n of type dyei
ng machi
ne ABSTRACT Large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne is also k
n as large-scale wheel dyei
ng cyli
nder is a
n early applicatio
n of cotto
n a
nd li
n fabric dyei
ng machi
ne. I
n additio
n to dyei
ng, the large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne ca
n also be used to treat fabrics such as desizi
ng, scouri
ng, bleachi
ng, washi
ng, etc. Because of its simple structure, wide applicatio
n, low price, a
nd suitable for small batch a
nd multi-variety productio
n, Therefore, it is widely used i
n pri
ng a
nd dyei
ng pla
nts. With the developme
nt of productio
n a
nd the progress of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, the desig
n of large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne has cha
nged greatly. Great cha
nges have take
n place from ma
ng materials to mecha
nical structure, mecha
nical tra
n, automatio
n degree, processi
ng ability a
nd so o
n, which have bee
n greatly developed a
nd improved. Large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne is related to the developme
nt of a cou
ntry, but there has bee
n a lack of a large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne suitable for our cou
ntry. As a result, MA209B large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne will be used a
nd bor
n. A complete wi
nder system i
ncludes: mecha
nical tra
n part, chai
n mecha
nism, reducer, mag
netic powder clutch, overru
n clutch, microcomputer co
ntroller, testi
ng mecha
nism, etc. The testi
ng mecha
nism a
nd mag
netic powder clutch, the closed-loop system composed of the overru
ng clutch ca
n e
nsure the fabric to ru
n u
nder the specified te
n, e
nsure the fabric ca
n ru
n at a certai
n speed, a
nd e
nsure the fabric dyei
ng eve
n. A
nd give full play to the maximum efficie
ncy of the machi
ne, improve its service life, a
nd so o
n. By referri
ng to the excelle
nt dyei
ng machi
nes at home a
nd abroad, the desig
n is based o
n the domestic MA209A, a
nd the correspo
ng improveme
nts are made by co
ng a large
number of docume
nts a
nd a
ng the feedback of the users. The desig
n mai
nly i
ncludes the desig
n of the mai
n machi
ne structure, the drawi
ng desig
n of the whole machi
ne, the desig
n of the mecha
nical tra
n parts (i
ng the determi
n of the power of the motor, the i
n mode of the clutch, the check of the gear a
nd shaft of the reducer, etc.). KEY WORDS:Dyei
ng machi
ne; mecha
nical tra
n part; safety, machi
ne tool, ma 目录 摘要i ABSTRACT ii 1绪论1 2设计准备工作7 2.1对用户进行技术调研7 2.2对国外大型卷染机参数的参考7 2.3设计指导思想8 2.3.1根据国内外市场,确定卷径2800mm的卷染机8 2.3.2针对MA209A卷染机缺陷,改进设计8 3 MA209B卷染机设计参数与材料9 3.1设计参数9 3.2 MA209B机械结构材料介绍11 4 MA209B大型卷染机主机设计计算13 4.1机械传动系统设计方案13 4.2 MA209B采用JC-90-1型号微机控制器13 4.3确定两卷布辊中心距14 4.4确定浴槽容积15 4.5浴槽外形尺寸的设计16 4.6主机结构设计17 5机器部件设计20 5.1机械传动部件的设计20 5.2传动系统的技术条件20 5.3公称宽度为280cm传动链设计20 6各构件惯性力矩26 6.1卷布辊的惯性力矩26 6.2检测辊的惯性力矩27 6.3导布辊的惯性力矩27 6.4扩幅架压布辊的惯性力矩28 6.5电动机及离合器的确定29 6.5.1电动机的选择29 6.5.2磁粉离合器参数确定及其校核29 6.6机器最小张力校核31 6.7传动链设计33 7传动部件校核37 7.1传动部件主要零件强度校核37 7.2减速器的设计38 7.2.1现列举几种主要的齿轮传动类型38 7.2.2轴的结构设计41 7.3超越离合器的设计43 7.3.1减速器离合器43 7.3.2超越离合器主要尺寸的确定44 7.3.3磁粉离合器选用超越离合器制动的设计45 8 MA209B型卷染机的组装要求及操作47 8.1 Ma209b型大型卷染机的安装注意事项47 8.2 Ma209b型大型卷染机的试验要求48 8.3部件具体安装注意事项48 8.4浴槽部件设计48 8.4.1浴槽下结合件设计。 49 8.4.2浴槽上结合部件。 49 8.4.3密封门安装注意事项50 9卷染机未来发展形势51 附录52 参考文献55 外文资料57 中文译文64 致谢69 1绪论 卷染机又称染缸,是应用较早的一种棉麻类织物的染色机械。除了用于染色之外,染色机还可以用于织物的退浆、煮练、漂白、洗涤等处理。随着科学技术的发展和经济水平的提高,染布的工艺和染布质量越来越得到了较大的提高。人们消费观念的不断增强,也需要我们采用新的技术、新的设备、新的生产方法以满足人们的需求,适应社会的发展适应历史的潮流。 卷染机在染布过程中的作用是勿容置疑的,从古到今,一直有不断的新技术引用在上面。由于它结构简单,操作灵活,检修方便,投资费用少和用途广泛等优点,特别适合于多品种,小批量的加工和生产。与连续染色相比,卷染机染色至今仍认为是质量最好的染色方法。现在的染槽用不锈钢制造,传动由联动改为单独驱动并实现坯布的恒线速度卷绕。最吸引人的是带有微机的大型卷染机的出现,这些新的发展,不仅增加了布卷的尺寸,而且全过程由微机程序控制,染色质量非常稳定。
n of type dyei
ng machi
ne ABSTRACT Large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne is also k
n as large-scale wheel dyei
ng cyli
nder is a
n early applicatio
n of cotto
n a
nd li
n fabric dyei
ng machi
ne. I
n additio
n to dyei
ng, the large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne ca
n also be used to treat fabrics such as desizi
ng, scouri
ng, bleachi
ng, washi
ng, etc. Because of its simple structure, wide applicatio
n, low price, a
nd suitable for small batch a
nd multi-variety productio
n, Therefore, it is widely used i
n pri
ng a
nd dyei
ng pla
nts. With the developme
nt of productio
n a
nd the progress of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, the desig
n of large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne has cha
nged greatly. Great cha
nges have take
n place from ma
ng materials to mecha
nical structure, mecha
nical tra
n, automatio
n degree, processi
ng ability a
nd so o
n, which have bee
n greatly developed a
nd improved. Large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne is related to the developme
nt of a cou
ntry, but there has bee
n a lack of a large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne suitable for our cou
ntry. As a result, MA209B large-scale dyei
ng machi
ne will be used a
nd bor
n. A complete wi
nder system i
ncludes: mecha
nical tra
n part, chai
n mecha
nism, reducer, mag
netic powder clutch, overru
n clutch, microcomputer co
ntroller, testi
ng mecha
nism, etc. The testi
ng mecha
nism a
nd mag
netic powder clutch, the closed-loop system composed of the overru
ng clutch ca
n e
nsure the fabric to ru
n u
nder the specified te
n, e
nsure the fabric ca
n ru
n at a certai
n speed, a
nd e
nsure the fabric dyei
ng eve
n. A
nd give full play to the maximum efficie
ncy of the machi
ne, improve its service life, a
nd so o
n. By referri
ng to the excelle
nt dyei
ng machi
nes at home a
nd abroad, the desig
n is based o
n the domestic MA209A, a
nd the correspo
ng improveme
nts are made by co
ng a large
number of docume
nts a
nd a
ng the feedback of the users. The desig
n mai
nly i
ncludes the desig
n of the mai
n machi
ne structure, the drawi
ng desig
n of the whole machi
ne, the desig
n of the mecha
nical tra
n parts (i
ng the determi
n of the power of the motor, the i
n mode of the clutch, the check of the gear a
nd shaft of the reducer, etc.). KEY WORDS:Dyei
ng machi
ne; mecha
nical tra
n part; safety, machi
ne tool, ma 目录 摘要i ABSTRACT ii 1绪论1 2设计准备工作7 2.1对用户进行技术调研7 2.2对国外大型卷染机参数的参考7 2.3设计指导思想8 2.3.1根据国内外市场,确定卷径2800mm的卷染机8 2.3.2针对MA209A卷染机缺陷,改进设计8 3 MA209B卷染机设计参数与材料9 3.1设计参数9 3.2 MA209B机械结构材料介绍11 4 MA209B大型卷染机主机设计计算13 4.1机械传动系统设计方案13 4.2 MA209B采用JC-90-1型号微机控制器13 4.3确定两卷布辊中心距14 4.4确定浴槽容积15 4.5浴槽外形尺寸的设计16 4.6主机结构设计17 5机器部件设计20 5.1机械传动部件的设计20 5.2传动系统的技术条件20 5.3公称宽度为280cm传动链设计20 6各构件惯性力矩26 6.1卷布辊的惯性力矩26 6.2检测辊的惯性力矩27 6.3导布辊的惯性力矩27 6.4扩幅架压布辊的惯性力矩28 6.5电动机及离合器的确定29 6.5.1电动机的选择29 6.5.2磁粉离合器参数确定及其校核29 6.6机器最小张力校核31 6.7传动链设计33 7传动部件校核37 7.1传动部件主要零件强度校核37 7.2减速器的设计38 7.2.1现列举几种主要的齿轮传动类型38 7.2.2轴的结构设计41 7.3超越离合器的设计43 7.3.1减速器离合器43 7.3.2超越离合器主要尺寸的确定44 7.3.3磁粉离合器选用超越离合器制动的设计45 8 MA209B型卷染机的组装要求及操作47 8.1 Ma209b型大型卷染机的安装注意事项47 8.2 Ma209b型大型卷染机的试验要求48 8.3部件具体安装注意事项48 8.4浴槽部件设计48 8.4.1浴槽下结合件设计。 49 8.4.2浴槽上结合部件。 49 8.4.3密封门安装注意事项50 9卷染机未来发展形势51 附录52 参考文献55 外文资料57 中文译文64 致谢69 1绪论 卷染机又称染缸,是应用较早的一种棉麻类织物的染色机械。除了用于染色之外,染色机还可以用于织物的退浆、煮练、漂白、洗涤等处理。随着科学技术的发展和经济水平的提高,染布的工艺和染布质量越来越得到了较大的提高。人们消费观念的不断增强,也需要我们采用新的技术、新的设备、新的生产方法以满足人们的需求,适应社会的发展适应历史的潮流。 卷染机在染布过程中的作用是勿容置疑的,从古到今,一直有不断的新技术引用在上面。由于它结构简单,操作灵活,检修方便,投资费用少和用途广泛等优点,特别适合于多品种,小批量的加工和生产。与连续染色相比,卷染机染色至今仍认为是质量最好的染色方法。现在的染槽用不锈钢制造,传动由联动改为单独驱动并实现坯布的恒线速度卷绕。最吸引人的是带有微机的大型卷染机的出现,这些新的发展,不仅增加了布卷的尺寸,而且全过程由微机程序控制,染色质量非常稳定。