Toothpaste filli
ng a
nd seali
ng machi
ne suitable for filli
ng hose after filli
ng a
nd seali
ng work. The wide ra
nge of applicatio
ns, to desig
n a matched filler will be able to achieve social a
nd eco
nomic be
nefits. Curre
nt market dema
nd for very large aircraft, from the machi
ne o
n daily products, medical applia
nces a
nd so o
n ca
n be filler, such as: toothpaste, face cream, cosmetics, medical pharmaceutical, etc., so this machi
ne will give a
n i
ntegrated view of e
nterprise zo
ne to a very high eco
nomic be
nefits. This paper describes the desig
n of the machi
ne mea
ng a
nd historical backgrou
nd, describes the toothpaste filli
ng a
nd seali
ng machi
ne developme
nts at home a
nd abroad, a
nd proposed desig
n co
ncepts a
nd methods. The focus of this desig
n is to achieve the primary drive a
nd output, tap positio
n a
nd the cursor o
n the bit. Mecha
nical pri
nciple of slot wheel drive through the dial ri
ng co
nveyor with i
nt care drive, which also used a cam pat o
n the toothpaste tube positio
n a
nd air through the light se
nsors to electrical sig
nals, PW, realize the target fu
n. I
n additio
n to these fu
ns are outside the machi
ne early positio
ng, filli
ng, seali
ng a
nd trimmi
ng a
nd playi
numbers a
nd other major fu
ns. Through traditio
nal mecha
nical co
ncept of the mai
n tra
n a
nd the output part of the desig
not o
nly reduces the cost of machi
nery, but also to greatly reduce the difficulty of desig
n, fully embodies the simplicity of desig
n, practicality a
nd eco
nomy. Through the desig
n which makes the tech
nical co
nt of a grade i
ncrease i
n accuracy a
nd quality have bee
n greatly improved. Machi
ne machi
ne break through the desig
n pri
nciple, so that machi
ne desig
ned, compact, eco
nomy co
nsiderable pollutio
n. Keywords: Toothpaste filli
ng; mai
n tra
n; output; pat positio
ng. 目录 摘要I 第1章绪论1 1.1牙膏灌装封尾机的设计意义1 1.2牙膏灌装封尾机的研究现状2 1.2.1牙膏灌装封尾机的发展历史2 1.2.2牙膏灌装封尾机的国内外研究现状3 1.2.3牙膏灌装封尾机需解决的问题3 1.3题目设计内容4 第2章总体方案设计5 2.1设计任务分析5 2.1.1设计参数5 2.1.2工艺路线5 2.1.3主要参数的确定5 2.2功能分析6 2.2.1总功能确定6 2.2.2各功能分解6 2.2.3功能结构确定6 2.3功能求解7 2.3.1分功能原理解7 2.3.2系统方案求解8 2.4方案评价8 2.5系统方案原理图9 2.5.1各执行构件方案简图9 2.5.2画总体方案简图11 2.5.3总体布置11 第3章传动系统设计计算12 3.1动力机的选择12 3.2传动比分配12 3.3各轴转速、功率及转矩的设计计算12 3.4传动零件的设计计算13 3.4.1圆锥齿轮传动设计计算13 3.4.2斜齿圆柱齿轮传动设计16 3.4.3带传动设计计算20 3.4.4槽轮传动设计计算22 3.4.5轴的设计计算22 3.4.6轴的强度校核27 3.4.7轴承寿命计算28 第4章执行系统设计计算30 4.1轻拍定位机构运动与动力分析30 4.2典型零部件结构设计30 4.2.1凸轮机构设计计算30 第5章牙膏灌装封尾机的安装、维护和安全要求32 第6章结论33 参考文献34 致谢36 第1章绪论 1.1牙膏灌装封尾机的设计意义 近半个多世纪以来,随着人们对生活的需求多样化,日用品的需求自然会随之上升,其中牙膏的需求量越来越大,得到了人们的重视。当今,灌装膏体产品的机械多种多样,对人们的日常生活,社会效益和国家进出口贸易等都带来深刻的影响。如果灌装质量和精度不高,就会使企业的销售量大大的减小,进而减少了经济效益。 将来对牙膏灌装封尾也会提出许多新的要求,对不同程度的膏体进行灌装,着眼于未来,可以确定气动装置执行灌装和机械装置传动的组合将成为广泛被利用的机种,且可称之为具有漫长发展历史和富有强大生命力的牙膏灌装封尾机械。
ng a
nd seali
ng machi
ne suitable for filli
ng hose after filli
ng a
nd seali
ng work. The wide ra
nge of applicatio
ns, to desig
n a matched filler will be able to achieve social a
nd eco
nomic be
nefits. Curre
nt market dema
nd for very large aircraft, from the machi
ne o
n daily products, medical applia
nces a
nd so o
n ca
n be filler, such as: toothpaste, face cream, cosmetics, medical pharmaceutical, etc., so this machi
ne will give a
n i
ntegrated view of e
nterprise zo
ne to a very high eco
nomic be
nefits. This paper describes the desig
n of the machi
ne mea
ng a
nd historical backgrou
nd, describes the toothpaste filli
ng a
nd seali
ng machi
ne developme
nts at home a
nd abroad, a
nd proposed desig
n co
ncepts a
nd methods. The focus of this desig
n is to achieve the primary drive a
nd output, tap positio
n a
nd the cursor o
n the bit. Mecha
nical pri
nciple of slot wheel drive through the dial ri
ng co
nveyor with i
nt care drive, which also used a cam pat o
n the toothpaste tube positio
n a
nd air through the light se
nsors to electrical sig
nals, PW, realize the target fu
n. I
n additio
n to these fu
ns are outside the machi
ne early positio
ng, filli
ng, seali
ng a
nd trimmi
ng a
nd playi
numbers a
nd other major fu
ns. Through traditio
nal mecha
nical co
ncept of the mai
n tra
n a
nd the output part of the desig
not o
nly reduces the cost of machi
nery, but also to greatly reduce the difficulty of desig
n, fully embodies the simplicity of desig
n, practicality a
nd eco
nomy. Through the desig
n which makes the tech
nical co
nt of a grade i
ncrease i
n accuracy a
nd quality have bee
n greatly improved. Machi
ne machi
ne break through the desig
n pri
nciple, so that machi
ne desig
ned, compact, eco
nomy co
nsiderable pollutio
n. Keywords: Toothpaste filli
ng; mai
n tra
n; output; pat positio
ng. 目录 摘要I 第1章绪论1 1.1牙膏灌装封尾机的设计意义1 1.2牙膏灌装封尾机的研究现状2 1.2.1牙膏灌装封尾机的发展历史2 1.2.2牙膏灌装封尾机的国内外研究现状3 1.2.3牙膏灌装封尾机需解决的问题3 1.3题目设计内容4 第2章总体方案设计5 2.1设计任务分析5 2.1.1设计参数5 2.1.2工艺路线5 2.1.3主要参数的确定5 2.2功能分析6 2.2.1总功能确定6 2.2.2各功能分解6 2.2.3功能结构确定6 2.3功能求解7 2.3.1分功能原理解7 2.3.2系统方案求解8 2.4方案评价8 2.5系统方案原理图9 2.5.1各执行构件方案简图9 2.5.2画总体方案简图11 2.5.3总体布置11 第3章传动系统设计计算12 3.1动力机的选择12 3.2传动比分配12 3.3各轴转速、功率及转矩的设计计算12 3.4传动零件的设计计算13 3.4.1圆锥齿轮传动设计计算13 3.4.2斜齿圆柱齿轮传动设计16 3.4.3带传动设计计算20 3.4.4槽轮传动设计计算22 3.4.5轴的设计计算22 3.4.6轴的强度校核27 3.4.7轴承寿命计算28 第4章执行系统设计计算30 4.1轻拍定位机构运动与动力分析30 4.2典型零部件结构设计30 4.2.1凸轮机构设计计算30 第5章牙膏灌装封尾机的安装、维护和安全要求32 第6章结论33 参考文献34 致谢36 第1章绪论 1.1牙膏灌装封尾机的设计意义 近半个多世纪以来,随着人们对生活的需求多样化,日用品的需求自然会随之上升,其中牙膏的需求量越来越大,得到了人们的重视。当今,灌装膏体产品的机械多种多样,对人们的日常生活,社会效益和国家进出口贸易等都带来深刻的影响。如果灌装质量和精度不高,就会使企业的销售量大大的减小,进而减少了经济效益。 将来对牙膏灌装封尾也会提出许多新的要求,对不同程度的膏体进行灌装,着眼于未来,可以确定气动装置执行灌装和机械装置传动的组合将成为广泛被利用的机种,且可称之为具有漫长发展历史和富有强大生命力的牙膏灌装封尾机械。