圆柱滑块加工工艺规程制定及钻φ4孔专用夹具设计 摘要 机械制造工艺学课程设计是我们学完了大学的全部基础课、技术基础课以及大部分专业课之后进行的.这是我们在进行设计之前对所学各课程的一次深入的综合性的总复习,也是一次理论联系实际的训练,因此,它在我们四年的大学生活中占有重要的地位。 这次设计的是圆柱滑块,有零件图、毛坯图、装配图、夹具体零件图各一张,机械加工工艺过程卡片和与所设计夹具对应那道工序的工序卡片各一张。首先我们要熟悉零件,题目所给的零件是滑块。了解了滑块的作用,接下来根据零件的性质和零件图上各端面的粗糙度确定毛坯的尺寸和机械加工余量。然后我们再根据定位基准先确定精基准,后确定粗基准,最后拟定滑块的工艺路线图,制定该工件的夹紧方案,画出夹具装配图和夹具体零件图。 Abstract The course desig
n of mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology is carried out after we have completed all the basic courses, tech
nical basic courses a
nd most of the specialized courses i
n the u
niversity. It is a comprehe
nsive review of all the courses we have lear
ned before we carry out the graduatio
n desig
n. It is also a trai
ng of i
ng theory with practice. Therefore, it occupies a
n importa
nt positio
n i
n our four-year u
niversity life. This desig
n is the e
nd cap. There are o
ne part drawi
ng, bla
nk drawi
ng, assembly drawi
ng a
nd fixture body part drawi
ng, o
ne process card for machi
ng process a
nd o
ne process card correspo
ng to the desig
ned fixture. First of all, we should be familiar with the parts. The parts give
n by the title are e
nd caps. U
ng the role of the e
nd cap, a
nd the
n accordi
ng to the
nature of the parts a
nd the rough
ness of each e
nd surface o
n the part drawi
ng to determi
ne the size of the bla
nk a
nd machi
ng allowa
nce. The
n, accordi
ng to the positio
ng datum, we first determi
ne the precise datum, a
nd the
n determi
ne the rough datum. Fi
nally, we draw up the process roadmap of the e
nd cover, formulate the clampi
ng scheme of the workpiece, a
nd draw the fixture assembly drawi
ngs a
nd the fixture body parts drawi
ng 目录 1零件的工艺分析及生产类型的确定1 1.1零件的用途1 1.2零件的技术要求1 1.3、审查零件的工艺性2 1.4、确定零件的生产类型2 2、确定毛坯、绘制毛胚简图2 2.1选择毛坯2 2.2确定毛坯的尺寸公差和机械加工余量2 2.2.1公差等级2 2.2.2零件铸造毛坯尺寸工差及加工余量3 2.2.3绘制零件毛坯简图3 3拟定零件工艺路线3 3.1定位基准的选择3 3.1.1精基准的选择3 3.2.2粗基准的选择3 3.2 、表面加工方法的确定3 3.3加工阶段的划分4 3.4工序的集中与分散5 3.5工序顺序的安排5 3.5.1机械加工工序5 3.5.2热处理工序5 3.5.3辅助工序5 3.6确定工艺路线5 4加工余量、工序尺寸和工差的确定7 5切削用量、时间定额的计算8 5.1切削用量的计算8 5.1.1钻孔工步8 5.1.2粗铰工步8 5.1.3精铰工步8 5.2时间定额的计算9 5.2.1基本时间tj的计算9 5.2.2辅助时间ta的计算9 5.2.3其他时间的计算10 5.2.4单件时间tdj的计算10 6夹具设计11 6.1提出问题11 6.2设计思想11 6.3夹具设计12 6.3.1定位分析12 6.3.2切削力的计算12 6.3.3夹紧力的分析14 6.3.4夹具操作说明14 6.3.5确定导向装置15 7.体会与展望15 8.参考文献16
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