At prese
nt, the popular projectio
n scree
n structure i
n the market isvery similar, but the role of subdivisio
n is alsovery differe
nt. Co
ntrolled by computer a
nd other exter
nal li
nks, the picture ca
n be prese
nted o
n the projectio
n scree
n. If the projectio
n of the clothwith the projector reaso
nable combi
n, correct operatio
n, computer i
nput i
n, ca
n see a clear picture. We co
ntrol the computer a
nd tell the curtai
n to go up. The torsio
n spri
ngwillwork a
nd the curtai
nwill rise slowly. Whe
nwe ope
n the plastic case,we ca
n see that the rotor that's hidde
n i
nside, he's goi
ng to rotate, a
nd the
n the curtai
n is goi
ng to bewrapped arou
nd the top of the tube, a
nd the curtai
n is goi
ng to be recycled. I
n the past,whe
nwe used the curtai
n, the recoilwas greater, a
nd the curtai
nwas recovered so quickly that the pull pipewouldvibrate a
nd hit the outer casi
ng of the i
nt hard. Not o
nly do pull tubes or shells have a high probability of breakage or cracki
ng. I
n additio
n, the curtai
n is subject to the force ofvarious a
ngles, a
nd the curtai
nwill easily fold or be
nd, affecti
ng the effect of the curtai
n. To protect the curtai
n a
nd exte
nd the life of the machi
ne, ma
ny userswho use projectorswill co
nsider ma
nually co
ng the speed. Thiswill
not o
nly cause a lot of trouble to the peoplewho use the i
nt, but also affect the service life of the i
nt. This desig
n belo
ngs to the field of projectio
n scree
n. It does
not cha
nge the appeara
nce, but o
nly adds some structures to the rotati
ng tube to achieve the desired effect. Keyword: Pla
netary gear set Gears secure the brake rack Ce
ntrifugal brake mecha
nism self-locki
ng spri
ng 目录 摘要……………………………………………………………………3 Aabstract………………………………………………………………4 第1章综述…………………………………………………………5 第2章现状分析……………………………………………………6 第3章结构和工作原理……………………………………………8 第4章结构及装配图设计…………………………………………10 4.1行星轮系机构设计…………………………………………10 4.2行星齿轮传动比计算………………………………………11 4.3行星齿轮传动的几何尺寸和啮合参数计算………………15 4.4行星齿轮传动传动效率计算………………………………17 4.5选择和计算载荷分布不均匀系数KP………………………19 4.6行星齿轮传动的结构设计………………………………20 4.7行星齿轮运动的强/韧度验证………………………………23 4.8自锁弹簧、离心制动机构和棘轮机构结构设计…………26 第6章总结与思想体会……………………………………………30 致谢……………………………………………………………………31 参考文献………………………………………………………………32
nt, the popular projectio
n scree
n structure i
n the market isvery similar, but the role of subdivisio
n is alsovery differe
nt. Co
ntrolled by computer a
nd other exter
nal li
nks, the picture ca
n be prese
nted o
n the projectio
n scree
n. If the projectio
n of the clothwith the projector reaso
nable combi
n, correct operatio
n, computer i
nput i
n, ca
n see a clear picture. We co
ntrol the computer a
nd tell the curtai
n to go up. The torsio
n spri
ngwillwork a
nd the curtai
nwill rise slowly. Whe
nwe ope
n the plastic case,we ca
n see that the rotor that's hidde
n i
nside, he's goi
ng to rotate, a
nd the
n the curtai
n is goi
ng to bewrapped arou
nd the top of the tube, a
nd the curtai
n is goi
ng to be recycled. I
n the past,whe
nwe used the curtai
n, the recoilwas greater, a
nd the curtai
nwas recovered so quickly that the pull pipewouldvibrate a
nd hit the outer casi
ng of the i
nt hard. Not o
nly do pull tubes or shells have a high probability of breakage or cracki
ng. I
n additio
n, the curtai
n is subject to the force ofvarious a
ngles, a
nd the curtai
nwill easily fold or be
nd, affecti
ng the effect of the curtai
n. To protect the curtai
n a
nd exte
nd the life of the machi
ne, ma
ny userswho use projectorswill co
nsider ma
nually co
ng the speed. Thiswill
not o
nly cause a lot of trouble to the peoplewho use the i
nt, but also affect the service life of the i
nt. This desig
n belo
ngs to the field of projectio
n scree
n. It does
not cha
nge the appeara
nce, but o
nly adds some structures to the rotati
ng tube to achieve the desired effect. Keyword: Pla
netary gear set Gears secure the brake rack Ce
ntrifugal brake mecha
nism self-locki
ng spri
ng 目录 摘要……………………………………………………………………3 Aabstract………………………………………………………………4 第1章综述…………………………………………………………5 第2章现状分析……………………………………………………6 第3章结构和工作原理……………………………………………8 第4章结构及装配图设计…………………………………………10 4.1行星轮系机构设计…………………………………………10 4.2行星齿轮传动比计算………………………………………11 4.3行星齿轮传动的几何尺寸和啮合参数计算………………15 4.4行星齿轮传动传动效率计算………………………………17 4.5选择和计算载荷分布不均匀系数KP………………………19 4.6行星齿轮传动的结构设计………………………………20 4.7行星齿轮运动的强/韧度验证………………………………23 4.8自锁弹簧、离心制动机构和棘轮机构结构设计…………26 第6章总结与思想体会……………………………………………30 致谢……………………………………………………………………31 参考文献………………………………………………………………32