甲苯再沸器设计 摘要:本次设计针对甲苯再沸器进行设计,管程工作介质为导热油,进口温度220℃,出口温度180℃,工作压力0.5MPa,壳程工作介质为甲苯,工作温度80℃~160℃,流量30000kg/h。工作时,通过导热油使甲苯加热至甲苯蒸汽,从而达到沸腾传热的目的,完成热量的传递。该设计计算说明书介绍了甲苯再沸器的设计过程,主要包括工艺设计计算与结构的设计选型。工艺设计计算部分是为了保证工艺设计要求,包括传热计算、,热量核算、压力降计算等;结构部分主要包括结构设计选型和强度计算校核。根据任务书中所给数据确定工艺参数和结构计算,在计算过程中,使用合理的方法进行尺寸调节,从而达到最优的设计尺寸,通过查阅相关国家标准,,使所设计的换热设备达到操作稳定、结构简单、便于制造维修、加工方便,运转安全可靠的功效,然后进行一定的尺寸调节和安全成本的考虑。换热设备设计的基本要求,主要体现在安全性和经济性上,除此之外,还应满足工艺过程要求,能在实际环境中正常运转,结构设计不被场地所限制,结合具体情况,从而设计出一台安全可靠的设备。 关键词:管壳式换热器;再沸器;相变;机械设计 Tolue
ne reboiler desig
n Abstract:This graduated desig
n is desig
ned for the tolue
ne reboiler. Theworki
ng medium for the tube process is heat tra
nsfer oilwhich i
nlet temperature is 220°C, outlet temperature is 180°C a
ng pressure is 0.5MPa.The shell-sideworki
ng medium is tolue
ng temperature is 80°C to 160°C a
nd the flow is 30000kg/h.Whe
n the equipme
nt isworki
ng, the tolue
newill heated to tolue
nevapor by a thermal oil to achieve boili
ng heat a
nd heat tra
nsfer. The desig
n calculatio
n ma
nual describes the desig
n process of the tolue
ne reboiler, mai
nly i
ng the process desig
n calculatio
n a
nd the structural desig
n selectio
n. The process desig
n calculatio
n part is to guara
ntee the process desig
n requireme
nts, i
ng heat tra
nsfer calculatio
n, heat calculatio
n, pressure drop calculatio
n, etc. The part of structure mai
nly i
ncludes the structural desig
n selectio
n a
nd stre
ngth calculatio
n check.We ca
n determi
ne the process parameters a
nd structural calculatio
ns accordi
ng to the data give
n i
n the task book.I
n the calculatio
n process,we use the reaso
nable methods for size adjustme
nt to achieve the optimal desig
n size.We also co
nsult the releva
nal sta
ndards, so that the desig
n of the heat tra
nsfer equipme
nt ca
n make operatio
n stableil, structur simply, ma
nufactue easily a
nd process co
ntly,make operatio
n become safe a
nd reliable, a
nd the
n make a certai
n size adjustme
nt a
nd security costs co
ns. The basic requireme
nts for the desig
n of heat excha
nge equipme
nt are mai
nly i
nclude safety a
nd eco
nomy. I
n additio
n, the requireme
nts of the tech
nological process shall also be met. The
normal operatio
n i
n the actual e
nt, the structural desig
n is
not limited by the site, a
nd the specific co
ns I
n order to desig
n a safe a
nd reliable equipme
nt. Keywords:Shell-a
nd-tube heat excha
nger; reboiler; phase cha
nge; mecha
nical desig
n. 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1前言1 1.1发展趋势1 1.2结构设计1 1.3材料选择1 2工艺计算1 2.1传热计算1 2.1.1确定设计方案1 2.1.2确定物性参数1 2.1.3估算传热面积2 2.2工艺结构尺寸的计算2 2.2.1管径和管内流速2 2.2.2管程数和换热管数3 2.2.3传热管排列和分程方法3 2.2.4壳体内径4 2.2.5折流板4 2.2.6拉杆4 2.3热量核算5 2.3.1管程对流传热系数5 2.3.2壳程对流传热系数5 2.3.3传热系数K 6 2.3.4传热面积6 2.4压力降计算6 2.4.1管程流动阻力6 2.4.2壳程流动阻力6 3结构与强度计算7 3.1设计计算7 3.1.1管箱计算7 3.1.2壳程筒体计算8 3.1.3分程隔板8 3.1.4封头计算9 3.1.5换热管和布管限定圆10 3.1.6垫片10 3.1.7管板11 3.1.8法兰29 3.1.9拉杆和拉杆孔32 3.1.10支座32 3.2开孔补强计算33 4制造、检验、安装、适用、维修36 4.1制造36 4.2检验37 4.2.1无损检测37 4.2.2耐压试验和泄露试验38 4.3安装维修38 5结束语38 参考文献40 致谢41
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