Potato is o
ne of the mai
n food crops i
n Chi
na,which has bee
n pla
nted i
n a large area. I
n 2019, Chi
na's potato harvest area a
ndyield ra
nked first i
n theworld. However, although the totalyield is large, the per u
nityield isvery low. The mai
n reaso
n is the backward harvest mode a
nd mecha
n level. Therefore, the curre
nt mai
n task is to improve the si
ngleyield of potato harvest. There are twoways to improve theyield of potato: o
ne is to improve the harvest mode; the other is to improve the mecha
nized harvest level. To improve the level of mecha
nized productio
n is the most effectiveway,which requires that all ki
nds of potato harvesterswith adva
nced performa
nce, high harvesti
ng efficie
ncy, stro
ng u
niversality a
nd adaptability, simple structure a
nd easy to ma
nufacture a
nd mai
n are co
ntly desig
ned a
ndvigorously promoted a
nd applied. The lifti
ng chai
n potato diggi
ng a
nd residual film recycli
ng machi
ne is a ki
nd of potato diggi
ng a
nd residual film recycli
ng machi
ne,which has simple structure, reliablework, high efficie
ncy a
no damage to seed, a
nd is gradually bei
ngwidely used at home a
nd abroad. Keywords: i
ntegrated machi
ne; potato; diggi
ng; residual film; soil ope
ner 目录 1前言6 1.1课题背景和科学意义6 1.2国内外马铃薯收获机的发展现状7 1.2.1国外马铃薯收获机的发展现状7 1.2.2我国马铃薯收获机的发展现状8 1.3设计的主要内容9 1.4马铃薯挖掘与残膜回收一体机主要技术参数9 2总体设计11 2.1总体方案设计11 2.1.1设计原则11 2.1.2基本结构11 2.1.3工作原理12 2.2配套动力的选用12 2.3一体机行走方式的选择13 3传动装置的设计计算14 3.1传动路线的确定14 3.2传动比的计算14 4残膜回收机构的设计16 4.1残膜回收结构参数的设计16 4.1.1残膜回收滚轴尺寸的确定16 4.1.2残膜回收量的计算16 4.2残膜回收器的选型与计算17 4.2.1残膜回收器的性能要求18 4.2.2现有残膜回收器的类型和特点18 4.2.3残膜回收器的选型19 5挖掘机构的设计20 5.1挖掘器的性能要求22 5.2常用挖掘器的挖掘器类和特点22 5.3挖掘量的计算23 5.4挖掘器的性能要求25 5.5挖掘器结构参数的确定25 6输送结构的设计26 6.1输送带的性能要求27 6.2输送带的选型27 7行走结构的设计28 7.1行走器的挖掘器类和特点28 7.2行走器的选型28 7.3设计要求28 7.4行走轮的设计要求28 7.5行走轮的结构29 7.6行走轮转速的计算29 结论31 参考文献32
ne of the mai
n food crops i
n Chi
na,which has bee
n pla
nted i
n a large area. I
n 2019, Chi
na's potato harvest area a
ndyield ra
nked first i
n theworld. However, although the totalyield is large, the per u
nityield isvery low. The mai
n reaso
n is the backward harvest mode a
nd mecha
n level. Therefore, the curre
nt mai
n task is to improve the si
ngleyield of potato harvest. There are twoways to improve theyield of potato: o
ne is to improve the harvest mode; the other is to improve the mecha
nized harvest level. To improve the level of mecha
nized productio
n is the most effectiveway,which requires that all ki
nds of potato harvesterswith adva
nced performa
nce, high harvesti
ng efficie
ncy, stro
ng u
niversality a
nd adaptability, simple structure a
nd easy to ma
nufacture a
nd mai
n are co
ntly desig
ned a
ndvigorously promoted a
nd applied. The lifti
ng chai
n potato diggi
ng a
nd residual film recycli
ng machi
ne is a ki
nd of potato diggi
ng a
nd residual film recycli
ng machi
ne,which has simple structure, reliablework, high efficie
ncy a
no damage to seed, a
nd is gradually bei
ngwidely used at home a
nd abroad. Keywords: i
ntegrated machi
ne; potato; diggi
ng; residual film; soil ope
ner 目录 1前言6 1.1课题背景和科学意义6 1.2国内外马铃薯收获机的发展现状7 1.2.1国外马铃薯收获机的发展现状7 1.2.2我国马铃薯收获机的发展现状8 1.3设计的主要内容9 1.4马铃薯挖掘与残膜回收一体机主要技术参数9 2总体设计11 2.1总体方案设计11 2.1.1设计原则11 2.1.2基本结构11 2.1.3工作原理12 2.2配套动力的选用12 2.3一体机行走方式的选择13 3传动装置的设计计算14 3.1传动路线的确定14 3.2传动比的计算14 4残膜回收机构的设计16 4.1残膜回收结构参数的设计16 4.1.1残膜回收滚轴尺寸的确定16 4.1.2残膜回收量的计算16 4.2残膜回收器的选型与计算17 4.2.1残膜回收器的性能要求18 4.2.2现有残膜回收器的类型和特点18 4.2.3残膜回收器的选型19 5挖掘机构的设计20 5.1挖掘器的性能要求22 5.2常用挖掘器的挖掘器类和特点22 5.3挖掘量的计算23 5.4挖掘器的性能要求25 5.5挖掘器结构参数的确定25 6输送结构的设计26 6.1输送带的性能要求27 6.2输送带的选型27 7行走结构的设计28 7.1行走器的挖掘器类和特点28 7.2行走器的选型28 7.3设计要求28 7.4行走轮的设计要求28 7.5行走轮的结构29 7.6行走轮转速的计算29 结论31 参考文献32