汽车传动牵引叉模锻工艺规程编制与模具设计 摘要 本课题工作围绕牵引叉模锻工艺的制定与工装(模具)设计展开。牵引叉的主要作用是减震功能、阻尼缓冲部分功能、导向功能。因此牵引叉零件的加工质量会影响汽车的工作精度、使用性能和寿命。牵引叉是长轴类锻件,在设计的过程中,采用了锤上锻模的锻造方法和拔长一滚挤—预锻—终锻的成形工步。其中克服了叉形锻件都易出现的偏心错模的问题。通过此次设计可以掌握灵活运用CAD数字建模技术、成型工部分析与模具设计方法,使学生获得工程设计和科学研究的初步训练;培养学生综合运用理论知识去分析问题和解决实际问题;培养学生探求真理的创新精神和创造能力。 锻造生产是机械制造工业中提供机械零件毛坯的主要加工方法之一。通过锻造,不仅可以得到机械零件的形状,而且能改善金属内部组织,提高金属的机械性能和物理性能。一般对受力大、要求高的重要机械零件,大多采用锻造生产方法制造。从某种意义上说,锻件的年产量,模锻件在锻件总产量中所占的比例,以及锻造设备大小和拥有量等指标,在一定程度上反映了一个国家的工业水平。 关键词:锤上模锻;模具设计;牵引叉 Abstract Thework of this paper focuses o
n the developme
nt of the forgi
ng process a
nd tooli
ng(die) desig
n.he mai
n fu
n of the tractio
n fork is the dampi
ng fu
n, the dampi
ng buffer part, the guidi
ng fu
n.Therefore, the processi
ng quality of the tractio
n fork partswill affect theworki
ng accuracy, performa
nce a
nd service life of thevehicle.The tractio
n fork forgi
ngswith lo
ng axis, i
n the process of desig
n, the hammer forgi
ng die forgi
ng method a
nd pull a lo
ng roll squeeze pre forgi
ng e
nd forgi
ng formi
ng step.Which overcomes the fault mode of ecce
ntric fork forgi
ngs are pro
ne to the problem.Ca
n be through the desig
n master flexibility i
n the use of CAD digital modeli
ng tech
nology, moldi
ng mi
nistry a
nalysis a
nd die desig
n method, to e
nable stude
nts to obtai
n i
nitial trai
ng i
n e
ng desig
n a
nd scie
ntific research; trai
n stude
nts to apply theoretical k
nowledge to a
nalyze a
nd solve practical problems; cultivate stude
nts to explore the truth of the creative spirit a
nd ability. Forgi
ng productio
n is o
ne of the mai
n processi
ng methods for mecha
nical parts i
n the machi
ne ma
ng i
ndustry.Through forgi
not o
nly ca
n get the shape of the mecha
nical parts, but also ca
n improve the i
nal structure of the metal, improve the mecha
nical a
nd physical properties of the metal.Ge
nerally, the importa
nt mecha
nical parts,which require high mecha
nical parts, are mostly made of forgi
ng process.I
n a se
nse, the a
nual output of forgi
ngs, the proportio
n of die forgi
ngs i
n the total productio
n, aswell as the size a
nd size of forgi
ng equipme
nt a
nd other i
ndicators, to a certai
n exte
nt, reflects the level of a cou
ntry's i
ndustry. Keywords: Hammer forgi
ng die; Die desig
n; Tractio
n fork 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1锻造的简介1 1.2目前锻件的应用1 1.3模锻件的分类2 1.3.1圆饼类锻件2 1.3.2长轴类锻件2 1.4模锻工艺流程3 1.5各阶段工作任务3 第2章工艺方案的确定5 2.1锤上模锻的主要工步5 2.2工艺方案的制定与比较5 2.3模锻工艺过程的制定6 第3章锤锻模设计9 3.1锤锻模设计步骤9 3.2锻件图设计9 3.2.1确定分模位置10 3.2.2加工余量和公差的确定11 3.2.3模锻斜度的选择13 3.2.4圆角半径的选择13 3.2.5技术条件14 3.2.6计算锻件的主要参数15 3.3锻锤吨位的确定15 3.4确定飞边槽的型式和尺寸16 3.4.1飞边槽的作用16 3.4.2飞边槽的设计16 3.4.3飞边槽的尺寸16 3.5终锻型槽设计17 3.5.1钳口的选定17 3.6预锻型槽设计17 3.7绘制计算毛坯图18 3.7.1计算毛坯的头部及杆部19 3.8制坯工歩的选择19 3.9确定坯料尺寸20 3.10制坯模膛的设计21 3.10.1拔长模腔设计21 3.10.2滚压模膛设计22 3.11锻模结构设计23 第4章切边模具设计25 4.1切边的方式及模具类型25 4.2切边力的算计26 4.3切边模设计26 4.3.1切边凹模设计26 4.3.2切边凸模设计28 第5章结论29 附录......................................................................................................................................31 参考文献33 致谢35
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