摘要 作为一种频繁穿梭于城市街道的卫生工具,“道路清扫车”对城市的形象有很大的影响。因此,一个小的道路清扫车不仅要提高它的性能,而且要有一个符合城市实际需要和城市形象的漂亮的外形。中国道路清扫车行业经过几十年的发展,产品从单一的纯扫式发展到各种各样的类型,产品的性能和质量迅速增长,特别是在改革开放之后,进口的清扫装置关键部分使得道路清扫车产品性能和可靠性高。但目前我国道路清扫车的水平仍与发达国家有较大的差距,特别是在产品可靠性方面。 文中介绍了道路清扫车清扫装置的设计说明。本文介绍了电动道路清扫车的常见问题。对除尘装置进行了详细设计,介绍了相关设备的原理,并进行了比较分析。对扫盘、吸嘴、集尘箱、风机及其他设备的选择进行了仔细的比较和分析。新的电动道路清扫车可以将路面的垃圾和尘土全面的清洁,清扫效率非常高,适合各种气候的干式路面清洁操作,以确保道路清洁操作的安全。 关键词:道路清扫车扫刷扫盘吸嘴集尘箱 ABSTRACT As a sa
nitary tool that freque
ntly travels through city streets,"path sweeper" has a big impact o
n the city's image. As a result, a small road sweeper should
not o
nly improve its performa
nce, but also have a beautiful look that matches the city's actual
needs a
nd the city's image. Road sweeper i
ndustry i
n Chi
na after decades of developme
nt, the developme
nt of products from a si
ngle pure sweep type all sorts of types, product quality a
nd performa
nce of rapid growth, especially after the reform a
nd ope
ng up, import a key part of clea
ng device makes the road sweeper products performa
nce a
nd high reliability. However, the level of road sweeper i
n our cou
ntry is still far from the developed cou
ntries, especially i
n terms of product reliability. This paper i
ntroduces the desig
n of the clea
ng equipme
nt of road sweeper. This paper i
ntroduces the problem of electric road sweeper. The desig
n of the dust removal device is detailed, the pri
nciple of related equipme
nt is i
ntroduced, a
nd the compariso
n a
nalysis is carried out. The selectio
n of sweep, mouth, dust box, fa
n a
nd other equipme
ntwas carefully compared a
nd a
nalyzed. New electric road sweeper paveme
nt ca
n be garbage a
nd comprehe
nsive dust clea
ng, clea
ng efficie
ncy isvery high, suitable for all ki
nds of climate dry surface clea
ng operatio
n, to e
nsure the safety of road clea
ng operatio
ns. Keywords: the path sweeps clear thevehicle the sca
ng sweeps the plate attracts the mouth the collectio
n dust box 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论1 1.1道路清扫车的意义和目的1 1.1.1道路清扫车的意义1 1.1.2道路清扫车的目的1 1.2道路清扫汽车的发展与展望1 1.2.1道路清扫汽车的发展历史1 1.2.2道路清扫汽车的现状2 1.2.3道路清扫车的发展与展望2 1.3道路清扫车的比较2 1.4本设计的主要内容3 第2章电动道路清扫车的总体设计4 2.1设计思想4 2.2整车参数的确定4 2.2.1尺寸参数4 2.2.2质量参数4 2.3总体设计5 2.3.1工作原理5 2.3.2构造及功能5 2.4本章小结6 第3章主要零件的设计7 3.1集尘箱的设计7 3.2扫盘和扫刷的设计7 3.3扫盘的布置形式8 3.4吸嘴的设计9 第4章清扫和吸尘系统的动力选择11 4.1清扫系统的动力选择11 4.2扫盘的驱动马达选择11 4.3风机的选择12 4.4本章小结12 第5章清扫车工作原理分析13 5.1清扫车清扫过程13 5.1.1扫盘的工作方式13 5.1.2吸尘装置的工作方式13 5.1.3垃圾箱的清理13 5.2本章小结13 结论14 致谢15 参考文献16
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