Wearable exoskeleto
n robots are rehabilitatio
n robots that assist patie
ntswith moveme
nt disorders i
n the lower limbs to perform sta
ng a
ng activities. With the eco
nomic developme
nt of our cou
ntry, more a
nd more dema
nd for rehabilitatio
n robots, a
nd domestic research has just started, ma
ny tech
nologies are
not mature e
nough, but also
need co
nuous i
n-depth research. I
n this paper, the literature o
n the exoskeleto
n of the exoskeleto
n of the lower extremitieswas reviewed a
nd the dema
nd a
nalysiswas carried out. The overall mecha
nical structure of the robot a
nd the ki
nematic simulatio
n a
nd dy
namic a
nalysis of the exoskeleto
n systemwere desig
ned. First of all, because the exoskeleto
n robot
needs to be suitable for the huma
n body structure, the mecha
nical structure desig
n of the exoskeleto
n robot
needs to defi
ne the huma
n body size a
nd the ra
nge of motio
n of the lower extremities. Accordi
ng to the structure a
nd motio
n characteristics of the lower limbs of the huma
n body, the degree of freedom of the joi
nts of the robot is determi
ned, a
n appropriate drivi
ng mode is selected, a
nd the adjustable mode is desig
ned. Seco
nd, based o
n the desig
n of the mecha
nical structure, the ki
nematics a
nd ki
nematics of the exoskeletal robot are a
nalyzed. Lagra
nge equatio
ns are used to establish dy
namic models a
nd lay the fou
n for robot co
ntrol. Fi
nally, Creo three-dime
nal software is used to simulate the exoskeleto
n robot. Keywords exoskeleto
n robot;wearable; dy
namics 目录 摘要 ABSTRACT 第一章绪论 1.1研究背景及意义 1.2外骨骼机器人概述 1.3外骨骼机器人的国内外研究状况 1.3.1国内发展状况 1.3.2国外发展状况 1.4课题的研究内容 第二章穿戴式下肢外骨骼机器人设计理论及方案 2.1人体下肢骨骼生物学结构 2.2人体正常步态分析 2.3外骨骼助力机器人运动参数确定 2.4外骨骼机器人的自由度分配 2.5外骨骼机器人的总体方案设计 2.6本章小结 第三章外骨骼机器人结构设计 3.1外骨骼机器人结构组成 3.2髋关节的结构设计 3.3膝关节的结构设计 3.4踝关节的结构设计 3.5外骨骼机器人驱动方式选择 3.6本章小结 第四章外骨骼机器人Creo仿真分析 4.1 Creo仿真软件概述 4.2运动仿真分析 4.3踝关节有限元分析 4.4膝关节有限元分析 4.5本章小结 第五章结论 参考文献 致谢 附录
n robots are rehabilitatio
n robots that assist patie
ntswith moveme
nt disorders i
n the lower limbs to perform sta
ng a
ng activities. With the eco
nomic developme
nt of our cou
ntry, more a
nd more dema
nd for rehabilitatio
n robots, a
nd domestic research has just started, ma
ny tech
nologies are
not mature e
nough, but also
need co
nuous i
n-depth research. I
n this paper, the literature o
n the exoskeleto
n of the exoskeleto
n of the lower extremitieswas reviewed a
nd the dema
nd a
nalysiswas carried out. The overall mecha
nical structure of the robot a
nd the ki
nematic simulatio
n a
nd dy
namic a
nalysis of the exoskeleto
n systemwere desig
ned. First of all, because the exoskeleto
n robot
needs to be suitable for the huma
n body structure, the mecha
nical structure desig
n of the exoskeleto
n robot
needs to defi
ne the huma
n body size a
nd the ra
nge of motio
n of the lower extremities. Accordi
ng to the structure a
nd motio
n characteristics of the lower limbs of the huma
n body, the degree of freedom of the joi
nts of the robot is determi
ned, a
n appropriate drivi
ng mode is selected, a
nd the adjustable mode is desig
ned. Seco
nd, based o
n the desig
n of the mecha
nical structure, the ki
nematics a
nd ki
nematics of the exoskeletal robot are a
nalyzed. Lagra
nge equatio
ns are used to establish dy
namic models a
nd lay the fou
n for robot co
ntrol. Fi
nally, Creo three-dime
nal software is used to simulate the exoskeleto
n robot. Keywords exoskeleto
n robot;wearable; dy
namics 目录 摘要 ABSTRACT 第一章绪论 1.1研究背景及意义 1.2外骨骼机器人概述 1.3外骨骼机器人的国内外研究状况 1.3.1国内发展状况 1.3.2国外发展状况 1.4课题的研究内容 第二章穿戴式下肢外骨骼机器人设计理论及方案 2.1人体下肢骨骼生物学结构 2.2人体正常步态分析 2.3外骨骼助力机器人运动参数确定 2.4外骨骼机器人的自由度分配 2.5外骨骼机器人的总体方案设计 2.6本章小结 第三章外骨骼机器人结构设计 3.1外骨骼机器人结构组成 3.2髋关节的结构设计 3.3膝关节的结构设计 3.4踝关节的结构设计 3.5外骨骼机器人驱动方式选择 3.6本章小结 第四章外骨骼机器人Creo仿真分析 4.1 Creo仿真软件概述 4.2运动仿真分析 4.3踝关节有限元分析 4.4膝关节有限元分析 4.5本章小结 第五章结论 参考文献 致谢 附录