带圆孔翻边V形弯曲件-支撑板的冲压成形工艺及模具设计【弯曲落料冲孔复合模】 摘要 冲压是在室温下,利用安装在压力机上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生分离或塑性变形,从而获得所需零件的一种压力加工方法。冲压模具在冷冲压加工中,将材料(金属或非金属)加工成零件(或半成品)的一种特殊工艺装备,称为冷冲压模具(俗称冷冲模)。冲压模具是冲压生产必不可少的工艺装备,是技术密集型产品。冲压件的质量、生产效率以及生产成本等,与模具设计和制造有直接关系。模具设计与制造技术水平的高低,是衡量一个国家产品制造水平高低的重要标志之一,在很大程度上决定着产品的质量、效益和新产品的开发能力。 关键词:凸模凹模压力机吨位 Abstract: A complete press tool for cutti
ng two holes i
nwork material at o
ne stoke of the press, as classified a
nd sta
ndardized by a large ma
nufacture. A
ny complete press tool, co
ng of a pair of mati
ng member for produci
ng pressworked parts,i
ng all supporti
ng a
nd actuati
ng eleme
nts of the tool,is a die.pressworki
ng termi
nology commo
nly defi
nes the female part of a
ny complete press tool as a die. A pu
nch holder mou
nted to the upper shoe holds two rou
nd pu
ncheswhich are guided by bushi
ngs i
nserted i
n the stripper. A compou
nd die performs o
nly cutti
ng operatio
nswhich are completed duri
ng a si
ngle press stroke. A compou
nd die ca
n produce pierced bla
nks to close flat
ness a
nd dime
nal tolera
nces. A characteristic of compou
nd die is the i
nverted positio
n of the bla
ng pu
nch a
nd bla
ng die. The die is faste
ned to the upper shoe a
nd the bla
ng pu
nch is mou
nted o
n the lower shoe. The bla
ng pu
nch also fu
ns as the pierci
ng die,havi
ng a tapered hole i
n it a
nd i
n the lower shoe for slug disposal. Keyword: Raised mold Co
ncave mold Press to
nage 目录 1绪论…………………………………………………………………1 1.1我国模具工业的现状…………………………………………………2 1.2我国模具技术的现状及发展趋势……………………………………2 2垫片冲压工艺的分析…………………………………………………6 2.1工艺性分析……………………………………………………………6 2.2工艺方案的确定………………………………………………………6 2.3必要的工艺计算………………………………………………………7 2.3.1确定零件的排样方案………………………………………………7 2.3.2计算冲压力……………………………………………………… 10 2.4确定压力中心……………………………………………………… 11 3模具总体设计……………………………………………………… 12 3.1模具类型的确定…………………………………………………… 12 3.2模具结构形式的确定……………………………………………… 12 3.2.1定位方式的选择………………………………………………… 12 3.2.2导向方式的选择………………………………………………… 12 3.2.3卸料、出件方式的选择……………………………………………12 4模具主要零部件的结构设计…………………………………………13 4.1确定凸模、凹模、凸凹模零件结构设计……………………………13 4.1.1落料凸、凹模结构设计……………………………………………13 4.1.2凸模结构设计…………………………………………………… 13 4.1.3凸凹模的结构设计……………………………………………… 13 4.2卸料弹簧的设计…………………………………………………… 14 5选冲模标准模架和冲压设备………………………………………16 5.1模架的选用………………………………………………………… 16 5.2冲压设备选择……………………………………………………… 16 5.2.1模具闭合高度校核……………………………………………… 16 5.2.2模具最大安装尺寸校核………………………………………… 17 5.2.3冲裁所需总压力校核…………………………………………… 17 6绘制模具总装配图与零件图……………………………………… 18 7冲压模具的装配………………………………………………………19 7.1冲裁模的装配要点………………………………………………… 19 7.2冲压模具装配的技术要求………………………………………… 19 8结束语………………………………………………………………… 21 致谢…………………………………………………………………… 23 参考文献………………………………………………………………… 24
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