ng with the developme
nt of The Times, the progress of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, moder
n people traveli
ng more a
nd more rely o
n cars, trai
ns, pla
nes, ships a
nd so o
n tra
n, of which the most automobile applicatio
n widely, co
nt car brought great co
nce to our life, as cou
ntries arou
nd the world bega
n to advocate for high efficie
ncy a
nd e
nergy savi
ng life i
n rece
nt years, most of the cities bega
n to limit car emissio
ns, so the
new e
nergy vehicles bega
n to spread, a
nd as more a
nd more urba
n populatio
n, space more a
nd more small, car is toward smaller, more suitable for use withi
n the city the directio
n of developme
nt, thus for short i
n the city of small mi
niature cars, Brake system is particularly importa
nt, although these car speed quality is
not high, but due to the complexity of urba
n traffic, accide
nts also happe
n from time to tome, the situatio
n of every accide
nt bri
ngs to people's health a
nd property loss, good braki
ng system ca
not o
nly e
nsure drivi
ng safety, also ca
n guara
ntee i
n car, o
n the hill of road safety, it is
necessary to carry out its desig
n calculatio
n a
nd optimizatio
n, to achieve the ideal state.Based o
n cha
n rushi
ng EV model, for this type of electric small car disc brake structure a
nd its major compo
nt has carried o
n the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n, i
ng the selectio
n of type of brake, brake pri
nciple, mai
n brake structure desig
n of the drivi
ng mecha
nism a
nd a size selectio
n calculatio
n, the choice of mai
n brake parts size, desig
n calculatio
n a
nd the correspo
ng size optimizatio
n, the optimal scale of the brake disc a
nd the brake li
ng, to achieve both good braki
ng, a
nd to reduce wear to exte
nd the service life a
nd reduce
noise.Key words: micro car; Disc brakes; Disc brake optimizatio
n desig
n; Brake drive mecha
nism desig
n. 目录 第一章绪论5 1.1选题的目的和意义: 5 1.2国内外研究现状: 5 1.3设计方案步骤: 6 1.4设计的主要内容: 6 第二章总体设计: 6 2.1设计要求: 6 2.2制动原理概述: 6 2.3制动器类型选择: 7 2.4制动驱动机构的选择: 7 第三章制动器设计及校核: 8 3.1制动系设计概述: 8 3.2汽车基本参数: 9 3.3同步附着系数的确定: 10 3.4主要参数设计计算: 10 3.4.1制动盘直径D: 10 3.4.2制动盘厚度h: 10 3.4.4制动衬块工作面积A及其校核: 11 3.5制动器设计计算: 11 3.5.1前后轮制动器制动力矩的确定: 11 3.5.2制动器最大制动力矩计算: 11 3.5.3制动器摩擦力矩的计算: 12 3.5.4应急制动和驻车制动所需的制动力矩: 12 3.5.5摩擦衬片磨损特性计算及校核: 13 第四章制动驱动机构设计计算及校核: 15 4.1制动驱动机构设计概述: 15 4.2分路系统: 15 4.3制动器驱动机构的参数计算及校核: 16 4.3.1制动轮缸直径d的确定: 16 V = 2(V1 + V2 )=3318.308mm3 17 4.3.3制动主缸活塞回力弹簧的确定及校核: 17 4.3.4制动主缸残余压力P: 17 4.3.5制动踏板工作行程及校核: 17 4.3.6制动踏板力计算及校核: 18 4.3.7制动主缸结构设计: 18 4.4制动器主要结构原件: 19 第五章制动器优化设计: 20 5.1优化设计概述: 20 5.2优化设计方法步骤: 20 (1)根据公式建立目标函数20 (2)根据要求引入约束21 (3)设计算法程序21 (4)得出约束结果21 5.3目标函数的建立: 21 (1)盘式制动器制动力矩: 21 (2)制动器表面升温: 21 5.4约束: 21 (1)为防止汽车打滑制动力矩应不大于车轮与地面的附着力矩: 21 (2)一次紧急制动后制动盘的温度不得超过260度: 21 (3)油缸内压力不得超过最大值12MPA: 21 (4)比能量耗散率约束: 21 (5)结构约束: 21 5.5优化结果: 21 5.6本章总结: 21
ng with the developme
nt of The Times, the progress of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, moder
n people traveli
ng more a
nd more rely o
n cars, trai
ns, pla
nes, ships a
nd so o
n tra
n, of which the most automobile applicatio
n widely, co
nt car brought great co
nce to our life, as cou
ntries arou
nd the world bega
n to advocate for high efficie
ncy a
nd e
nergy savi
ng life i
n rece
nt years, most of the cities bega
n to limit car emissio
ns, so the
new e
nergy vehicles bega
n to spread, a
nd as more a
nd more urba
n populatio
n, space more a
nd more small, car is toward smaller, more suitable for use withi
n the city the directio
n of developme
nt, thus for short i
n the city of small mi
niature cars, Brake system is particularly importa
nt, although these car speed quality is
not high, but due to the complexity of urba
n traffic, accide
nts also happe
n from time to tome, the situatio
n of every accide
nt bri
ngs to people's health a
nd property loss, good braki
ng system ca
not o
nly e
nsure drivi
ng safety, also ca
n guara
ntee i
n car, o
n the hill of road safety, it is
necessary to carry out its desig
n calculatio
n a
nd optimizatio
n, to achieve the ideal state.Based o
n cha
n rushi
ng EV model, for this type of electric small car disc brake structure a
nd its major compo
nt has carried o
n the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n, i
ng the selectio
n of type of brake, brake pri
nciple, mai
n brake structure desig
n of the drivi
ng mecha
nism a
nd a size selectio
n calculatio
n, the choice of mai
n brake parts size, desig
n calculatio
n a
nd the correspo
ng size optimizatio
n, the optimal scale of the brake disc a
nd the brake li
ng, to achieve both good braki
ng, a
nd to reduce wear to exte
nd the service life a
nd reduce
noise.Key words: micro car; Disc brakes; Disc brake optimizatio
n desig
n; Brake drive mecha
nism desig
n. 目录 第一章绪论5 1.1选题的目的和意义: 5 1.2国内外研究现状: 5 1.3设计方案步骤: 6 1.4设计的主要内容: 6 第二章总体设计: 6 2.1设计要求: 6 2.2制动原理概述: 6 2.3制动器类型选择: 7 2.4制动驱动机构的选择: 7 第三章制动器设计及校核: 8 3.1制动系设计概述: 8 3.2汽车基本参数: 9 3.3同步附着系数的确定: 10 3.4主要参数设计计算: 10 3.4.1制动盘直径D: 10 3.4.2制动盘厚度h: 10 3.4.4制动衬块工作面积A及其校核: 11 3.5制动器设计计算: 11 3.5.1前后轮制动器制动力矩的确定: 11 3.5.2制动器最大制动力矩计算: 11 3.5.3制动器摩擦力矩的计算: 12 3.5.4应急制动和驻车制动所需的制动力矩: 12 3.5.5摩擦衬片磨损特性计算及校核: 13 第四章制动驱动机构设计计算及校核: 15 4.1制动驱动机构设计概述: 15 4.2分路系统: 15 4.3制动器驱动机构的参数计算及校核: 16 4.3.1制动轮缸直径d的确定: 16 V = 2(V1 + V2 )=3318.308mm3 17 4.3.3制动主缸活塞回力弹簧的确定及校核: 17 4.3.4制动主缸残余压力P: 17 4.3.5制动踏板工作行程及校核: 17 4.3.6制动踏板力计算及校核: 18 4.3.7制动主缸结构设计: 18 4.4制动器主要结构原件: 19 第五章制动器优化设计: 20 5.1优化设计概述: 20 5.2优化设计方法步骤: 20 (1)根据公式建立目标函数20 (2)根据要求引入约束21 (3)设计算法程序21 (4)得出约束结果21 5.3目标函数的建立: 21 (1)盘式制动器制动力矩: 21 (2)制动器表面升温: 21 5.4约束: 21 (1)为防止汽车打滑制动力矩应不大于车轮与地面的附着力矩: 21 (2)一次紧急制动后制动盘的温度不得超过260度: 21 (3)油缸内压力不得超过最大值12MPA: 21 (4)比能量耗散率约束: 21 (5)结构约束: 21 5.5优化结果: 21 5.6本章总结: 21