F50卧式浮头式空气预热器机械设计 摘要 在很多的工业部门换热器是一类被广泛应用到的工艺设备。在此次设计中主要针对操作的条件和传递介质的特性。所以运用了浮头式换热器的主要结构而进行设计。 首先了解浮头式换热器的基本原理,性能及其应用,在化工生产中的地位及作用。其次对于浮头式换热器进行热流量计算,传热系数计算,确定传热系数,壳程阻力和压力计算。此外还计算壳,管程的设计压力并校核螺栓、垫片、管板厚度的计算。最后编写换热器的加工工艺,装配过程安全性能和防腐措施。最终经过检测查看此换热器是不是能满足介质换热的需要,并自行绘制符合设计结构要求的工程图纸。 在本次设计的主要过程中,严格遵从了国家制定的相关标准和规定,目的就是为了很好的保证整个生产加工过程的安全有效进行。 关键词:换热器;浮头式;工艺设计;结构设计;强度计算 ABSTRACT I
n ma
ny i
ndustrial sector of the heat excha
nger is a ki
nd ofwidely used to process equipme
n this desig
n is aimed at operati
ng co
ns a
nd characteristics of the tra
n medium.So usi
ng the mai
n structure of floati
ng head heat excha
nger a
nd desig
n. First u
nd the basic pri
nciple of floati
ng head heat excha
nger, properties a
nd applicatio
n, the status a
nd role i
n the chemical productio
nd heat flow calculatio
n for floati
ng head heat excha
nger, heat tra
nsfer coefficie
nt calculatio
n, heat tra
nsfer coefficie
nt is determi
ned, the shell side resista
nce a
nd pressure calculatio
n.Also calculate shell a
nd tube side desig
n pressure a
nd check the bolts, gaskets, the calculatio
n of the thick
ness of the tube plate.Fi
nallywrite the processi
ng tech
nology of heat excha
nger, assembly process safety performa
nce a
nd the a
n measures.Fi
nally tested to see if the heat excha
nger ca
n meet the
needs of the heat tra
nsfer medium, a
nd to meet the requireme
nts of the desig
n drawi
ng e
ng drawi
ngs. I
n the process of the graduatio
n desig
n of the mai
n, strictly complywith the releva
nt sta
ndards a
nd regulatio
ns formulated by the state, the purpose is to good to e
nsure the safety of the productio
n process effectively. Keywords heat excha
ng-head type;Process desig
n;Structure desig
ngth calculatio
n 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1换热器的应用及其发展1 1.2换热器的分类及其特点4 1.3浮头式换热器的设计5 2换热器的工艺计算7 2.1设计条件7 2.2确定物性数据7 2.3符号说明7 2.4流体走向的确定8 2.5依据传热面积算取热负荷,选换热器的规格8 2.6换热管的排列和管心距9 2.7折流板10 2. 8接管10 2.9压强降的核算10 2.10总传热系数的核算12 3换热器的结构设计15 3. 1筒体15 3. 2管箱材料16 3.3管箱法兰16 3. 4接管材料17 3.5接管法兰18 3.6垫片19 3.7管板19 3. 8材料20 3.9换热管21 3.10拉杆22 3.11折流板的选取及布置22 3. 12封头23 3.13浮头箱23 3.14浮头24 4换热器的强度计算25 4.1筒体壁厚计算25 4.2管箱短节、封头厚度计算26 4.3膨胀节的设计26 4.4换热器受压元件强度计算及校核28 4. 5换热器强度计算与校核28 4.6鞍座校核29 4.7筒体校核30 5本设计采用的制造方法及工艺32 6结论34 参考文献35 致谢36 附录37
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