For chemical products, there is a
necessary process is batchi
ng weighi
ng. The mai
n purpose of this process is to weigh a
nd proportio
n the materials to be delivered to the mixer, a
nd to e
nsure the quality of the products by accurate proportio
n. I
n the whole process, the mecha
nism of each part is i
n a co
nuous worki
ng e
nt. At this time, the batchi
ng a
nd weighi
ng process is required to be co
nuous. If it is completed by ma
npower, the precisio
n co
ntrol is poor a
nd the product quality is affected. At this time, it is
necessary to desig
n a weighi
ng machi
ne. The desig
n requireme
nt is to let stude
nts lear
n from the mecha
nism Starti
ng from the pri
nciple, a
nd the
n the structure a
nd size of each part of the releva
nt desig
n, a
nd the
n also
need to carry out the desig
n of the co
ntrol system. Key words: batchi
ng weighi
ng, weighi
ng desig
n, accurate batchi
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1项目简介1 2机器设计的技术条件1 3机器的总体设计2 3.1配料称量机结构形式的选择2 3.2机器工作原理的设计2 3.3机器的组成3 3.4配料称量机结构示意图设计4 4机器的部件设计5 4.1料仓部件设计5 4.2进料闸阀部件设计7 4.3振动给料器部件设计10 4.3.1.振动发生机构设计10 4.3.2.曲柄连杆机构运动的分析计算10 4.3.3.振动给料器对摆动中心的转动惯量计算17 4.3.4.振动给料器运转的动力计算及减速器选型21 4.3.5.振动给料器部件图设计24 4.4隔振圈部件设计26 4.5料斗部件设计28 4.5.1.确定料斗的合理容积及外形尺寸28 4.5.2.料斗部件图设计30 4.6输送管部件设计32 4.7机架部件设计33 4.8气动控制系统设计35 4.8.1.气缸的选型35 4.8.2气缸内径的确定36 4.9电气控制系统设计39 4.9.1.生产过程程序控制方框图设计39 4.9.2.电气原理图设计40 4.9.3.微机控制系统设计40 4.10机器总图绘制45 参考文献48
necessary process is batchi
ng weighi
ng. The mai
n purpose of this process is to weigh a
nd proportio
n the materials to be delivered to the mixer, a
nd to e
nsure the quality of the products by accurate proportio
n. I
n the whole process, the mecha
nism of each part is i
n a co
nuous worki
ng e
nt. At this time, the batchi
ng a
nd weighi
ng process is required to be co
nuous. If it is completed by ma
npower, the precisio
n co
ntrol is poor a
nd the product quality is affected. At this time, it is
necessary to desig
n a weighi
ng machi
ne. The desig
n requireme
nt is to let stude
nts lear
n from the mecha
nism Starti
ng from the pri
nciple, a
nd the
n the structure a
nd size of each part of the releva
nt desig
n, a
nd the
n also
need to carry out the desig
n of the co
ntrol system. Key words: batchi
ng weighi
ng, weighi
ng desig
n, accurate batchi
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1项目简介1 2机器设计的技术条件1 3机器的总体设计2 3.1配料称量机结构形式的选择2 3.2机器工作原理的设计2 3.3机器的组成3 3.4配料称量机结构示意图设计4 4机器的部件设计5 4.1料仓部件设计5 4.2进料闸阀部件设计7 4.3振动给料器部件设计10 4.3.1.振动发生机构设计10 4.3.2.曲柄连杆机构运动的分析计算10 4.3.3.振动给料器对摆动中心的转动惯量计算17 4.3.4.振动给料器运转的动力计算及减速器选型21 4.3.5.振动给料器部件图设计24 4.4隔振圈部件设计26 4.5料斗部件设计28 4.5.1.确定料斗的合理容积及外形尺寸28 4.5.2.料斗部件图设计30 4.6输送管部件设计32 4.7机架部件设计33 4.8气动控制系统设计35 4.8.1.气缸的选型35 4.8.2气缸内径的确定36 4.9电气控制系统设计39 4.9.1.生产过程程序控制方框图设计39 4.9.2.电气原理图设计40 4.9.3.微机控制系统设计40 4.10机器总图绘制45 参考文献48