The structure a
ng pri
nciple of the disc type solid-liquid separator are desig
ned a
nd explai
ned, so as to optimize the a
nalysis a
nd desig
n the solid liquid separatorwhich is i
n li
newith the actual effect. I
n the scheme desig
n, through the selectio
n of calculatio
n, the model of the motor of the disc type solid-liquid separator is determi
ned to be Y100L2-4 a
nd Y80M2-4. Through the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n, the correspo
ng parameters of the reducer are determi
ned. Through the desig
n of the system a
nd the structure desig
n, the desig
n parameters of the fixed piece, the dy
namic film a
nd the spiral shaft are established, a
nd the gri
ng disc type solid-liquid separator is completed. Desig
n. I
n ge
neral, the mill type solid-liquid separator is a
new type separator. Its power is drive
n by a spiral shaft, a
nd the i
nterval of movi
ng a
nd fixi
ng is composed of a group or several groups of filter u
nits. From the i
nlet to the exit, the spiral shaft pitch is gradually smaller. The pressure of the material i
n the movi
ng chamber is i
ncreased, a
nd thewater follower a
nd the cleara
nce gap are filtered out. The back pressure plate is set up at the outlet to i
ncrease i
nal pressure to realize co
nuous a
nd rapid dehydratio
n. Thus improvi
ng productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd material utilizatio
n rate, reduci
ng productio
n cost, avoidi
ngwaste a
nd pollutio
n, a
nd protecti
ng ecological e
nt. Keywords: solid model; motor; reducer; screw shaft; solid-liquid separator 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论1 1.1研究背景与意义1 1.2国内外分离机械的研究现状1 1.2.1分离机的分类1 1.2.2国内分离机研究历程2 1.2.3国外分离机研究概况3 1.2.4存在的问题4 1.3固液分离机的研究内容与设计思路4 1.4小结4 第2章磨片式固液分离机的结构及原理5 第3章驱动装置的选定7 3.1固液分离机的驱动装置7 3.2驱动电机的选择7 3.3减速器的设计9 3.4小结10 第4章固液分离装置的设计12 4.1固液分离装置的设计12 4.2定片的设计12 4.3动片的设计13 4.4螺旋轴的设计13 4.5齿轮轴的设计16 4.6小结16 第5章机架的设计17 5.1机架的设计17 第6章总结与展望19 6.1总结19 6.2展望19 致谢20 参考文献21
ng pri
nciple of the disc type solid-liquid separator are desig
ned a
nd explai
ned, so as to optimize the a
nalysis a
nd desig
n the solid liquid separatorwhich is i
n li
newith the actual effect. I
n the scheme desig
n, through the selectio
n of calculatio
n, the model of the motor of the disc type solid-liquid separator is determi
ned to be Y100L2-4 a
nd Y80M2-4. Through the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n, the correspo
ng parameters of the reducer are determi
ned. Through the desig
n of the system a
nd the structure desig
n, the desig
n parameters of the fixed piece, the dy
namic film a
nd the spiral shaft are established, a
nd the gri
ng disc type solid-liquid separator is completed. Desig
n. I
n ge
neral, the mill type solid-liquid separator is a
new type separator. Its power is drive
n by a spiral shaft, a
nd the i
nterval of movi
ng a
nd fixi
ng is composed of a group or several groups of filter u
nits. From the i
nlet to the exit, the spiral shaft pitch is gradually smaller. The pressure of the material i
n the movi
ng chamber is i
ncreased, a
nd thewater follower a
nd the cleara
nce gap are filtered out. The back pressure plate is set up at the outlet to i
ncrease i
nal pressure to realize co
nuous a
nd rapid dehydratio
n. Thus improvi
ng productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd material utilizatio
n rate, reduci
ng productio
n cost, avoidi
ngwaste a
nd pollutio
n, a
nd protecti
ng ecological e
nt. Keywords: solid model; motor; reducer; screw shaft; solid-liquid separator 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论1 1.1研究背景与意义1 1.2国内外分离机械的研究现状1 1.2.1分离机的分类1 1.2.2国内分离机研究历程2 1.2.3国外分离机研究概况3 1.2.4存在的问题4 1.3固液分离机的研究内容与设计思路4 1.4小结4 第2章磨片式固液分离机的结构及原理5 第3章驱动装置的选定7 3.1固液分离机的驱动装置7 3.2驱动电机的选择7 3.3减速器的设计9 3.4小结10 第4章固液分离装置的设计12 4.1固液分离装置的设计12 4.2定片的设计12 4.3动片的设计13 4.4螺旋轴的设计13 4.5齿轮轴的设计16 4.6小结16 第5章机架的设计17 5.1机架的设计17 第6章总结与展望19 6.1总结19 6.2展望19 致谢20 参考文献21