Numerical co
ntrol tech
nology is a highly tech
nicalwork, especially i
n the field of mecha
nical processi
ng is the mostwidely used, so this requires practitio
ners to have machi
ng process k
nowledge isvery high, CNC programmi
ng k
nowledge a
nd skills. The desig
n task is to the parts processi
ng process desig
n a
nd programmi
ng a
nd processi
ng, the drawi
ng software AutoCADwill be out of the picture parts i
n 2D, a
nd the
n use UG software to draw the three-dime
nal graphics, the
n several desig
n schemes. The scheme is the key to ge
nerate the tool path, the best use of the shortest processi
ng time of parts, a
nd the processi
ng procedure of optimal, processi
ng out of the parts meet the requireme
nts of desig
n drawi
ngs. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of processi
ng scheme of the best choice, fill i
n the process cards, process cards. Usi
ng software to program the processi
ng procedure, a
nd carries o
n the simulatio
n has bee
n processi
ng effect chart. Keywords: processi
ng tech
nology; programmi
ng; processi
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1本课题研究的背景1 1.2数控设备的简介1 1.3本研究的目的与意义1 1.4数控加工工艺与普通加工工艺的区别及特点2 2工艺性分析3 2.1零件介绍3 2.2零件加工工艺性分析4 2.3零件的技术要求分析4 2.4定位基准的选择5 3毛坯与工艺装配的选择6 3.1毛胚的选择6 3.1.1确定毛坯的类型6 3.1.2毛坯的热处理6 3.2加工顺序的划分和加工工艺路线的确定7 3.2.1加工顺序的划分7 3.2.2加工工艺路线的确定7 3.3选择并确定工艺装备9 3.3.1数控机床的选择9 3.3.2夹具的选择9 3.3.3刀具的选择10 4工艺参数选择12 4.1刀具参数的选择12 4.2机床实际参数16 5加工工艺文件制定18 5.1制定工艺文件18 5.2刀具卡18 5.3工序卡18 6加工程序编制19 6.1数控编程的分类19 6.2数控编程19 6.3程序的后处理27 致谢29 参考文献30 附录A 31
ntrol tech
nology is a highly tech
nicalwork, especially i
n the field of mecha
nical processi
ng is the mostwidely used, so this requires practitio
ners to have machi
ng process k
nowledge isvery high, CNC programmi
ng k
nowledge a
nd skills. The desig
n task is to the parts processi
ng process desig
n a
nd programmi
ng a
nd processi
ng, the drawi
ng software AutoCADwill be out of the picture parts i
n 2D, a
nd the
n use UG software to draw the three-dime
nal graphics, the
n several desig
n schemes. The scheme is the key to ge
nerate the tool path, the best use of the shortest processi
ng time of parts, a
nd the processi
ng procedure of optimal, processi
ng out of the parts meet the requireme
nts of desig
n drawi
ngs. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of processi
ng scheme of the best choice, fill i
n the process cards, process cards. Usi
ng software to program the processi
ng procedure, a
nd carries o
n the simulatio
n has bee
n processi
ng effect chart. Keywords: processi
ng tech
nology; programmi
ng; processi
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1本课题研究的背景1 1.2数控设备的简介1 1.3本研究的目的与意义1 1.4数控加工工艺与普通加工工艺的区别及特点2 2工艺性分析3 2.1零件介绍3 2.2零件加工工艺性分析4 2.3零件的技术要求分析4 2.4定位基准的选择5 3毛坯与工艺装配的选择6 3.1毛胚的选择6 3.1.1确定毛坯的类型6 3.1.2毛坯的热处理6 3.2加工顺序的划分和加工工艺路线的确定7 3.2.1加工顺序的划分7 3.2.2加工工艺路线的确定7 3.3选择并确定工艺装备9 3.3.1数控机床的选择9 3.3.2夹具的选择9 3.3.3刀具的选择10 4工艺参数选择12 4.1刀具参数的选择12 4.2机床实际参数16 5加工工艺文件制定18 5.1制定工艺文件18 5.2刀具卡18 5.3工序卡18 6加工程序编制19 6.1数控编程的分类19 6.2数控编程19 6.3程序的后处理27 致谢29 参考文献30 附录A 31