ng frictio
n refers to the frictio
n that occurswhe
n there isvery little moveme
nt betwee
n the co
ntact surfaces. Fretti
ng frictio
n, like commo
n frictio
n, is a great hazard. For example, it leads to surface cracks a
nd i
ncreased frictio
n a
ndwear,which results i
n a reductio
n i
n the life of parts. I
n particular, the damage caused i
n the i
ndustrial field has bee
n e
normous. Therefore, the study of fretti
ng frictio
n hasvery importa
nt sig
nce. The study of fretti
ng frictio
n has becomevery urge
nt, but the releva
nt experime
ntal equipme
nt is also slightly i
nadequate. This article describes the co
ncept of fretti
ng frictio
n a
nd briefly a
nalyzes the desig
n process a
nd desig
n data of the fretti
ng frictio
n tester. Based o
n tribology a
nd k
nowledge of mecha
nical discipli
nes, the mecha
nical parts of the testerwere desig
ned a
nd optimized usi
ng software such as CAD, CATIA a
nd ANSYS. It is hoped that the micro-motio
n frictio
n testi
ng machi
ne desig
ned ca
n effectively improve the curre
nt research situatio
n of fretti
ng frictio
n, or give other researchers a certai
n amou
nt of research ideas. This desig
n adopts cam a
nd tria
ngle structure to reduce the displaceme
nt a
nd achieve micro-motio
n; adopts the upper e
nd of the pressure to achieve the cha
nge of load; has a certai
n automatic co
ntrol a
nd feedback system,which ca
n easily perform the fretti
ng experime
nt u
ndervarious co
ns. Aswell as the e
ntal model, the fixtures of the related parts of the projectwere desig
ned. Keywords:Fretti
ng frictio
ng Machi
ne、Pressurized、cam 目录 引言1 第一章绪论2 1.1摩擦学概述2 1.2微动摩擦学基本概念2 1.2.1微动摩擦的定义2 1.2.2微动的分类2 1.3试验机的发展现状3 1.4本文的研究目的及工作4 第二章总体设计5 2.1试验机的技术指标5 2.2总体设计的内容及设计原则5 2.3微位移系统设计6 2.4加压系统设计7 2.5夹具部分设计8 2.5本章小结9 第三章设计计算10 3.1设计计算的几个方面10 3.2锥齿轮的相关设计计算10 3.2.1选精度等级、材料及齿数10 3.2.2根据齿面接触疲劳强度计算10 3.2.3确定传动尺寸12 3.2.4校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度12 3.2.5计算锥齿轮传动其它几何参数13 3.3高速轴设计计算15 3.4低速轴设计计算18 3.5带传动设计22 3.5.1计算设计功率Pd 22 3.5.2选择带型22 3.5.3确定基准直径23 3.5.4确定基准长度、验算小轮包角23 3.5.5确定带的根数z 24 3.5.6确定带轮的结构和尺寸24 3.5.7确定带的张紧装置24 3.5.8计算压轴力24 第四章工作装置设计25 4.1箱体主要结构尺寸25 4.2键的选择25 4.3联轴器的选择25 4.4螺栓,螺母,螺钉的选择25 4.5销的选择26 4.6导轨滑块的选用26 4.7本章小结26 总结29 参考文献30 谢辞31
ng frictio
n refers to the frictio
n that occurswhe
n there isvery little moveme
nt betwee
n the co
ntact surfaces. Fretti
ng frictio
n, like commo
n frictio
n, is a great hazard. For example, it leads to surface cracks a
nd i
ncreased frictio
n a
ndwear,which results i
n a reductio
n i
n the life of parts. I
n particular, the damage caused i
n the i
ndustrial field has bee
n e
normous. Therefore, the study of fretti
ng frictio
n hasvery importa
nt sig
nce. The study of fretti
ng frictio
n has becomevery urge
nt, but the releva
nt experime
ntal equipme
nt is also slightly i
nadequate. This article describes the co
ncept of fretti
ng frictio
n a
nd briefly a
nalyzes the desig
n process a
nd desig
n data of the fretti
ng frictio
n tester. Based o
n tribology a
nd k
nowledge of mecha
nical discipli
nes, the mecha
nical parts of the testerwere desig
ned a
nd optimized usi
ng software such as CAD, CATIA a
nd ANSYS. It is hoped that the micro-motio
n frictio
n testi
ng machi
ne desig
ned ca
n effectively improve the curre
nt research situatio
n of fretti
ng frictio
n, or give other researchers a certai
n amou
nt of research ideas. This desig
n adopts cam a
nd tria
ngle structure to reduce the displaceme
nt a
nd achieve micro-motio
n; adopts the upper e
nd of the pressure to achieve the cha
nge of load; has a certai
n automatic co
ntrol a
nd feedback system,which ca
n easily perform the fretti
ng experime
nt u
ndervarious co
ns. Aswell as the e
ntal model, the fixtures of the related parts of the projectwere desig
ned. Keywords:Fretti
ng frictio
ng Machi
ne、Pressurized、cam 目录 引言1 第一章绪论2 1.1摩擦学概述2 1.2微动摩擦学基本概念2 1.2.1微动摩擦的定义2 1.2.2微动的分类2 1.3试验机的发展现状3 1.4本文的研究目的及工作4 第二章总体设计5 2.1试验机的技术指标5 2.2总体设计的内容及设计原则5 2.3微位移系统设计6 2.4加压系统设计7 2.5夹具部分设计8 2.5本章小结9 第三章设计计算10 3.1设计计算的几个方面10 3.2锥齿轮的相关设计计算10 3.2.1选精度等级、材料及齿数10 3.2.2根据齿面接触疲劳强度计算10 3.2.3确定传动尺寸12 3.2.4校核齿根弯曲疲劳强度12 3.2.5计算锥齿轮传动其它几何参数13 3.3高速轴设计计算15 3.4低速轴设计计算18 3.5带传动设计22 3.5.1计算设计功率Pd 22 3.5.2选择带型22 3.5.3确定基准直径23 3.5.4确定基准长度、验算小轮包角23 3.5.5确定带的根数z 24 3.5.6确定带轮的结构和尺寸24 3.5.7确定带的张紧装置24 3.5.8计算压轴力24 第四章工作装置设计25 4.1箱体主要结构尺寸25 4.2键的选择25 4.3联轴器的选择25 4.4螺栓,螺母,螺钉的选择25 4.5销的选择26 4.6导轨滑块的选用26 4.7本章小结26 总结29 参考文献30 谢辞31