nce the 20th ce
ntury,with the reform a
nd ope
ng up, people'swork has become more a
nd more busy, the pace of life has accelerated, the steamed bread takes a lo
ng time, a
nd the market dema
nd has i
ncreased.Especially for the factory city, a lot of time is spe
nt o
nwork, o
nly by buyi
ng steamed bread, resulti
ng i
n the shop's ma
nual productio
n of steamed bread is too late, i
nstead of mecha
nical productio
n, ca
n save a lot of time. I
n this desig
n, the formi
ng mecha
nism of the horizo
ntal steamed bread formi
ng machi
ne a
nd the formi
ng moveme
nt of the formi
ng roller are a
nalyzed;The moveme
nt a
nd force of dough i
n the machi
ne are a
nalyzed;The curved surface shape of the screw roller is a
nalyzed, a
nd the i
nce of the mecha
nical shapi
ng, the screw actio
n a
nd the co
ng actio
n of the dough is studied.Fi
nally, the pri
nciple of the horizo
ntal spiral steamed bread formi
ng machi
ne is determi
ned;The fu
n of the curved surface of the screw roller a
nd the curved surface form of the formi
ng roller, the mathematical model a
nd mai
n tech
nical parameters of the formi
ng machi
ndwe k
now the mai
n problems of dough i
n the process of formi
ng a
nd co
ng a
nd the mai
n disadva
ntages of roller. ………… O
n the basis of theoretical a
nalysis, experime
nt a
nd a lot of calculatio
n, the desig
n of horizo
ntal spiral steamed bread formi
ng machi
ne is completed. Keywords: Dough moldi
ng;Steamed bu
nical pri
nciple;Spiral Ku
n 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 目录3 引言4 1、馒头加工设备的现状5 1.1馒头加工的现状和发展5 1.1.1馒头加工的发展5 1.1.2卧式双螺旋馒头成型机5 2、成型机的设计6 2.1卧式馒头成型机的功能设计8 2.2结构总体9 2.2.1总体布置9 2.2.2主要技术参数的确定9 3、面团的成型分析12 3.1成型机构与成型机12 3.2馒头成型的运动分析13 3.3双螺旋锟的转速16 3.3.1最大转速的确定16 3.3.2最小转速的确定17 3.3.3转速分析18 4、成型锟的加工和螺旋曲面的分析19 4.1成型锟的加工19 4.2锟与面团的力的分析20 4.2.1成型锟对面团的作用20 结论22 参考文献23 后记24
nce the 20th ce
ntury,with the reform a
nd ope
ng up, people'swork has become more a
nd more busy, the pace of life has accelerated, the steamed bread takes a lo
ng time, a
nd the market dema
nd has i
ncreased.Especially for the factory city, a lot of time is spe
nt o
nwork, o
nly by buyi
ng steamed bread, resulti
ng i
n the shop's ma
nual productio
n of steamed bread is too late, i
nstead of mecha
nical productio
n, ca
n save a lot of time. I
n this desig
n, the formi
ng mecha
nism of the horizo
ntal steamed bread formi
ng machi
ne a
nd the formi
ng moveme
nt of the formi
ng roller are a
nalyzed;The moveme
nt a
nd force of dough i
n the machi
ne are a
nalyzed;The curved surface shape of the screw roller is a
nalyzed, a
nd the i
nce of the mecha
nical shapi
ng, the screw actio
n a
nd the co
ng actio
n of the dough is studied.Fi
nally, the pri
nciple of the horizo
ntal spiral steamed bread formi
ng machi
ne is determi
ned;The fu
n of the curved surface of the screw roller a
nd the curved surface form of the formi
ng roller, the mathematical model a
nd mai
n tech
nical parameters of the formi
ng machi
ndwe k
now the mai
n problems of dough i
n the process of formi
ng a
nd co
ng a
nd the mai
n disadva
ntages of roller. ………… O
n the basis of theoretical a
nalysis, experime
nt a
nd a lot of calculatio
n, the desig
n of horizo
ntal spiral steamed bread formi
ng machi
ne is completed. Keywords: Dough moldi
ng;Steamed bu
nical pri
nciple;Spiral Ku
n 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 目录3 引言4 1、馒头加工设备的现状5 1.1馒头加工的现状和发展5 1.1.1馒头加工的发展5 1.1.2卧式双螺旋馒头成型机5 2、成型机的设计6 2.1卧式馒头成型机的功能设计8 2.2结构总体9 2.2.1总体布置9 2.2.2主要技术参数的确定9 3、面团的成型分析12 3.1成型机构与成型机12 3.2馒头成型的运动分析13 3.3双螺旋锟的转速16 3.3.1最大转速的确定16 3.3.2最小转速的确定17 3.3.3转速分析18 4、成型锟的加工和螺旋曲面的分析19 4.1成型锟的加工19 4.2锟与面团的力的分析20 4.2.1成型锟对面团的作用20 结论22 参考文献23 后记24