PYB2100型标准弹簧圆锥破碎机的设计 摘要 当今社会在不断向前发展,原材料的需求也是与日俱增,然而富矿资源的储备是有限的,这就导致着矿石品位的日趋贫化。从目前我国的冶金行业的统计数据来看,铁矿石及锰矿石的平均品位在20%~30%之间。由于冶金行业对于炉料各方面的要求较高,所以绝大多数的原矿是需要破磨和选矿处理的。圆锥破碎机就此应运而生,作为金属矿山选矿厂的主要破碎设备,其具有生产效率高,破碎出来颗粒小且均匀等优点,可将直径350mm左右矿岩破碎至l0mm以下,以满足入磨粒度的需要。 国内圆锥破碎机的研究起步较晚,上世纪50年代,在原苏联弹簧圆锥破碎机的基础上仿制开发而成了自己的弹簧圆锥破碎机。该类型破碎机靠动锥单向挤压和弯曲研磨破碎物料,而产品粒度则依赖于排料口大小,存在的不足之处就是物料之间相互作用很小,几乎是没有选择性的破碎过程。 近些年来,随着科学技术的快速发展,最新研发的新型圆锥破碎机其可破碎的物料类型及种类正在不断扩大,而破碎出来的颗粒度也在不断减校大型高效、实用可靠、节能减排和自动化是目前圆锥破碎机的发展方向。 本文主要研究了PYB2100型标准弹簧圆锥破碎机,在熟悉其工作原理及结构特征的基础之上,对结构参数和工作参数进行了选择计算,确定了动力方案并对所设计的关键零部件进行了校核计算。 关键词:矿石,破碎,圆锥破碎机 Abstract As society adva
nces, the i
ng co
n of raw materials, leadi
ng to the depletio
n of high-grade ore resources growi
ng, i
ngly depleted ore grade. Chi
na Metallurgical to mi
ne, for example, the average grade of 31% of iro
n ore, ma
nese ore 22%. Thevast majority of u
ndressed ore broke
n gri
ng a
nd milli
needs to be dealtwith after the fur
nace charge. Circular co
ne Breakers productio
n efficie
ncy, small size a
nd homoge
neous Pai expected to be broke
n mi
ne rock from 350mm to the differe
nt levels of particles lOmm, meet the skills
needs of gra
nularity,so Circular co
ne Breakers became the major equipme
nt of Metal mi
nes pla
nts. 20th ce
ntury the early 1950s, o
n the basis of the spri
ng-loaded Breakers of former Soviet U
n,developed its ow
n domestic Breakers.The most basic desig
n co
ncepts of this Breakers is co
ntrol products’ gra
nularity by the size of the mouth. Broke
n materialway is by movi
ng co
ng equipme
nt a
nd o
ne-way squeeze role broke
n materials,weak i
n betwee
n materials, Broke
n processvirtually
no selectivity. A
nd the rece
nt developme
nt of
new highly efficie
nt circular co
ne Breakers broke
n expa
ng the scope of applicatio
n of materials, broke
n products gra
nularity small, broke
n remarkable results. Curre
ntly circular co
ne Breakers is toward large, efficie
nt, reliable, e
nergy co
n, co
n a
nd automatio
n directio
n. This paper mai
nly studied the type PYB2100 sta
ndard spri
ng co
ne crusher, o
n the basis of familiarwith itsworki
ng pri
nciple a
nd structure characteristics, selected a
nd calculated its structural parameters a
ng parameters, determi
ned the motivatio
n scheme a
nd checked calculatio
n of the key parts that desig
ned. Keywords: mi
ne breakers 目录 摘要2 Abstract 3 1绪论5 1.1引言5 1.2历史发展5 1.3应用效果7 2总体方案设计8 2.1圆锥破碎机的类型8 2.2圆锥破碎机的工作原理8 2.3简述各部分结构及功用9 3圆锥破碎机的结构参数和工作参数的选择与计算12 3.1结构参数12 3.1.1给矿口宽度与排矿口宽度12 3.1.2啮角α 12 3.1.3破碎机的摆动行程13 3.1.4平行碎矿区l 14 3.2工作参数14 3.2.1破碎锥的摆动次数14 3.2.2生产率15 3.2.3电动机功率16 3.3圆锥破碎机的运动学16 3.4圆锥破碎机的动力学20 3.4.1破碎锥的惯性力和惯性力矩21 3.4.2偏心轴套的惯性力26 3.5偏心部分的运动状态27 4电动机的选择及轴的计算31 4.1主电动机的选择及传动比的分配31 4.1.1电动机的选择31 4.1.2传动比的分配31 4.2传动装置的运动和动力参数的选择和计算31 4.3传动零件的设计计算32 4.3.1齿轮的计算32 4.3.2齿轮的校核33 4.3.3传动轴的设计计算36 4.3.4滚动轴承的选择和寿命验算42 小结42 致谢44 参考文献44
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