单工位双面卧式车方组合机床的整体设计 摘要 在普通机床上加工方头轴类零件,工作效率低、劳动强度大。当其零件有一定的批量要求时,其生产就显得力不从心了,为此设计了专用设备。车方机床用曲率半径很大的椭圆短半轴曲线代替直线切削方形工件。生产率高,刀具成本低。选取适当的车头行星轮的分度圆直径,可以有效地控制车方原理的直线度误差。对实际工件进行了原理误差的分析计算和行星轮系的设计计算。 本组合机床是针对单面双工位卧式车削的组合机床,在完成组合机床总体设计的基础上,主要完成液压系统及滑台的设计。在设计过程中借鉴了国内一些现有组合机床的设计资料,结合被加工零件的结构特征,在指导老师的帮助下设计而成。进给部分采用液压滑台形式,主要是因为液压系统具有工作比较平稳,反应快、冲击小,能高速启动、制动和换向;能在运动过程中实现无级调速,调速方便,而且调速性能好;控制、调节比较简单,操纵比较方便,易于实现自动化,如与电气控制相配合,可方便地实现复杂的程序动作和远程控制等优点。 关键词:车方行星轮系椭圆方形直线度液压 A
n overview of the desig
n of combi
ned machi
ne tool Abstract Process the square shaft parts o
n the commo
n machi
ne tool, i
nt a
nd labor-i
nsive. Whe
n a certai
n amou
nt for their parts, their productio
n becomes u
nable, for the desig
n of specialized equipme
nt. It illustrates a ellipse’s short semi- axial curved li
newith great cured radius, that ca
n replace the straight li
ne for cutti
ng squarework- pieces o
n the machi
ne tool. The productivity of this rebuilt machi
ne tool is higher a
nd the cost of cutter is lower. The pri
nciple straight
ness error of cutti
ng square i
nwork- pieces ca
n be co
ntrolled by choosi
ng a suitable pitch diameter of the pla
netary gear i
n the machi
ne tools. A
nalytic calculatio
ns of the error a
nd desig
n of this trai
n have bee
n give
n for a realwork-piece. This combi
n machi
ne tools agai
nst u
nilateral double spaces horizo
ntal tur
ng combi
n machi
ne tools, machi
ne tool desig
n i
n complete portfolio basis, the completio
n of the mai
n hydraulic system a
nd further Slidi
ns desig
n. I
n the desig
n process for some of the existi
ng portfolio of domestic machi
ne tool desig
n data, the structural characteristics of the processed parts,with the help of teachers i
n guidi
ng the desig
n by. To the use of hydraulic slide i
nto some form of Slidi
ns, mai
nly because of a hydraulic systemwork more stable, respo
nsive, small shocks ca
n speed up, brake a
nd i
nvert; A
nd it ca
n achieve i
nitelyvariable speed co
ntrol duri
ng the moveme
nt, speed co
ntrol co
nt, a
nd the speed co
ntrol performa
nce is good; Co
ng a
nd regulati
ng simpler, more co
nt to ma
nipulate, easy to automate, if compatiblewith the electrical co
ntrol ca
n easily achieve complex procedures, such as remote-co
ntrol moveme
nts a
nd stre
ngths. Keywords: Square Cutti
ng Pla
netary Gear Trai
n Ellipse Square Straight
ness Hydraulic 目录 摘要II Abstract III 第一章组合机床设计概述6 1.1组合机床及其特点6 1.2组合机床设计步骤7 第二章组合机床的总体设计8 2.1设计任务8 2.2组合机床的总体设计6 2.2.1概述8 2.2.2组合机床的总体布局9 2.2.3工件及工艺分析10 2.3工件加工原理11 2.4行星轮计算及原理误差分析12 第三章动力部件的选择15 3.1切削力的计算及刀具的选择16 3.2电动机的选择17 第四章组合机床配置形式的选择18 4.1组合机床的配置形式18 4.2组合机床的支承部件19 4.2.1组合机床支承部件的作用19 4.2.2支承件的结构设计20 4.2.3组合机床卧式床身设计22 4.3机床联系尺寸图22 4.3.1机床联系尺寸图的尺寸图23 4.3.2绘制机床联系尺寸图应考虑的问题23 5液压滑台的设计26 5.1液压滑台系统概述26 5.1.1液压滑台的结构27 5.1.2液压滑台系统的特点27 5.1.3滑台对液压系统的要求28 5.1.4液压滑台主要技术性能的要求28 5.2导轨的选择29 5.2.1导轨的功用和分类30 5.2.2滑动导轨31 5.2.3导轨的结构形式38 6液压系统的设计与计算39 6.1液压系统概述39 6.2参数及数据40 6.3确定液压系统工作要求40 6.4液压系统原理41 6.5计算和选择液压元件41 6.5.1液压缸的计算41 6.5.2液压泵的选择44 6.5.3油管的选择46 6.5.4液压缸结构参数确定46 7总结30 参考文献31 致谢32
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