The title is box processi
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n. Mecha
nical process specificatio
n desig
n a
nd special fixture desig
n are carried out accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of drawi
ngs. After masteri
ng the most basicwhat parts are used for,wewill have a detailed u
ng of the releva
nt processes of these parts. The subject of this paper has bee
n settled a
nd the special milli
ng fixture for milli
ng the upper surface of the box has bee
n desig
ned.The k
nowledge poi
nts i
n the paper mai
nly i
nclude desig
n a
nd tolera
nce of machi
ne tool fixture.First, the parts to be processed are u
nderstood a
nd a
nalyzed i
n order to process them more precisely a
nd determi
ne the sta
ndard of the parts to be processed. The
n, the releva
nt data required for differe
nt steps are calculated. Whe
n desig
ng the fixture, there are the followi
ng aspects:what is the positio
n of the parts o
n the fixture,what is the clampi
ng time, a
nd these guide departme
nts.What do the parts look like?Most importa
n positio
ng parts, there must be deviatio
n. This deviatio
n should
not be too surprisi
ng. It should bewithi
n a certai
n ra
nge so that it ca
n be improved later o
n the adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages of fixture are fully k
n. After the desig
n, releva
nt a
nalysis a
nd releva
nt data have bee
n calculated, this paper is really a good o
ne. Itwill
not o
nly review the professio
nal k
nowledge lear
ned i
n the school for such a lo
ng time, but also provide some experie
nce for its futurework. Keywords: box; processi
ng tech
nology; milli
ng fixture 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1箱体的概述1 1.2箱体零件工艺过程分析1 1.3机床夹具的发展概述1 1.4机床夹具的组成及分类2 1.5夹具设计的基本要求3 第2章零件的分析4 2.1零件的作用4 2.2零件的工艺分析6 2.3毛坯制造形式及结构的确定7 第3章零件加工工艺规程设计8 3.1定位基准的选择8 3.2加工工艺路线的选择、分析与确定9 3.3加工方法、加工刀具及量具的选用12 3.4加工余量的确定12 3.5切削用量及切削时间的确定15 第4章箱体上表面铣床夹具设计26 4.1定位方案及定位元件的确定与选择26 4.2夹紧方案及装置的确定与选择30 4.3夹具体的设计与确定31 4.4导向装置的确定33 4.5铣削力的计算34 4.6定位误差的计算34 4.7定位误差分析34 结论35 参考文献36 致谢38
ng tech
nology a
nd fixture desig
n. Mecha
nical process specificatio
n desig
n a
nd special fixture desig
n are carried out accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of drawi
ngs. After masteri
ng the most basicwhat parts are used for,wewill have a detailed u
ng of the releva
nt processes of these parts. The subject of this paper has bee
n settled a
nd the special milli
ng fixture for milli
ng the upper surface of the box has bee
n desig
ned.The k
nowledge poi
nts i
n the paper mai
nly i
nclude desig
n a
nd tolera
nce of machi
ne tool fixture.First, the parts to be processed are u
nderstood a
nd a
nalyzed i
n order to process them more precisely a
nd determi
ne the sta
ndard of the parts to be processed. The
n, the releva
nt data required for differe
nt steps are calculated. Whe
n desig
ng the fixture, there are the followi
ng aspects:what is the positio
n of the parts o
n the fixture,what is the clampi
ng time, a
nd these guide departme
nts.What do the parts look like?Most importa
n positio
ng parts, there must be deviatio
n. This deviatio
n should
not be too surprisi
ng. It should bewithi
n a certai
n ra
nge so that it ca
n be improved later o
n the adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages of fixture are fully k
n. After the desig
n, releva
nt a
nalysis a
nd releva
nt data have bee
n calculated, this paper is really a good o
ne. Itwill
not o
nly review the professio
nal k
nowledge lear
ned i
n the school for such a lo
ng time, but also provide some experie
nce for its futurework. Keywords: box; processi
ng tech
nology; milli
ng fixture 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1箱体的概述1 1.2箱体零件工艺过程分析1 1.3机床夹具的发展概述1 1.4机床夹具的组成及分类2 1.5夹具设计的基本要求3 第2章零件的分析4 2.1零件的作用4 2.2零件的工艺分析6 2.3毛坯制造形式及结构的确定7 第3章零件加工工艺规程设计8 3.1定位基准的选择8 3.2加工工艺路线的选择、分析与确定9 3.3加工方法、加工刀具及量具的选用12 3.4加工余量的确定12 3.5切削用量及切削时间的确定15 第4章箱体上表面铣床夹具设计26 4.1定位方案及定位元件的确定与选择26 4.2夹紧方案及装置的确定与选择30 4.3夹具体的设计与确定31 4.4导向装置的确定33 4.5铣削力的计算34 4.6定位误差的计算34 4.7定位误差分析34 结论35 参考文献36 致谢38