摘要 自动回转刀架数控机床的重要组成部分,它有效地提高了劳动生产率,缩短了生产准备时间,消除人工误差提高加工精度和加工精度的一致性等。但是传统的普通车床换刀的速度慢、精度不高,生产效率低,不能适应现代化生产的需要。所以为了提高生产率、改善产品质量以及改善劳动条件必须对自动回转刀架进行改进。 本文对数控车床自动回转刀架的机电系统的相关内容进行分析,研究数控车床刀架的组成和工作原理,对普通机床的换刀装置进行改进,使该装置具有自动松开、转位、精密定位等功能。此次主要完成自动回转刀架的机械部分和电气部分的设计。机械部分为对其组成的各个机械部件进行计算与选用,电气部分为编制刀架自动转位控制软件。设计的数控换刀装置功能更强,换刀装置通过刀具快速自动定位,可以提高数控车床的效率,缩短加工时间;同时其可靠性更稳定,结抅简单。 关键词:自动回转刀架,换刀装置,机电系统,电气控制 Desig
n of automatic turret mecha
nical a
nd electrical system of CNC lathes Abstract The automatic turret is a
n importa
nt part of CNC lathe. It improved labor productivity a
nd shorte
n the productio
n time, elimi
nate huma
n error, the improveme
nt of the machi
ng accuracy a
nd co
ncy of precisio
n. Though co
nal ordi
nary lathe tool cha
nge slowly, low accuracy, low productivity. It ca
not adapt to the
needs of moder
n productio
n. Therefore, we must be improved the automatic turret i
n order to i
ncrease productivity, improve product quality a
nd improve worki
ng. This rotary tool holder for CNC lathe electrical a
nd mecha
nical systems related co
nt study, study the compositio
n a
nd worki
ng pri
nciple of CNC lathes turret a
nd improve the tool cha
ngerthe of ge
neral machi
ne tools, so that the device has a
n automatic release, tra
nsfer, precisio
n positio
ng a
nd other fu
ns. This time we should completio
n of the desig
n of automatic turret’s the mecha
nical parts a
nd electrical parts. Mecha
nical part is composed of various mecha
nical calculatio
n a
nd selectio
n of parts, electrical parts is preparatio
n of the turret automatically tra
nsfer of the co
ntrol software, automatic i
ng turret. Desig
n of more powerful CNC tool cha
nger, tool cha
nger quickly through the automatic positio
ng tool ca
n improve the efficie
ncy of CNC lathes a
nd shorte
n the processi
ng time; while its reliability is more stable, the structure is simpler. Keywords: Automatic turret Tool cha
nger Electro-Mecha
nical Systems Electrical co
ntrol 目录 1绪论1 1.1自动回转刀架的设计背景1 1.2自动回转刀架的市场分析2 1.3设计自动回转刀架的意义2 2自动回转刀架总体设计3 2.1总体方案的确定3 2.2减速机传动机构的确定4 2.3刀体锁紧与精定位机构的确定5 2.4抬起机构的确定5 3自动回转刀架机械部分设计6 3.1自动回转刀架的工作原理6 3.2蜗轮及蜗杆的设计及校核8 3.2.1蜗杆的选型9 3.2.2蜗杆副的材料10 3.2.3按齿面接触疲劳强度进行设计10 3.3蜗轮及蜗杆的主要参数与几何尺寸12 3.4螺杆的主要参数与几何尺寸14 3.4.1螺杆的设计计算14 3.5蜗杆轴的设计15 3.5.1蜗杆轴的材料选择,确定许用应力15 3.5.2按扭转强度初步估算轴的最小直径15 3.5.3确定各轴段的直径和长度16 3.5.4蜗杆轴的校核17 3.6蜗杆轴的轴承选用21 4自动回转刀架电气部分设计22 4.1硬件电路设计22 4.2控制软件设计25 4.2.180C31单片机及其引脚说明26 4.2.2静态存储器6264的特性28 4.2.3 2764只读存储器的特性28 4.2.4可编程并行I/O接口芯片8255的特性29 5结论33 6致谢34 7参考文献35
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