Title: Cw5-120 press commutator assembly process a
nd fixture desig
n Abstract:Part of the preparatio
n processi
ng, i
n processi
ng machi
nery occupies very importa
nt positio
n, part process system is reaso
nable, which is directly related to the fi
nal part quality requireme
nts ca
n be met; fixture desig
n is a
n i
nsable part of, it is related to ca
n improve the efficie
ncy of the problem. Therefore both i
n the mecha
nical processi
ng i
ndustry is a vital li
nk. I
n machi
ne tool of mecha
nical parts of the process, i
n order to e
nsure the processi
ng precisio
n of the workpiece, first of all to guara
ntee the workpiece holds the correct positio
n o
n the machi
ne, the
n by clampi
ng the workpiece i
n the correct positio
n is fixed, this task is by the machi
ne tool fixture. For si
ngle a
nd small batch productio
n, the use of u
niversal fixture should be as far as possible, so that the productio
n cost of the workpiece ca
n be reduced. But because the u
niversal fixture is suitable for various workpiece clampi
ng, so clampi
ng te
nd to spe
nd more time a
nd the operatio
n is complex, the productio
n efficie
ncy is low, it is difficult to guara
ntee machi
ng accuracy, so it is
necessary to desig
n a special fixture. The desig
n co
nt i
nvolves the mecha
nical ma
ng process a
nd machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tools, tolera
nce a
nd measureme
nt a
nd other aspects of k
nowledge. Keywords : process, process, cutti
ng dosage, clampi
ng, positio
ng 目录 1序言3 2零件的分析4 2.1零件的形状4 2.2零件的工艺分析5 3工艺规程设计6 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式6 3.2基面的选择6 3.3制定工艺路线6 3.4选择加工设备和工艺装备7 3.4.1机床选用7 3.4.2选择刀具8 3.5确定切削用量及基本工时8 4夹具设计9 4.1研究原始质料9 4.2定位、夹紧方案的选择9 4.3切削力及夹紧力的计算10 4.4误差分析与计算11 4.5钻套、衬套、钻模板设计与选用12 4.6确定夹具体结构尺寸和总体结构12 参考文献13
nd fixture desig
n Abstract:Part of the preparatio
n processi
ng, i
n processi
ng machi
nery occupies very importa
nt positio
n, part process system is reaso
nable, which is directly related to the fi
nal part quality requireme
nts ca
n be met; fixture desig
n is a
n i
nsable part of, it is related to ca
n improve the efficie
ncy of the problem. Therefore both i
n the mecha
nical processi
ng i
ndustry is a vital li
nk. I
n machi
ne tool of mecha
nical parts of the process, i
n order to e
nsure the processi
ng precisio
n of the workpiece, first of all to guara
ntee the workpiece holds the correct positio
n o
n the machi
ne, the
n by clampi
ng the workpiece i
n the correct positio
n is fixed, this task is by the machi
ne tool fixture. For si
ngle a
nd small batch productio
n, the use of u
niversal fixture should be as far as possible, so that the productio
n cost of the workpiece ca
n be reduced. But because the u
niversal fixture is suitable for various workpiece clampi
ng, so clampi
ng te
nd to spe
nd more time a
nd the operatio
n is complex, the productio
n efficie
ncy is low, it is difficult to guara
ntee machi
ng accuracy, so it is
necessary to desig
n a special fixture. The desig
n co
nt i
nvolves the mecha
nical ma
ng process a
nd machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tools, tolera
nce a
nd measureme
nt a
nd other aspects of k
nowledge. Keywords : process, process, cutti
ng dosage, clampi
ng, positio
ng 目录 1序言3 2零件的分析4 2.1零件的形状4 2.2零件的工艺分析5 3工艺规程设计6 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式6 3.2基面的选择6 3.3制定工艺路线6 3.4选择加工设备和工艺装备7 3.4.1机床选用7 3.4.2选择刀具8 3.5确定切削用量及基本工时8 4夹具设计9 4.1研究原始质料9 4.2定位、夹紧方案的选择9 4.3切削力及夹紧力的计算10 4.4误差分析与计算11 4.5钻套、衬套、钻模板设计与选用12 4.6确定夹具体结构尺寸和总体结构12 参考文献13