the chair is co
ntacts the closest partwith the huma
n, the people ma
ny are make to the passe
ngervehicle smooth appraisal through chair's feeli
ng. The moder
n passe
ngervehicle's driver chair a
nd the fro
nt part crew member chair ma
ny are electrically operated adjustable, also calls the electrically operated chair. Therefore, the electrically operated chair is o
ne of immediate i
nce passe
ngervehicle quality key compo
nts. Passe
ngervehicle electrically operated chair by driver's chair primarily. Embarks from the target clie
nt, the electrically operated chair must satisfy the co
nce a
nd the comfortable two big requests. That is driver through keybutto
n operatio
n, may also adjust the chair i
n the best positio
n, causes the driver to obtai
n the best field ofvisio
n, obtai
ns easy to operate operatio
n a
nd so o
n steeri
ngwheel, footboard, gearshift lever co
nces, but may also obtai
n is most comfortable a
nd the most custom rides the a
ngle. I
n order to satisfy these requests, theworld automobile productio
n power's related factory u
nexpectedly uses the machi
nery a
nd the electro
nic tech
nology method, makes electrically operated chairwhich may adjust. This scheme is a ki
nd of mecha
nical desig
n a
nd ma
ng, ergo
nomics a
nd electro
nic tech
nology combi
ng ca
n adjust the electric chair eight directio
n. Ge
neral electric chair system by two-way motor a
nd tra
n device a
nd seat regulator, etc. Through the seat regulator seat level moveme
nt, realize fro
nt seats a
nd seat move after the e
nd of the move, the seat of the directio
n of rotatio
n A
ngle of eight. The auto electric chair of the structure are mai
nly: reversible dc micro motors(drives), tra
n device, the co
n, A
ngle tra
nsferworm a
ndworm, ball screw, horizo
ntal slidi
ng guide etc. Electric chair cushio
n, seat, by magic, skeleto
n, suspe
n a
nd adjusti
ng mecha
nism etc. Keywords: Automotive Electrical; electric chair; turbi
ne,worm, screw 目录 摘要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 第一章绪论- 1- 1.1综述...- 1- 1.2电动座椅设计研究的现状- 2- 1.2.1国外研究现状- 2- 1.2.2国内研究现状- 3- 1.3电动座椅设计的背景- 3- 1.4本文的主要研究工作- 3- 第二章研究方案的选取- 4- 2.1综述- 4- 2.2座椅坐垫升降部分- 4- 2.3座椅坐垫前后移动部分- 5- 2.4座椅靠背倾斜部分- 6- 第三章选用传动的特点- 6- 3.1齿轮传动- 6- 3.1.1齿轮传动特点- 6- 3.1.2齿轮传动类型- 7- 3.2螺旋传动- 8- 3.2.1螺旋传动特点- 8- 3.2.2螺旋传动类型- 8- a.滑动螺旋传动- 8- b.滚动螺旋传动- 8- 3.3空间连杆机构- 9- 第四章机构设计- 10- 4.1电动机选择计算- 10- 4.1.1选择电动机的转速- 10- 4.1.2工作机的有效功率- 11- 4.1.3选择电动机型号- 11- 4.2传动比分配- 11- 4.3计算各轴转速- 12- 4.4蜗轮蜗杆设计- 12- 4.4.1选择蜗杆传动类型- 12- 4.4.2选择材料- 12- 4.4.3按齿面接触疲劳强度进行设计- 12- 4.4.4蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数与几何尺寸- 14- 4.4.5校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度- 14- 4.4.6验算效率- 15- 4.4.7精度等级公差和表面粗糙度的确定- 16- 4.5滚珠丝杠设计- 17- 4.5.1选择滚珠丝杠型号及其工作条件- 17- 4.5.2降速比计算- 17- 4.5.3惯量计算- 17- 4.5.4电动机力矩计算- 17- 4.5.5刚度计算- 18- 4.5.6反向死区- 18- 4.5.7传动刚度变化引起的定位误差- 19- 4.6前后调节滚珠丝杠支承轴承验算- 19- 4.7垂直调节螺杆验算- 20- 4.7.1螺杆的强度计算- 20- 4.7.2螺杆稳定性计算- 20- 4.8垂直调节机构支承轴承验算- 21- 结论- 22- 致谢- 23- 参考文献- 24- 附录Ⅰ…………………………………………………………………………- 25-
ntacts the closest partwith the huma
n, the people ma
ny are make to the passe
ngervehicle smooth appraisal through chair's feeli
ng. The moder
n passe
ngervehicle's driver chair a
nd the fro
nt part crew member chair ma
ny are electrically operated adjustable, also calls the electrically operated chair. Therefore, the electrically operated chair is o
ne of immediate i
nce passe
ngervehicle quality key compo
nts. Passe
ngervehicle electrically operated chair by driver's chair primarily. Embarks from the target clie
nt, the electrically operated chair must satisfy the co
nce a
nd the comfortable two big requests. That is driver through keybutto
n operatio
n, may also adjust the chair i
n the best positio
n, causes the driver to obtai
n the best field ofvisio
n, obtai
ns easy to operate operatio
n a
nd so o
n steeri
ngwheel, footboard, gearshift lever co
nces, but may also obtai
n is most comfortable a
nd the most custom rides the a
ngle. I
n order to satisfy these requests, theworld automobile productio
n power's related factory u
nexpectedly uses the machi
nery a
nd the electro
nic tech
nology method, makes electrically operated chairwhich may adjust. This scheme is a ki
nd of mecha
nical desig
n a
nd ma
ng, ergo
nomics a
nd electro
nic tech
nology combi
ng ca
n adjust the electric chair eight directio
n. Ge
neral electric chair system by two-way motor a
nd tra
n device a
nd seat regulator, etc. Through the seat regulator seat level moveme
nt, realize fro
nt seats a
nd seat move after the e
nd of the move, the seat of the directio
n of rotatio
n A
ngle of eight. The auto electric chair of the structure are mai
nly: reversible dc micro motors(drives), tra
n device, the co
n, A
ngle tra
nsferworm a
ndworm, ball screw, horizo
ntal slidi
ng guide etc. Electric chair cushio
n, seat, by magic, skeleto
n, suspe
n a
nd adjusti
ng mecha
nism etc. Keywords: Automotive Electrical; electric chair; turbi
ne,worm, screw 目录 摘要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 第一章绪论- 1- 1.1综述...- 1- 1.2电动座椅设计研究的现状- 2- 1.2.1国外研究现状- 2- 1.2.2国内研究现状- 3- 1.3电动座椅设计的背景- 3- 1.4本文的主要研究工作- 3- 第二章研究方案的选取- 4- 2.1综述- 4- 2.2座椅坐垫升降部分- 4- 2.3座椅坐垫前后移动部分- 5- 2.4座椅靠背倾斜部分- 6- 第三章选用传动的特点- 6- 3.1齿轮传动- 6- 3.1.1齿轮传动特点- 6- 3.1.2齿轮传动类型- 7- 3.2螺旋传动- 8- 3.2.1螺旋传动特点- 8- 3.2.2螺旋传动类型- 8- a.滑动螺旋传动- 8- b.滚动螺旋传动- 8- 3.3空间连杆机构- 9- 第四章机构设计- 10- 4.1电动机选择计算- 10- 4.1.1选择电动机的转速- 10- 4.1.2工作机的有效功率- 11- 4.1.3选择电动机型号- 11- 4.2传动比分配- 11- 4.3计算各轴转速- 12- 4.4蜗轮蜗杆设计- 12- 4.4.1选择蜗杆传动类型- 12- 4.4.2选择材料- 12- 4.4.3按齿面接触疲劳强度进行设计- 12- 4.4.4蜗杆与蜗轮的主要参数与几何尺寸- 14- 4.4.5校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度- 14- 4.4.6验算效率- 15- 4.4.7精度等级公差和表面粗糙度的确定- 16- 4.5滚珠丝杠设计- 17- 4.5.1选择滚珠丝杠型号及其工作条件- 17- 4.5.2降速比计算- 17- 4.5.3惯量计算- 17- 4.5.4电动机力矩计算- 17- 4.5.5刚度计算- 18- 4.5.6反向死区- 18- 4.5.7传动刚度变化引起的定位误差- 19- 4.6前后调节滚珠丝杠支承轴承验算- 19- 4.7垂直调节螺杆验算- 20- 4.7.1螺杆的强度计算- 20- 4.7.2螺杆稳定性计算- 20- 4.8垂直调节机构支承轴承验算- 21- 结论- 22- 致谢- 23- 参考文献- 24- 附录Ⅰ…………………………………………………………………………- 25-