This desig
n i
nvolves mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology a
nd machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tools, tolera
nce coordi
n a
nd measureme
nt a
nd so o
n. The processi
ng tech
nology of the cyli
nder tube tra
nsfer sleeve a
nd the fixture desig
n of the drill, the tappi
ng hole a
nd the e
nd face of the car are three parts, i
ng the process desig
n, the process desig
n a
nd the special fixture desig
n. I
n the process desig
n, the parts are a
nalyzed first, the process of the parts is redesig
ned a
nd the structure of the bla
nk is redesig
ned. The process datum of the parts is selected a
nd the process route of the part is desig
ned. The
n the size calculatio
n of theworki
ng procedure of the parts is calculated, the key is to determi
ne the process equipme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng amou
nt of thevariousworki
ng order; the
n, the key is to determi
ne the amou
nt of the process equipme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng amou
nt. The desig
n of the special fixture is carried out, a
nd the compo
nts of the fixture are desig
ned, such as the positio
ng eleme
nt, the clampi
ng eleme
nt, the guidi
ng eleme
nt, the co
ng partswith the machi
ne tool a
nd the other parts. The positio
ng error is calculatedwhe
n the fixture is positio
ned, a
nd the ratio
nality a
nd i
nadequacies of the fixture structure are a
nalyzed, a
nd the desig
n is i
njected i
n the future. It is i
nded to be improved. Keywords: cyli
nder co
n sleeve, processi
ng tech
nology, fixture desig
n, process, cutti
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1前言1 1.1夹具设计中的特点1 1.2夹具设计需保证的条件1 1.3夹具的发展趋势1 2零件的分析2 2.1零件的作用2 2.2零件的工艺分析2 3工艺规程设计3 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式3 3.2基面的选择3 3.3制定工艺路线4 3.4确定各工序的加工余量5 3.6确定切削用量及基本工时8 4钻床夹具设计35 4.1问题提出35 4.2定位基准的选择35 4.3定位元件的设计35 4.4定位误差分析35 4.5切削力的计算与夹紧力分析36 4.6夹具设计及操作简要说明37 结束语38 谢辞39 参考文献40
n i
nvolves mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology a
nd machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tools, tolera
nce coordi
n a
nd measureme
nt a
nd so o
n. The processi
ng tech
nology of the cyli
nder tube tra
nsfer sleeve a
nd the fixture desig
n of the drill, the tappi
ng hole a
nd the e
nd face of the car are three parts, i
ng the process desig
n, the process desig
n a
nd the special fixture desig
n. I
n the process desig
n, the parts are a
nalyzed first, the process of the parts is redesig
ned a
nd the structure of the bla
nk is redesig
ned. The process datum of the parts is selected a
nd the process route of the part is desig
ned. The
n the size calculatio
n of theworki
ng procedure of the parts is calculated, the key is to determi
ne the process equipme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng amou
nt of thevariousworki
ng order; the
n, the key is to determi
ne the amou
nt of the process equipme
nt a
nd the cutti
ng amou
nt. The desig
n of the special fixture is carried out, a
nd the compo
nts of the fixture are desig
ned, such as the positio
ng eleme
nt, the clampi
ng eleme
nt, the guidi
ng eleme
nt, the co
ng partswith the machi
ne tool a
nd the other parts. The positio
ng error is calculatedwhe
n the fixture is positio
ned, a
nd the ratio
nality a
nd i
nadequacies of the fixture structure are a
nalyzed, a
nd the desig
n is i
njected i
n the future. It is i
nded to be improved. Keywords: cyli
nder co
n sleeve, processi
ng tech
nology, fixture desig
n, process, cutti
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1前言1 1.1夹具设计中的特点1 1.2夹具设计需保证的条件1 1.3夹具的发展趋势1 2零件的分析2 2.1零件的作用2 2.2零件的工艺分析2 3工艺规程设计3 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式3 3.2基面的选择3 3.3制定工艺路线4 3.4确定各工序的加工余量5 3.6确定切削用量及基本工时8 4钻床夹具设计35 4.1问题提出35 4.2定位基准的选择35 4.3定位元件的设计35 4.4定位误差分析35 4.5切削力的计算与夹紧力分析36 4.6夹具设计及操作简要说明37 结束语38 谢辞39 参考文献40