i
n the desig
n process of the i
n mould desig
n steps of the ge
neral by product a
nalysis a
nd selectio
n of parts, plastic parts geometric characteristics a
nalysis, the choice of i
n moldi
ng machi
ne, i
n moldi
ng machi
ne parameters of the check, the desig
n of gati
ng system, moldi
ng parts desig
n, moldi
ng parts size, heati
ng a
nd cooli
ng device desig
n a
nd mould parts, etc. Keywords plastic; the craft that plastics of i
ng model; plastics mold;i
nject machi
ne ;i
n mold 目录 1.绪论1 1.1塑料模具的发展状况1 1.2注射模具设计简要2 第2章塑料的成型工艺4 2.1注塑成型工艺4 2.2塑料制品的设计6 第3章塑料注射模具设计9 3.1塑料注射模具设计基础知识9 3.2塑料注射模具设计16 3.3塑料注射模具零件设计25 结论30 致谢31 参考文献32 参考文献32
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