Fixture is a clampi
ng device for parts processi
ng, a
nd is a
necessary device for machi
ng parts. The utility rate of the fixture is high, the eco
nomy is good, a
nd the use a
nd qua
ntity of the fu
nal compo
nts are few. As the size of the parts cha
nges, more a
nd more clamps are elimi
nated. Therefore, it is
necessary to desig
n a set of special fixtures. Whe
n desig
ng special fixture,we should co
nsider the locatio
n pla
n ofworkpiece, clampi
ng scheme a
nd clampi
ng mecha
nism, other parts of fixture, fixture structure a
nd so o
n. The desig
n topic is air compressor cyli
nder body processi
ng tech
nology a
nd drilli
ng 2x M8 hole fixture desig
n, accordi
ng to the teacher's drawi
ngs requireme
nts for process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n, grasp the role of parts, o
n the basis of parts process a
nalysis. I
n order to desig
n a give
n topic, the desig
n of the fixture is mai
nly desig
ned i
n the desig
n. The clamp is desig
ned to e
nsure the processi
ng precisio
n, productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd easy operatio
n for theworkers. At the begi
ng of desig
n I refer to the releva
nt data a
nd literature at home a
nd abroad o
n the fixture, structure a
nd process of parts i
n the read parts map at the same time a
nalysis, clear coarse a
nd fi
ne refere
nce base selectio
n, determi
ne the machi
ng allowa
nce a
nd the size of the bla
nk, so as to determi
ne the parts processi
ng process, calculatio
n of the process of cutti
ng dosage a
nd time. Fi
nally, the fixture required for this desig
n is completed. Keywords: air compressor cyli
nder body; processi
ng tech
nology; drilli
ng 2x M8 hole; fixture desig
n 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论2 第2章加工工艺规程设计4 2.1零件的分析4 2.1.1零件的作用4 2.1.2零件的工艺分析5 2.2空气压缩机气缸体加工的主要问题和工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施5 2.2.1孔和平面的加工顺序5 2.2.2孔系加工方案选择5 2.3空气压缩机气缸体加工定位基准的选择6 2.3.1粗基准的选择6 2.3.2精基准的选择6 2.4空气压缩机气缸体加工主要工序安排7 2.5机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定10 2.6确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间)[3] 10 第3章钻2×M8孔夹具设计19 3.1研究原始质料19 3.2定位、夹紧方案的选择19 3.3切削力及夹紧力的计算19 3.4误差分析与计算20 3.5钻套、衬套、钻模板设计与选用21 3.6夹具设计及操作的简要说明23 总结24 参考文献25
ng device for parts processi
ng, a
nd is a
necessary device for machi
ng parts. The utility rate of the fixture is high, the eco
nomy is good, a
nd the use a
nd qua
ntity of the fu
nal compo
nts are few. As the size of the parts cha
nges, more a
nd more clamps are elimi
nated. Therefore, it is
necessary to desig
n a set of special fixtures. Whe
n desig
ng special fixture,we should co
nsider the locatio
n pla
n ofworkpiece, clampi
ng scheme a
nd clampi
ng mecha
nism, other parts of fixture, fixture structure a
nd so o
n. The desig
n topic is air compressor cyli
nder body processi
ng tech
nology a
nd drilli
ng 2x M8 hole fixture desig
n, accordi
ng to the teacher's drawi
ngs requireme
nts for process desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n, grasp the role of parts, o
n the basis of parts process a
nalysis. I
n order to desig
n a give
n topic, the desig
n of the fixture is mai
nly desig
ned i
n the desig
n. The clamp is desig
ned to e
nsure the processi
ng precisio
n, productio
n efficie
ncy a
nd easy operatio
n for theworkers. At the begi
ng of desig
n I refer to the releva
nt data a
nd literature at home a
nd abroad o
n the fixture, structure a
nd process of parts i
n the read parts map at the same time a
nalysis, clear coarse a
nd fi
ne refere
nce base selectio
n, determi
ne the machi
ng allowa
nce a
nd the size of the bla
nk, so as to determi
ne the parts processi
ng process, calculatio
n of the process of cutti
ng dosage a
nd time. Fi
nally, the fixture required for this desig
n is completed. Keywords: air compressor cyli
nder body; processi
ng tech
nology; drilli
ng 2x M8 hole; fixture desig
n 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论2 第2章加工工艺规程设计4 2.1零件的分析4 2.1.1零件的作用4 2.1.2零件的工艺分析5 2.2空气压缩机气缸体加工的主要问题和工艺过程设计所应采取的相应措施5 2.2.1孔和平面的加工顺序5 2.2.2孔系加工方案选择5 2.3空气压缩机气缸体加工定位基准的选择6 2.3.1粗基准的选择6 2.3.2精基准的选择6 2.4空气压缩机气缸体加工主要工序安排7 2.5机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定10 2.6确定切削用量及基本工时(机动时间)[3] 10 第3章钻2×M8孔夹具设计19 3.1研究原始质料19 3.2定位、夹紧方案的选择19 3.3切削力及夹紧力的计算19 3.4误差分析与计算20 3.5钻套、衬套、钻模板设计与选用21 3.6夹具设计及操作的简要说明23 总结24 参考文献25