小型液压机主机结构设计与计算 摘要 液压机是一种以液体为工作介质,其系帕斯卡原理制成,是用来传递能量以实现各种工艺的机器。液压机液压传动系统的工作特征是以压力变换为主,其广泛应用于机械工业的许多领域。例如锻压、板料冲压、金属冷挤压、塑料制品、磨料制品、金刚石成形、校正包装、打包、压砖、橡胶注塑成型、海绵钛加工、人造板热压、粉末冶金,乃至炸药模压等十分广泛的不同工业领域。 本文先通过工作要求计算出本设计液压机的主要技术规格,而后进行多种四柱式液压机的方案论证比较,选出最优设计方案。根据最优方案模型,依次设计完成本机(主要)、液压系统和泵站。在设计本机时,按递进原则,优先设计出液压缸各项尺寸参数,然后以设计好的尺寸为基础尺寸逐一完成立柱、横梁和工作台的设计和校核。在设计液压系统时,通过参考相关液压机液压原理图,然后分析本设计液压机所要实现的工作要求,分块设计各部分回路系统,将他们联接在一起,组成本设计液压机的液压系统。在进行泵站的设计时,主要完成液压泵与电机的选用和油箱的设计。最后,将设计好的液压机的各部分零、组件组装在一起,完成了液压机的总装。 本设计液压机具有独立的动力机构和电气系统,采用按钮集中控制,可实现调整、手动及半自动三种工作方式。液压机的工作压力、压制速度,空载快速下行和减速运行的行程和范围,均可根据工艺需要进行调整。并能完成顶出工艺、可带顶出工艺、拉伸工艺三种工艺方式。每种工艺又有定压,定程两种工艺动作供选择。 关键词:液压机;液压缸;立柱;横梁;液压泵;泵站;工作台 Abstract Theworki
ng medium of hydraulic machi
ne is liquid. Hydraulic machi
ng Pri
nciple is the pri
nciple of Pascal, it is used to tra
nsfer e
nergy i
n order to achieve avariety of process. Pressure tra
n is the mai
n Operati
ng characteristic of the hydraulic drive system of hydraulic machi
ne,which iswidely used i
n ma
ny areas of machi
ng i
ndustry. Such as forgi
ng, sheet metal stampi
ng, cold extrusio
n of metal, plastic products, abrasive products, diamo
nd shape, Calibratio
n packagi
ng, packi
ng, pressure blocks, rubber i
n moldi
ng, the processi
ng of tita
nium spo
nge,wood-based pa
nel hot-pressi
ng, powder metallurgy, aswell as Explosives molded a
nd other areaswhich is awide ra
nge of differe
nt i
ndustries. I
n this paper, the requireme
nts to pass out of the hydraulic desig
n of the mai
n tech
nical specificatio
ns of the machi
ne, a
nd the
n carry out avariety of four-pillar hydraulic machi
ne demo
n program compared to the optimal desig
n selected. Program i
n accorda
ncewith the optimal model, followed by the desig
n of the completio
n of this machi
nly), hydraulic systems a
nd pumpi
ng statio
ns. I
n the desig
n of the machi
nes, accordi
ng to progressive pri
nciples, givi
ng priority to desig
n the size parameters of the hydraulic cyli
nder, a
nd the
n usi
ng the good-size o
ne by o
ne based o
n the completio
n of colum
n size to desig
n a
ndverificate the Colum
ns, the beams a
nd the platforms. I
n the desig
n of the hydraulic system, by referri
ng to the Hydraulic schematic of the hydraulic machi
ne, a
nd the
n a
nalyze the desig
n of hydraulic machi
nes i
n order to achieve the operatio
nal requireme
nts of the desig
n ofvarious parts of sub-block loop system, li
ng them together to form the desig
n of the hydraulic system. I
n the desig
n of pumpi
ng statio
ns, the mai
nwork is choosi
ng of the hydraulic pump a
nd the motor, a
nd desig
n of fuel ta
nks. Fi
nally, good desig
n of thevarious parts of hydraulic pressure tozero, compo
nts assembled together to complete the assembly of the hydraulic machi
ne. The desig
n of hydraulic drivi
ng force is a
n i
nt body a
nd electrical system, ce
ntralized co
ntrol of the use of butto
ns, ca
n be achieved to three types ofwork, such as adjusti
ng, ma
nually a
nd semi-automatic. Theworki
ng pressure a
nd the speed of dow
nk a
nd fast
no-load speed a
nd scope of operatio
n of the iti
nerary of the hydraulic machi
ne ca
n be adjusted accordi
ng to process. A
nd to complete the top out process, ca
n taki
ng the top out process, Drawi
ng process. Each process have set-Pressure a
nd Set-ra
nge,will be two-way process for the choice of actio
n. Keyword:Hydraulic machi
ne; hydraulic cyli
nder; colum
ns; beams; hydraulic pump; pumpi
ng statio
n; platforms 目录 引言1 1液压机的基本概况1 1.1液压机的工作原理及液压系统的组成1 1.1.1液压机的工作原理1 1.1.2液压系统的组成2 1.2液压技术的应用与优缺点及发展概况2 1.2.1液压机的发展概况2 1.2.2液压技术的优点及不足3 1.3液压机的用途、特点及技术参数4 2液压机本体结构的设计计算与校核4 2.1本机机构的方案确定4 2.1.1主要技术规格的确定4 2.1.2方案论证选择7 2.2液压缸部件的设计与校核10 2.2.1液压缸的基本尺寸的确定10 2.2.2液压缸结构的设计12 2.2.3液压缸强度的校核13 2.3立柱式机架的设计与校核15 2.3.1立柱的设计15 2.3.2立柱的校核19 2.4横梁的设计与校核25 2.4.1上横梁的设计与校核25 2.4.2活动横梁的设计与校核29 2.5移动工作台及其它辅助装置的设计33 2.5.1工作台结构的设计33 2.5.2工作台与顶出缸的连接方式34 2.5.3固定模具的结构34 2.5.4工作台强度的校核35 3液压机传动系统的设计37 3.1系统图的设计及其分析37 3.1.1动作路线的确定37 3.1.2回路系统的设计38 3.1.3液压系统的工作原理40 3.2液压系统的设计计算41 3.2.1负载的计算41 3.2.2负载图和速度图的绘制及液压缸工作压力的计算42 3.2.3阀类元件的选择42 4液压机动力系统的选择与设计43 4.1动力装置的选择44 4.1.1液压泵工作压力的计算44 4.1.2电动机的选择47 4.2泵站的设计计算48 4.2.1油箱的设计计算48 4.2.2管道的设计计算53 4.3泵站布置56 4.3.1泵站设备的布置56 4.3.2电动机与液压泵的连接方式56 5液压机的总装56 结论58 谢辞59 主要参考文献60
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