秸秆饲料压块机设计 摘要 合理有效地利用农作物秸秆资源,是发展农村畜牧业、促进农村经济发展的一个重要课题。我国目前年产粮食4亿多吨,同时产生各种农作物秸秆5亿多吨,其数量近乎于我国北方草原每年打草盘的50倍之多。目前,饲料短缺是制约农区家畜养殖的一个重要因素。同时,我国巨大的秸秆资源却只有很少一部分被有效地利用起来,因此,开发秸秆资源是十分迫切的和必要的. 秸秆压块更利于饲料的储存运输。通过压块设备将秸秆压缩成体积较小的块状物体越来越深受人们的青睐。此次设计,我们进行了充分的调查研究,并分析了国内现有压块设备的结构性能的优缺点,最后决定用平模压块结构进行设计。同时又吸取了以往的设计经验,进行了必要的改进。然后用solid-works等软件工具,进行实体建模。特别对于秸秆压块机的碾压装置等核心装置进行了较为深入的研究,在本文中也进行了大篇幅的叙述。计算的方法也多为国际上较为通用的计算方式,为了提高生产效率,我们采用了螺旋进料装置,而最后综合实际生产需要和各个部件的设计参数,最后确定了包括箱体等零件机构的的基本尺寸,建模之后有根据一些工艺生产和外观需求进行了一些改进,最终形成了该设计成品。 关键词:秸秆;压块;压辊式;平模 Abstract The ratio
nal a
nd effective use of crop straw resources is a
n importa
nt issue for the developme
nt of rural a
nimal husba
ndry a
nd rural eco
nomic developme
nt. At prese
nt, Chi
na produces more tha
n 400 millio
n to
ns of grai
n per year, a
nd produces more tha
n 500 millio
n to
ns of various crop straws at the same time, which is
nearly 50 times as much as the a
nual grass - mowi
ng tray i
n the
n grassla
nds of Chi
na. At prese
nt, feed shortage is a
n importa
nt factor restricti
ng livestock breedi
ng i
n agricultural areas. At the same time, o
nly a few of the huge straw resources i
n our cou
ntry have bee
n used effectively. therefore, it is very urge
nt a
necessary to develop straw resources. The straw briquetti
ng ca
n make the straw co
nt to store. It has bee
n paid more a
nd more atte
n to compress straw i
nto blocks with certai
n shape a
nd large de
nsity by mecha
nical compressio
n. I
n this paper, the structure of straw briquetti
ng machi
ne is a
nalyzed, a
nd the reaso
nable parameters a
nd sizes are obtai
ned through the comprehe
nsive study of moisture co
nt a
nd rotatio
n speed of the ri
ng mold. A
nd the
n use Solid-works a
nd other software tools, e
ntity modeli
ng. The compressio
n part of the straw briquetti
ng machi
ne was optimized by desig
n a
nd calculatio
n, a
nd its structure was further a
nalyzed. Mea
nwhile, a spiral feedi
ng device is adopted to improve the co
ng efficie
ncy. Fi
nally, the size a
nd related parameters suitable for productio
n co
ns are co
nsidered comprehe
nsively, so that the straw feed briquetti
ng machi
ne ca
n work more efficie
ntly. Keywords:Straw ; briquetti
ng; press roll; flat-die 目录 第1章绪论3 1.1研究的目的和意义3 1.2国内外研究进展5 1.2.1秸秆压缩理论的发展5 1.2.2国外压缩设备情况8 1.3生物质压缩成型设备8 1.3.1螺旋挤压式成8 1.3.2活塞冲压式成型机9 1.3.3压辊式颗粒成型机10 1.3.4生物质压缩成型设备性能比较11 第2章秸秆压块机的总体方案及传动装置设计13 2.1秸秆压块机总体方案的确定13 2.2秸秆压块机传动装置的总体设计13 第3章秸秆压块机动力参数的设计及传动比分配15 3.1电机的选择及确定15 3.2传动比的计算及分配17 3.2.1传动比的计算17 3.2.2传动比的分配17 第4章秸秆压块机主要零部件的设计18 4.1 V带传动的设计及校核18 4.2齿轮传动的设计及校核19 4.3碾压装置的设计21 4.3.1平模的设计21 4.3.2压辊的设计21 4.3.3轴承端盖的设计22 4.4主轴的设计计算及校核23 4.4.1传动轴的临界转速23 4.4.2传动轴极速转矩23 4.4.3传动轴的长度选择24 4.4.4传动轴内外径的确定24 4.4.5传动轴扭转强度校核24 4.4.6花键内外径确定24 4.4.7花键挤压强度校核25 4.4.8传动轴形位公差确定25 第5章轴承的选择26 5.1轴承的分类26 5.1.1圆锥滚子轴承26 5.1.2深沟球轴承26 5.1.3角接触球轴承26 5.2轴承选择的方法27 5.2.1类型选择27 5.2.2游隙选择29 结论32 参考文献33 致谢35
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