n of Sprayi
ng System for Agricultural Tracked Vehicle Abstract Chi
na is a big agricultural cou
ntry , agriculture is o
ne of the mai
n ways of productio
n a
nd life , farmers grow crops , pesticide sprayi
ng is a
n esse
ntial work .Cro p diseases a
nd i
nsect pests spread rapidly , ma
ny ki
nds of diseases a
nd pests , a
nd there will be the risk of excessive reproductio
n , disaster .Disease a
nd i
nsect pests will seriously affect crop productio
n , cause huge losses to farmers , a
nd seriously affect Chi
nal eco
nomy developme
nt .Therefore , i
n order to effectively fight agai
nst diseases a
nd i
nsect pests a
nd improve crop productio
n quality a
nd productio
n efficie
ncy , we must be sprayed with pesticides to resist pests a
nd reduce crop productio
n reductio
n . This paper studies a sprayi
ng system of agricultural crawler vehicle, which uses wireless remote co
ntrol to co
ntrol the walki
ng a
nd sprayi
ng of agricultural crawler vehicle. The spray box has large capacity a
nd wide ra
nge of sprayi
ng. The high pressure plu
nger pump is used to co
nect the high pressure pipe co
n joi
nt a
nd the stai
nless steel u
nozzle. The u
niversal joi
nt ca
n adjust the
nozzle a
ngle a
nd select differe
nt types of
nozzle to make the sprayi
ng ra
nge wider a
nd more comprehe
nsive. O
n this basis, co
ng the differe
nt dista
nce betwee
n fruit trees, the electric push rod ca
n adjust the dista
nce of spri
nkler head, spray pesticide i
n a wide ra
nge, a
nd improve the sprayi
ng efficie
ncy. Keywords: pisto
n pump; stai
nless steel u
nozzle; electric push rod 目录 1.绪论1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究意义2 1.3国内外研究现状2 1.4研究的主要内容7 2.农用履带车喷洒系统的动力部件7 2.1液压的原理7 2.2各种泵的优缺点8 2.2.1齿轮泵8 2.2.2叶片泵8 2.2.3柱塞泵10 2.2.4螺杆泵10 3.农用履带车喷洒系统的连接部件11 3.1高压管的原理11 3.2三通管及二通管11 4.农用履带车喷洒系统的喷洒部件12 4.1雾化的原理12 4.2喷头的种类12 4.3喷头的使用与维护13 5.电动推杆的原理14 6.整体设计方案14 6.1喷洒系统的整体连接方式14 6.2喷药箱的设计15 6.3水泵的选用16 6.4高压管的选用16 6.5喷嘴的选用17 6.6一种可旋转底座的设计19 6.7电动推杆的安装设计19 结论23 参考文献24 致谢26
n of Sprayi
ng System for Agricultural Tracked Vehicle Abstract Chi
na is a big agricultural cou
ntry , agriculture is o
ne of the mai
n ways of productio
n a
nd life , farmers grow crops , pesticide sprayi
ng is a
n esse
ntial work .Cro p diseases a
nd i
nsect pests spread rapidly , ma
ny ki
nds of diseases a
nd pests , a
nd there will be the risk of excessive reproductio
n , disaster .Disease a
nd i
nsect pests will seriously affect crop productio
n , cause huge losses to farmers , a
nd seriously affect Chi
nal eco
nomy developme
nt .Therefore , i
n order to effectively fight agai
nst diseases a
nd i
nsect pests a
nd improve crop productio
n quality a
nd productio
n efficie
ncy , we must be sprayed with pesticides to resist pests a
nd reduce crop productio
n reductio
n . This paper studies a sprayi
ng system of agricultural crawler vehicle, which uses wireless remote co
ntrol to co
ntrol the walki
ng a
nd sprayi
ng of agricultural crawler vehicle. The spray box has large capacity a
nd wide ra
nge of sprayi
ng. The high pressure plu
nger pump is used to co
nect the high pressure pipe co
n joi
nt a
nd the stai
nless steel u
nozzle. The u
niversal joi
nt ca
n adjust the
nozzle a
ngle a
nd select differe
nt types of
nozzle to make the sprayi
ng ra
nge wider a
nd more comprehe
nsive. O
n this basis, co
ng the differe
nt dista
nce betwee
n fruit trees, the electric push rod ca
n adjust the dista
nce of spri
nkler head, spray pesticide i
n a wide ra
nge, a
nd improve the sprayi
ng efficie
ncy. Keywords: pisto
n pump; stai
nless steel u
nozzle; electric push rod 目录 1.绪论1 1.1研究背景1 1.2研究意义2 1.3国内外研究现状2 1.4研究的主要内容7 2.农用履带车喷洒系统的动力部件7 2.1液压的原理7 2.2各种泵的优缺点8 2.2.1齿轮泵8 2.2.2叶片泵8 2.2.3柱塞泵10 2.2.4螺杆泵10 3.农用履带车喷洒系统的连接部件11 3.1高压管的原理11 3.2三通管及二通管11 4.农用履带车喷洒系统的喷洒部件12 4.1雾化的原理12 4.2喷头的种类12 4.3喷头的使用与维护13 5.电动推杆的原理14 6.整体设计方案14 6.1喷洒系统的整体连接方式14 6.2喷药箱的设计15 6.3水泵的选用16 6.4高压管的选用16 6.5喷嘴的选用17 6.6一种可旋转底座的设计19 6.7电动推杆的安装设计19 结论23 参考文献24 致谢26