Process specificatio
n a
nd tooli
ng desig
n for cold a
nd hot processi
ng of CA6140 lathe joi
nt parts 摘要 随着社会的发展,机械制造中开始出现自动化,而最早出现的是组合机床的生产线。在这之前,最开始在汽车工业中出现了流水生产线和半自动生产线,但是在之后也慢慢出现全自动化。自动线可以提高生产效率和劳动生产率。也可以降低生产线缩短生产周期和提高产品质量。有显着的经济效益。 此次课题的来源是来自一家小型化的工厂针对他的主导产品——聚氨酯的称重及包装还有输送入库一系列而设计制造的一条生产线。在过去这些工作全部都是靠人工操作的,不但占用人力。而且对于包装和称重方面都没有办法做到准确,人力投资比较大但是对于精确的东西还会控制不准确。制作产品的输出也不能达到连续生产。为了提高生产效率、质量并且减轻工人的劳动强度一定要开发一套专门针对这套生产线的自动装置,可以解决这个问题。此次设计课题试图使用空桶自动上线和成品捅下线需要使用人工之外。其余的称重运输以及密封包装全部采用自动化全套。还可以达到生产成品连续输出。但是这些需要设计机械结构与机构,还需要按照一定的顺序控制零部件的传输。 关键词:称重;包装;输送线 Abstract This desig
n i
nvolves mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology a
nd machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tool, tolera
nce measureme
nt, machi
ng tech
nology, fitti
ngs a
nd so o
n. CA6140 joi
nt parts cold, hot processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n i
ncludes process desig
n, process desig
n a
nd special fixture desig
n three parts. I
n the process desig
n, the process is a
nalyzed first, the process of parts is redesig
ned, a
nd the structure of the billet is redesig
ned. Select parts processi
ng be
nchmark a
nd desig
n parts processi
ng route. The
n the machi
ng allowa
nce a
nd tolera
nce are calculated. I
n the process desig
n, the key is to determi
ne the cutti
ng parameters a
ng seque
nce of the processi
ng equipme
nt, a
nd calculate the time required for each process. The fixture desig
n is the key a
nd difficult poi
nt of thewhole desig
n. First,we
need to select the positio
ng datum, a
nd use the machi
ne tool to desig
n the positio
ng eleme
nts, clampi
ng eleme
nts, guidi
ng eleme
nts a
nd co
nectors. The most importa
nt thi
ng is to calculate the size of the clampi
ng force,which is a key factor i
n the accuracy of machi
ned surface. At the same time, the positio
ng error i
n fixture positio
ng is calculated, the ratio
nality a
nd i
nadequacies of the fixture structure are a
nalyzed, a
nd the future desig
n scheme is put forward, a
nd some suggestio
ns for improveme
nt are put forward. Keywords: Joi
nt parts process pla
ng Process desig
n Fixture desig
n 目录 摘要4 Abstract 5 1引言(或绪论) 7 2生产线的总体设计8 2.1生产线的功能及技术条件8 2.2生产线的组成8 2.3装配图设计12 3生产线的部件设计13 3.1液体产品输出流量自动控制部件设计13 3.2电子称部件设计14 3.3工作台部件设计15 3.4滚珠输送机设计16 3.4.1输送机的结构设计16 3.4.2输送机传动系统设计17 3.4.3机架27 3.4.4传动部件27 3.4.5表面涂装27 3.4.6整机安装27 3.4.7整机运行性能28 3.4.8安全28 3.5气动控制系统设计28 3.6生产线的程序控制过程与电气控制系统设计29 结论30 致谢32 参考文献33
n a
nd tooli
ng desig
n for cold a
nd hot processi
ng of CA6140 lathe joi
nt parts 摘要 随着社会的发展,机械制造中开始出现自动化,而最早出现的是组合机床的生产线。在这之前,最开始在汽车工业中出现了流水生产线和半自动生产线,但是在之后也慢慢出现全自动化。自动线可以提高生产效率和劳动生产率。也可以降低生产线缩短生产周期和提高产品质量。有显着的经济效益。 此次课题的来源是来自一家小型化的工厂针对他的主导产品——聚氨酯的称重及包装还有输送入库一系列而设计制造的一条生产线。在过去这些工作全部都是靠人工操作的,不但占用人力。而且对于包装和称重方面都没有办法做到准确,人力投资比较大但是对于精确的东西还会控制不准确。制作产品的输出也不能达到连续生产。为了提高生产效率、质量并且减轻工人的劳动强度一定要开发一套专门针对这套生产线的自动装置,可以解决这个问题。此次设计课题试图使用空桶自动上线和成品捅下线需要使用人工之外。其余的称重运输以及密封包装全部采用自动化全套。还可以达到生产成品连续输出。但是这些需要设计机械结构与机构,还需要按照一定的顺序控制零部件的传输。 关键词:称重;包装;输送线 Abstract This desig
n i
nvolves mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology a
nd machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tool, tolera
nce measureme
nt, machi
ng tech
nology, fitti
ngs a
nd so o
n. CA6140 joi
nt parts cold, hot processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n i
ncludes process desig
n, process desig
n a
nd special fixture desig
n three parts. I
n the process desig
n, the process is a
nalyzed first, the process of parts is redesig
ned, a
nd the structure of the billet is redesig
ned. Select parts processi
ng be
nchmark a
nd desig
n parts processi
ng route. The
n the machi
ng allowa
nce a
nd tolera
nce are calculated. I
n the process desig
n, the key is to determi
ne the cutti
ng parameters a
ng seque
nce of the processi
ng equipme
nt, a
nd calculate the time required for each process. The fixture desig
n is the key a
nd difficult poi
nt of thewhole desig
n. First,we
need to select the positio
ng datum, a
nd use the machi
ne tool to desig
n the positio
ng eleme
nts, clampi
ng eleme
nts, guidi
ng eleme
nts a
nd co
nectors. The most importa
nt thi
ng is to calculate the size of the clampi
ng force,which is a key factor i
n the accuracy of machi
ned surface. At the same time, the positio
ng error i
n fixture positio
ng is calculated, the ratio
nality a
nd i
nadequacies of the fixture structure are a
nalyzed, a
nd the future desig
n scheme is put forward, a
nd some suggestio
ns for improveme
nt are put forward. Keywords: Joi
nt parts process pla
ng Process desig
n Fixture desig
n 目录 摘要4 Abstract 5 1引言(或绪论) 7 2生产线的总体设计8 2.1生产线的功能及技术条件8 2.2生产线的组成8 2.3装配图设计12 3生产线的部件设计13 3.1液体产品输出流量自动控制部件设计13 3.2电子称部件设计14 3.3工作台部件设计15 3.4滚珠输送机设计16 3.4.1输送机的结构设计16 3.4.2输送机传动系统设计17 3.4.3机架27 3.4.4传动部件27 3.4.5表面涂装27 3.4.6整机安装27 3.4.7整机运行性能28 3.4.8安全28 3.5气动控制系统设计28 3.6生产线的程序控制过程与电气控制系统设计29 结论30 致谢32 参考文献33