Gearbox Desig
n of 750KW [Abstract] This paper i
ntroduces the applicatio
n of 750KW gearbox i
n mud pump. The structure size of NBQ-600 mud pump should meet the requireme
nts of i
n a
nd arra
nt. Gearbox is a ki
nd of ge
neral tra
n device, which ca
n co
nvert the i
nput parameters of the origi
nal mecha
nism of mud pump i
nto the output parameters
needed by mud pump, so the quality of gearbox ofte
n determi
nes the performa
nce of mud pump. Therefore, gear a
nd shaft desig
n is very importa
nt. The gearbox desig
n of 750KW i
n this paper mai
nly i
ncludes the selectio
n of prime mover, the calculatio
n of motio
n a
nd dy
namic parameters of gearbox, the calculatio
n of structural parameters of gearbox, the desig
n a
nd check of gear, the desig
n a
nd check of shaft, a
nd the selectio
n of mai
n parts. Material selectio
n a
nd structural a
nalysis a
nd desig
n of gearbox. The mud pump imports the mud from the ta
nk i
nto the oil well, while the NBQ-600 mud pump adopts the pisto
n pump, which is the pri
nciple of the pisto
n pump duri
ng the reciprocati
ng moveme
nt of the pisto
n, whe
n the pisto
n is moved out, the outlet co
ntrol valve closes u
nder its weight a
nd pressure drop. The i
nput co
ntrol valve ope
ns u
nder the pressure drop. Empty the pump cavity. Whe
n the pisto
n ope
ns i
nward, the pressure i
n the pump chamber i
ncreases, causi
ng the i
nlet reverse door to close a
nd the outlet reverse door to ope
n. To push the fluid i
nto the exhaust pipe. The load coefficie
nt, rotatio
nal speed a
nd torque of mud pump are relatively large. I
n the harsh e
nt of oil exploitatio
n, the 750KW desig
ned by us is cha
nged. The gearbox
needs to meet the power a
nd stability requireme
nts of oil exploitatio
n. Therefore, the gearbox desig
ned by 750KW must have the characteristics of high tra
n efficie
ncy, high load coefficie
nt, compact structure, stable operatio
n a
nd co
nt i
n. [Key words] Mud pump, gearbox, gear, shap 目录 中文摘要I 外文摘要II 前言1 1绪论2 1.1国内外变速箱发展现状2 1.2变速箱设计基本理念3 2变速箱中主要参数与计算6 2.1变速箱的主要参数6 2.2各齿轮参数及强度计算10 2.3确定齿轮侧隙与齿厚偏差17 3轴承选型与键连接22 3.1轴承的选型22 3.2轴承的校核计算23 3.3键的选型与校核计算25 4变速箱的密封与润滑27 4.1变速箱的密封27 4.2齿轮的润滑27 4.3轴承的密封27 5变速箱的结构设计28 5.1箱体的结构尺寸28 5.2变速箱的结构形式28 5.3主要零件图28 5.4变速箱总成33 6总结34 参考文献35 致谢36
n of 750KW [Abstract] This paper i
ntroduces the applicatio
n of 750KW gearbox i
n mud pump. The structure size of NBQ-600 mud pump should meet the requireme
nts of i
n a
nd arra
nt. Gearbox is a ki
nd of ge
neral tra
n device, which ca
n co
nvert the i
nput parameters of the origi
nal mecha
nism of mud pump i
nto the output parameters
needed by mud pump, so the quality of gearbox ofte
n determi
nes the performa
nce of mud pump. Therefore, gear a
nd shaft desig
n is very importa
nt. The gearbox desig
n of 750KW i
n this paper mai
nly i
ncludes the selectio
n of prime mover, the calculatio
n of motio
n a
nd dy
namic parameters of gearbox, the calculatio
n of structural parameters of gearbox, the desig
n a
nd check of gear, the desig
n a
nd check of shaft, a
nd the selectio
n of mai
n parts. Material selectio
n a
nd structural a
nalysis a
nd desig
n of gearbox. The mud pump imports the mud from the ta
nk i
nto the oil well, while the NBQ-600 mud pump adopts the pisto
n pump, which is the pri
nciple of the pisto
n pump duri
ng the reciprocati
ng moveme
nt of the pisto
n, whe
n the pisto
n is moved out, the outlet co
ntrol valve closes u
nder its weight a
nd pressure drop. The i
nput co
ntrol valve ope
ns u
nder the pressure drop. Empty the pump cavity. Whe
n the pisto
n ope
ns i
nward, the pressure i
n the pump chamber i
ncreases, causi
ng the i
nlet reverse door to close a
nd the outlet reverse door to ope
n. To push the fluid i
nto the exhaust pipe. The load coefficie
nt, rotatio
nal speed a
nd torque of mud pump are relatively large. I
n the harsh e
nt of oil exploitatio
n, the 750KW desig
ned by us is cha
nged. The gearbox
needs to meet the power a
nd stability requireme
nts of oil exploitatio
n. Therefore, the gearbox desig
ned by 750KW must have the characteristics of high tra
n efficie
ncy, high load coefficie
nt, compact structure, stable operatio
n a
nd co
nt i
n. [Key words] Mud pump, gearbox, gear, shap 目录 中文摘要I 外文摘要II 前言1 1绪论2 1.1国内外变速箱发展现状2 1.2变速箱设计基本理念3 2变速箱中主要参数与计算6 2.1变速箱的主要参数6 2.2各齿轮参数及强度计算10 2.3确定齿轮侧隙与齿厚偏差17 3轴承选型与键连接22 3.1轴承的选型22 3.2轴承的校核计算23 3.3键的选型与校核计算25 4变速箱的密封与润滑27 4.1变速箱的密封27 4.2齿轮的润滑27 4.3轴承的密封27 5变速箱的结构设计28 5.1箱体的结构尺寸28 5.2变速箱的结构形式28 5.3主要零件图28 5.4变速箱总成33 6总结34 参考文献35 致谢36