苹果采摘机械手的设计 摘要: 苹果采摘工作具有较强的复杂性和较低的自动化程度,目前国内水果的采摘工作主要靠手工完成。21世纪是农用机械化向智能自动化机械过渡的关键时期,工业智能自动化对现代农业发展规模化、多样化和精确化十分重要。本文针对小型苹果进行采摘机械手的设计,实现苹果的全程自动化采摘。 本文通过对苹果采摘机械手的采摘环境和采摘特点进行分析,提出一种六自由度小型苹果采摘串联机械手。通过设计3种末端执行器机械结构,使得机械手具有多用途作用,并将机械手与相关辅助装置相结合,实现整个苹果果园采摘过程的自动化。本基于SolidWorks,建立机构的三维模型与仿真分析。根据仿真与试验的结果得出机械手具有良好的采摘性能。该机构解决了人们采摘高处苹果难、苹果采摘工作量大和人工采摘具有一定危险性等缺点,实现了小型苹果等多种苹果不受物理损伤的自动化采摘。 关键词:工业机器人;苹果采摘机器人;机械手;运动学仿真; Abstract: Fruit picki
ngwork is full of a stro
ng complexity a
nd low degree of automatio
n. Now, the harvest of fruit is mai
nly do
ne by ha
nd i
n Chi
na. The 21st ce
ntury is the key period for the tra
n from agricultural mecha
n to i
nt automatio
n machi
nery, a
nd i
ndustrial i
nt automatio
n isvery importa
nt for moder
n agricultural to develop large-scale, diversificatio
n a
nd precisio
n. I
n this paper, the desig
n of picki
ng ma
nipulator for small citrus fruit is to realize thewhole process of fruit picki
ng. This paper a
nalyzes the e
nt of picki
ng a
nd characteristics of the fruit picki
ng ma
nipulator, a
nd puts forwards to a six-degree-of-freedom small citrus picki
ng series ma
nipulator. Through the desig
n of three ki
nds of e
nd executor mecha
nical structure, maki
ng the ma
nipulator has the utility fu
n, a
nd combi
nes the ma
nipulator a
nd the related aided device, realizi
ng the automatio
n of thewhole process of citrus orchard. This paper is based o
n SolidWorks,which establishes the model of three-dime
nal a
nd simulatio
n a
nalysis of the mecha
nism. Accordi
ng to the results of simulatio
n a
nd experime
nt, the mecha
nical ha
nd,we’re sure that it has good picki
ng performa
nce. The age
ncy has solved the fruit, fruit picki
ng people picki
ng highworkload a
nd artificial picki
ng has some shortcomi
ngs, such as risk, realizi
ng the small citrus a
nd other fruit automatic picki
ng is
not subject to physical damage. Keywords: I
ndustrial robot; Fruit picki
ng robot; Ma
nipulator; Ki
nematics simulatio
n 目录 摘要I 第1章绪论1 1.1课题研究背景及意义1 1.2国外研究成果及现状1 1.2.1国外采摘机器人成果及现状1 1.2.2国外末端执行器研制进展情况3 1.3国内研究成果及现状4 1.4主要研究的内容4 第2章苹果采摘机器人机械手机构设计5 2.1小型苹果的生物学特征5 2.2采摘机器人选型原则6 2.3苹果采摘机器人机械手的选型7 2.4本章小结8 第3章苹果采摘机器人总体结构方案设计9 3.1可移动小车底盘10 3.2升降梯10 3.3苹果采摘机械手臂11 3.4苹果采摘执行末端12 3.5电控系统12 3.5.1控制系统12 3.5.2视觉系统12 3.6本章小结13 第4章执行末端的设计14 4.1苹果采摘末端执行器设计的总体原则14 4.2设计三维软件Solidworks简介14 4.3连杆机构设计方案14 4.4半球式设计方案20 4.5半齿设计方案21 4.5.1齿轮传动的计算载荷22 4.6三种方案的优缺点分析24 4.7本章小结25 第5章苹果采摘机械手运动分析26 5.1苹果采摘机器人机械手运动学分析26 5.1.1运动学正解27 5.1.2反解验证28 5.1.3机械手雅可比矩阵的求解28 5.1.4机械手速度和加速度正解分析29 5.2苹果采摘机械手零件理论分析30 5.2.1机械零件疲劳极限的因素30 5.2.2带传动分析31 5.3本章小结32 第6章机械手末端执行器有限元分析33 6.1连杆机构末端执行器模态分析33 6.2半球式设计末端执行器模态分析35 6.3半齿设计末端执行器模态分析37 6.4模态分析总分析39 6.5本章小结40 第7章总结与展望41 参考文献42 致谢44 附录A图纸45 附录B外文文献及翻译51
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