磨料磨损试验机的设计 摘要 目前磨料磨损试验机的品种繁多,也有不少人在研究新型的试验机。在国内的相关研究中则广泛使用的试验机有滚子式磨损试验机、四球式磨料磨损试验机、往复式磨料磨损试验机、磨损试验机、盘销式磨料磨损试验机等。磨料磨损试验的目的是为了对磨损现象及其本质进行研究,正确地评价各种因素对磨料磨损性能的影响,从而确定符合使用要求的摩擦副元件的最优参数。 我所设计的是磨料磨损的试验机。是用电机带动带轮为驱动,利用带式传动使整台设备运转。这种试验机是进行磨料磨损的有效设备,广泛运用于对各种高速刀具的磨损性能进行测试和评价,是高速切削和新型刀具材料研制开发和应用的必备设备。该设备是高速加工和刀具材料研究方向研究工作急需的基础设备,该设备可以扩展该学科的研究领域和提高研究水平。是综合各种试验机的一种先进的设备。 关键词:磨损;试验机;高温;高速 Abstract The abrasivewear test machi
ne of thevariety, there are a lot of people i
n the study of
new type of testi
ng machi
ne. I
n the domestic related research iswidely used i
n the testi
ng machi
ne has a roller typewear testi
ng machi
ne, four ball frictio
n a
ndwear testi
ng machi
ne, reciprocati
ng frictio
n a
ndwear testi
ng machi
ne, cutti
ng type frictio
n,wear testi
ng machi
ne, frictio
n test machi
ne. Frictio
n a
ndwear test is aimed o
n the frictio
n a
ndwear phe
n a
nd its esse
nce is studied, a evaluatio
n ofvarious factors i
nce o
n frictio
n a
ndwear properties, thereby determi
ng the requireme
nts of the optimal parameters of frictio
n pair compo
nts. What I desig
n is at a high temperature abrasivewear testi
ng machi
ne. Is drive
n by a motor beltwheel for drivi
ng belt tra
n, usi
ng thewhole device operatio
n, this machi
ne is of high speed frictio
n a
ndwear behavior of effective equipme
nt, iswidely used forvarious high temperature frictio
n a
ndwear properties of high speed cutti
ng tool for testi
ng a
nd evaluatio
n, is of high speed cutti
ng a
new cutti
ng tool materials research a
nd developme
nt a
nd applicatio
n of the
necessary equipme
nt. The device is of high speed machi
ng a
nd tool material research directio
n researchwork
needed i
nfrastructure equipme
nt, the equipme
nt ca
n be exte
nded to the field of study a
nd improve research level. Is a comprehe
nsive test machi
ne is a ki
nd of adva
nced equipme
nt. Keywords:frictio
ng machi
ne;high temperature;high-speed 目录 摘要1 1引言1 1.1设计的目的和意义1 1.2研究现状2 1.3磨料磨损试验机的发展趋势3 2磨料磨损试验机的总体设计5 2.1传动方式5 2.2试验负荷的影响6 3运动的动力的计算8 3.1滚珠丝杆副的动力计算8 3.2丝杆强度和稳定性的计算9 3.3丝杠的刚度10 4磨料磨损试验机的结构设计的相关计算12 4.1试验机主要性能指标的确定12 4.1.1电机选择12 4.1.2同步带传动计算13 4.1.3主轴计算16 4.2各级传动的设计18 4.2.1第一级带传动计算18 4.2.2第三级带传动20 4.3丝杆轴承的选择22 4.4离合器的选择23 5磨料磨损试验机的结构设计24 5.1箱体的结构设计24 5.2横梁和支架的设计24 5.3摩擦轮的设计25 6结论27 参考文献28 致谢29
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