摘要 本次课程设计是关于圆柱滑块工艺编制及其专用夹具的设计。根据工作条件,选取了对圆柱滑块的专用夹具的设计。首先对圆柱滑块的工艺编制的概述;接着分析了圆柱滑块的工艺路线及加工过程的工序切削参数;然后根据这些设计准则与计算选型方法按照给定参数要求进行具体工艺编制的计算;接着对所选择的工序进行了校核,较为详细的设计出了圆柱滑块的加工工序。最后简单的说明了圆柱滑块的专用夹具的构型、功能。在圆柱滑块的制造及其应用方面,目前我国与国外先进水平相比仍有较大差距,国内在专用夹具设计制造带过程中存在着很多不足。 Abstract This course desig
n is about cyli
ndrical slider preparatio
n a
nd its special fixture desig
n process.Accordi
ng to the worki
ng co
ns, the selectio
n of the cyli
nder block of special fixture desig
n. The first ge
neral overview of the process of the cyli
nder block; The
n a
nalyzed the way of the cyli
nder block a
nd the processi
ng work step of the process of cutti
ng parameters; The
n accordi
ng to these desig
n criteria a
nd selectio
n method accordi
ng to the calculatio
n of give
n parameter requireme
nts for specific process; The
n has carried o
n the check step for the selected work, detailed desig
n of the cyli
nder block. Fi
nally simply illustrates the special fixture of cyli
nder block of co
n a
nd fu
n. I
n terms of ma
ng cyli
ndrical slide block a
nd its applicatio
n, at prese
nt our cou
ntry compared with foreig
n adva
nced level there is still a large gap, the domestic i
n the process of special fixture desig
n a
nd ma
ng with there are ma
ny shortcomi
ngs. 目录 1.零件的分析1 1.1零件的结构分析1 1.2零件的工艺过程分析2 2.零件的工艺过程分析2 2.1基准的选择2 2.1.1粗基准的选择2 2.1.2精基准的选择2 2.2制定工艺路线3 2.3机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定5 3.工序设计6 3.1选择加工设备6 3.2选择工艺装备6 3.2.1选择夹具6 3.2.2选择刀具6 3.2.3选择量具6 4.Φ30孔的专用夹具设计6 4.1定位方案的设计6 4.2定位误差分析与计算7 4.3导向元件设计7 4.4确定切削用量及基本工时7 4.4.1切削用量及基本工时计算7 参考文献12
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