本文分析了U型弯曲件的结构、尺寸、精度和原材料性能,并具体指出了该产品的成型难点;拟定了模落料冲孔和成型折弯模具冲压工艺方案;详细阐述了排样设计方法和过程,确定了该产品需要落料的二维和排样图;完成了所有必要的工艺计算,包括模具刃口尺寸、各工位冲压力、总的冲压工艺力、压力中心等;概述了模具概要设计方法,系统的阐述了模具主要零件的结构、尺寸设计及标准的选用。同时阐述了模具的工作过程、各成形动作的协调性并对设备选择和核算进行了较为细致的叙述。 关键词模具工艺分析零件设计模具设计 设计说明书()外文摘要 Title Desig
n of the Stampi
ng Process a
nd the die for the spri
ng hook Abstract This paper a
nalyzes the tech
nical characteristics of the spri
ng hook such as co
n dime
n precisio
n a
nd the capability of the raw materials .There are i
ng the difficulties of this productio
n i
n the moldi
ng ,studyi
ng out the tech
nics of the progressive die ,maki
ng sure the layout project a
nd the die ge
neral structure. The progressive die could complete thirtee
n processes that i
nclude pu
ng, bla
ng, be
ng a
nd so o
n .It has fi
nished all
needed tech
nical cou
nt ,i
ng the k
nife-edge of the mold, the force of e
nch process , pu
nch tech
nical force of the all process a
nd the stress ce
nter of the mold .It summarizes the method of desig
ng this mold .It i
ntroduces the desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture of the pu
nch, the die, the strippi
ng device, the pushi
ng device, a
nd the bla
ng holders i
n details. A
nd it also expatiates the worki
ng process of the die, the coordi
n about each motio
n of figuratio
ns. Besides it has a sectio
n about equipme
nt choosi
ng a
nd proofreadi
ng. Keywords be
nd product progressive-die tech
nical a
nalysis die desig
n 目录 前言1 第一章工艺设计3 1.1零件介绍3 1.2零件工艺性分析3 1.3工艺方案的确定6 第二章排样设计7 2.11毛坯排样设计7 2.2材料的利用率7 第三章工艺计算9 3.1冲压工艺力的计算9 3.1.1冲裁力计算9 3.1.2卸料、顶件力的计算10 3.2压力中心计算11 第四章模具总体概要设计12 4.1模具概要设计12 4.2模具零件结构形式确定13 4.2.1定位机构14 4.2.2 14 4.2.3 15 第五章模具详细设计16 5.1工作零件16 5.1.1冲裁凸、凹模17 5.1.2凸模高度设计18 5.2定位零件19 5.2.1导向零件19 5.2.2挡料零件20 5.3出件零件20 5.3.1卸料零件20 5.3.2顶件零件21 5.4导向零件21 5.5其他零件22 第六章设备选择23 6.1设备吨位确定23 6.2设备校核23 第七章结论24 致谢25 参考文献26
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