new type of device developed i
n the process of mecha
n a
nd automatio
n productio
n,which uses a
n automatic device that has the fu
n of grippi
ng a
nd movi
ng ma
nipulator. The ma
nipulator ca
n replace huma
ns, repeat bori
ng a
nd complete da
ngerouswork, i
ncrease labor productivity, reduce the i
nsity of huma
n labor, a
nd ca
n i
ncrease people's happi
ness i
ndex. The spherical i
ndustrial ma
nipulator is used i
n factories to complete the delivery of materials. The material spherical coordi
nate i
ndustrial ma
nipulator ca
n catch objects i
n space. Flexible a
ndvaried moveme
nts, accordi
ng to the cha
nges ofworkpieces a
nd the requireme
nts of the moveme
nt flow at a
ny time to cha
nge the releva
nt parameters, ca
n replace ma
nualwork i
n the high temperature da
nger area. The ma
nipulator desig
ned i
n this paper is composed of claws, forearms, forearms, bases, hydraulic cyli
nders, a
nd so o
n. We determi
ne theworki
ng schedule a
nd parameters of the ma
nipulator accordi
ng to theworki
ng e
nt of the ma
nipulator. We choose the material of the arm, the arm, a
nd the base from the dy
namic eco
nomy of the ma
nipulator. We use materials to select the type of the paw, a
nd materials. The oppo
nt's claws are clamped a
nd relaxed. At the same time, the radius of the pisto
n rod is desig
nedwith the quality of the ma
nipulator to determi
ne the type of hydraulic cyli
nder, a
nd the hydraulic cyli
nder is calibrated. Keywords: Spherical i
ndustrial ma
nipulator; Co
ntrol; Drive 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1课题的来源及意义1 1.2国内外发展状况及研究背景2 1.3机械手的定义3 1.4球状工业机械手的组成3 1.5球状工业机械手的应用3 第2章球状工业机械手设计要求与方案5 2.1球状工业机械手设计要求5 2.2基本设计思5 2.2.1系统分析7 2.2.2总体设计7 2.2.3球状工业机械手的基本参数8 2.3球状工业机械手结构设计8 2.4机械手材料的选择8 2.5机械臂的运动方式9 2.6球状工业机械手驱动方式的选择9 2.7动作要求分析10 2.8球状机械手结构及驱动系统选型10 第3章系统各主要组成部分设计11 3.1夹持器结构设计与校核11 3.1.1夹持器种类11 3.1.2夹持器设计计算12 3.1.3夹持器校核13 3.2升降方向设计计算14 3.2.1初步确系统压力14 3.2.2升降油缸计算14 3.2.3活塞杆的计算校核16 3.2.4液压缸工作行程的确定17 3.2.5活塞的设计17 3.2.6导向套的设计与计算17 3.2.7端盖和缸底的计算校核18 3.2.8缸体长度的确定19 3.2.9缓冲装置的设计19 3.3水平方向设计计算19 3.3.1水平方向计算19 3.3.2油缸的选型20 3.4底座回转机构设计计算20 3.4.1回转部位负载计算校核20 3.4.2旋转液压缸的选型22 3.5机身结构的设计校核22 3.5.1液压缸的选择22 3.5.2机座的机械结构22 3.6球状机械手的定位及平稳性确定23 3.6.1常用的定位方式23 3.6.2影响平稳性和定位精度的因素23 3.6.3球状工业机械手运动的缓冲装置24 3.6.4液压系统25 3.6.5计算和选择液压元件25 3.6.6液压系统性能的验算27 第4章机械手控制系统设计29 4.1机械手的工艺过程29 4.2 PLC控制系统29 4.2.1确定输入/输出点数并选择PLC型号29 4.2.2分配PLC的输入/输出端子30 4.2.3 PLC控制系统程序设计31 第5章总结35 参考文献37 致谢39
new type of device developed i
n the process of mecha
n a
nd automatio
n productio
n,which uses a
n automatic device that has the fu
n of grippi
ng a
nd movi
ng ma
nipulator. The ma
nipulator ca
n replace huma
ns, repeat bori
ng a
nd complete da
ngerouswork, i
ncrease labor productivity, reduce the i
nsity of huma
n labor, a
nd ca
n i
ncrease people's happi
ness i
ndex. The spherical i
ndustrial ma
nipulator is used i
n factories to complete the delivery of materials. The material spherical coordi
nate i
ndustrial ma
nipulator ca
n catch objects i
n space. Flexible a
ndvaried moveme
nts, accordi
ng to the cha
nges ofworkpieces a
nd the requireme
nts of the moveme
nt flow at a
ny time to cha
nge the releva
nt parameters, ca
n replace ma
nualwork i
n the high temperature da
nger area. The ma
nipulator desig
ned i
n this paper is composed of claws, forearms, forearms, bases, hydraulic cyli
nders, a
nd so o
n. We determi
ne theworki
ng schedule a
nd parameters of the ma
nipulator accordi
ng to theworki
ng e
nt of the ma
nipulator. We choose the material of the arm, the arm, a
nd the base from the dy
namic eco
nomy of the ma
nipulator. We use materials to select the type of the paw, a
nd materials. The oppo
nt's claws are clamped a
nd relaxed. At the same time, the radius of the pisto
n rod is desig
nedwith the quality of the ma
nipulator to determi
ne the type of hydraulic cyli
nder, a
nd the hydraulic cyli
nder is calibrated. Keywords: Spherical i
ndustrial ma
nipulator; Co
ntrol; Drive 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1课题的来源及意义1 1.2国内外发展状况及研究背景2 1.3机械手的定义3 1.4球状工业机械手的组成3 1.5球状工业机械手的应用3 第2章球状工业机械手设计要求与方案5 2.1球状工业机械手设计要求5 2.2基本设计思5 2.2.1系统分析7 2.2.2总体设计7 2.2.3球状工业机械手的基本参数8 2.3球状工业机械手结构设计8 2.4机械手材料的选择8 2.5机械臂的运动方式9 2.6球状工业机械手驱动方式的选择9 2.7动作要求分析10 2.8球状机械手结构及驱动系统选型10 第3章系统各主要组成部分设计11 3.1夹持器结构设计与校核11 3.1.1夹持器种类11 3.1.2夹持器设计计算12 3.1.3夹持器校核13 3.2升降方向设计计算14 3.2.1初步确系统压力14 3.2.2升降油缸计算14 3.2.3活塞杆的计算校核16 3.2.4液压缸工作行程的确定17 3.2.5活塞的设计17 3.2.6导向套的设计与计算17 3.2.7端盖和缸底的计算校核18 3.2.8缸体长度的确定19 3.2.9缓冲装置的设计19 3.3水平方向设计计算19 3.3.1水平方向计算19 3.3.2油缸的选型20 3.4底座回转机构设计计算20 3.4.1回转部位负载计算校核20 3.4.2旋转液压缸的选型22 3.5机身结构的设计校核22 3.5.1液压缸的选择22 3.5.2机座的机械结构22 3.6球状机械手的定位及平稳性确定23 3.6.1常用的定位方式23 3.6.2影响平稳性和定位精度的因素23 3.6.3球状工业机械手运动的缓冲装置24 3.6.4液压系统25 3.6.5计算和选择液压元件25 3.6.6液压系统性能的验算27 第4章机械手控制系统设计29 4.1机械手的工艺过程29 4.2 PLC控制系统29 4.2.1确定输入/输出点数并选择PLC型号29 4.2.2分配PLC的输入/输出端子30 4.2.3 PLC控制系统程序设计31 第5章总结35 参考文献37 致谢39