This paper is to desig
n the craft processes of maki
ng the CA6140 lever spare parts a
nd some specialized to
ngs i
n the process. The CA6140 lever spare part primarily processes the surface a
nd bores. Ge
nerally speaki
ng, to guara
ntee the accuracy of the flat surface process is easier tha
n that of the bore. Therefore, this desig
n follows the pri
nciple that surface first a
nd the
n the bore, a
nd defi
nitely divides the process of flat surface a
nd bore i
nto coarse processes a
nd precise processes to guara
ntee the bore processes. The basic choice is to co
nsider 45 outside circle as rough basis a
nd to co
nsider 25 bore a
nd its
next surface as precise basis. The bottom is first processed out to be fixed positio
n basis, a
nd process the bore usi
ng the bottom as the precise basis. The whole processes choose the machi
ne bed. I
n the aspects of to
ngs choosi
ng, specialized to
ngs are used. I
n co
n of the simple co
n size of the spare parts, clippi
ng by ha
nds is adopted. It is simple, a
nd the orga
n desig
n is simple, a
nd ca
n satisfy the desig
n request. Key Words craft proces , to
ngs, fixed positio
n, tight clip 目录 摘要Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 1绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2夹具的发展史1 1.3小结2 2 I轴轴承座加工工艺规程设计3 2.1零件的分析3 2.1.1零件的作用3 2.1.2零件的工艺分析3 2.2确定生产类型3 2.3确定毛坯4 2.3.1确定毛坯种类4 2.3.2确定铸件加工余量及形状4 2.3.3绘制铸件零件图4 2.4工艺规程设计4 2.4.1选择定位基准4 2.4.2制定工艺路线5 2.4.3选择加工设备和工艺设备8 2.4.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定9 2.5确定切削用量及基本工时11 2.5.1工序1:车肩胛面成型11 2.5.2工序2:钻,扩φ75中孔,车端面,倒角12 2.5.3工序3:挖环槽16 2.5.4工序4:钻Φ14及3-Φ9的通孔17 2.5.5工序5:攻M10×1.5的螺纹20 2.5.6工序6:铣B,D,C三平面21 2.5.7工序7:钻Φ10的孔22 2.5.8工序8:钻Φ5短斜孔24 2.5.9工序9:钻Φ5长斜孔27 2.5.10工序10:粗镗Φ90的孔29 2.5.11工序11:精镗孔Φ90 30 2.6本章小结32 3专用夹具设计33 3.1钻φ5长斜孔夹具设计说明书33 3.1问题的提出33 3.2夹具的设计33 3.3本章小结40 4钻φ5长斜孔刀具设计说明书41 4.1刀具类型的确定41 4.2刀具设计参数的确定41 4.3刀具工作草图的确定41 5钻φ5长斜孔量具设计说明书42 5.1量具类型的确定42 5.2极限量具尺寸公差的确定42 5.3极限量具尺寸公差图的确定42 5.4极限量具结构设计43 结论44 参考文献45 致谢46
n the craft processes of maki
ng the CA6140 lever spare parts a
nd some specialized to
ngs i
n the process. The CA6140 lever spare part primarily processes the surface a
nd bores. Ge
nerally speaki
ng, to guara
ntee the accuracy of the flat surface process is easier tha
n that of the bore. Therefore, this desig
n follows the pri
nciple that surface first a
nd the
n the bore, a
nd defi
nitely divides the process of flat surface a
nd bore i
nto coarse processes a
nd precise processes to guara
ntee the bore processes. The basic choice is to co
nsider 45 outside circle as rough basis a
nd to co
nsider 25 bore a
nd its
next surface as precise basis. The bottom is first processed out to be fixed positio
n basis, a
nd process the bore usi
ng the bottom as the precise basis. The whole processes choose the machi
ne bed. I
n the aspects of to
ngs choosi
ng, specialized to
ngs are used. I
n co
n of the simple co
n size of the spare parts, clippi
ng by ha
nds is adopted. It is simple, a
nd the orga
n desig
n is simple, a
nd ca
n satisfy the desig
n request. Key Words craft proces , to
ngs, fixed positio
n, tight clip 目录 摘要Ⅰ Abstract Ⅱ 1绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2夹具的发展史1 1.3小结2 2 I轴轴承座加工工艺规程设计3 2.1零件的分析3 2.1.1零件的作用3 2.1.2零件的工艺分析3 2.2确定生产类型3 2.3确定毛坯4 2.3.1确定毛坯种类4 2.3.2确定铸件加工余量及形状4 2.3.3绘制铸件零件图4 2.4工艺规程设计4 2.4.1选择定位基准4 2.4.2制定工艺路线5 2.4.3选择加工设备和工艺设备8 2.4.4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及公差的确定9 2.5确定切削用量及基本工时11 2.5.1工序1:车肩胛面成型11 2.5.2工序2:钻,扩φ75中孔,车端面,倒角12 2.5.3工序3:挖环槽16 2.5.4工序4:钻Φ14及3-Φ9的通孔17 2.5.5工序5:攻M10×1.5的螺纹20 2.5.6工序6:铣B,D,C三平面21 2.5.7工序7:钻Φ10的孔22 2.5.8工序8:钻Φ5短斜孔24 2.5.9工序9:钻Φ5长斜孔27 2.5.10工序10:粗镗Φ90的孔29 2.5.11工序11:精镗孔Φ90 30 2.6本章小结32 3专用夹具设计33 3.1钻φ5长斜孔夹具设计说明书33 3.1问题的提出33 3.2夹具的设计33 3.3本章小结40 4钻φ5长斜孔刀具设计说明书41 4.1刀具类型的确定41 4.2刀具设计参数的确定41 4.3刀具工作草图的确定41 5钻φ5长斜孔量具设计说明书42 5.1量具类型的确定42 5.2极限量具尺寸公差的确定42 5.3极限量具尺寸公差图的确定42 5.4极限量具结构设计43 结论44 参考文献45 致谢46