摘要 机械制造技术基础课程设计是在学过机械制造技术基础课程,并进行生产实习基础上进行的一个教学环节。随着现代机械加工行业发生着深刻的结构性变化,工艺的设计与改良已成为相关企业生存和发展的必要条件。为了锻炼分析问题、解决问题的能力,进行了这次课程设计。根据六点定位原理,对零件夹具进行设计,把零件完全定位后,再进行加工。设计时,首先大致观察零件图,对夹具初步设计,再根据要求进行更改,以达到要求,把几个重要表面加工,具有一定的尺寸、形状、位置。本文首先介绍了输出轴的作用和工艺分析,其次确定毛坯尺寸,然后进行了然后进行了工艺规程设计,最后对10×φ20的孔进行了夹具设计。 。 Abstract The basic course desig
n of mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology is a teachi
ng li
nk based o
n the basic course of mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology a
nd productio
n practice. With the profou
nd structural cha
nges i
n the moder
n machi
ng i
ndustry, the desig
n a
nd improveme
nt of the process has become a
necessary co
n for the survival a
nd developme
nt of related e
nterprises. I
n order to trai
n the ability to a
nalyze a
nd solve problems, the course desig
n was carried out. Accordi
ng to the six poi
nt positio
ng pri
nciple, the part fixture is desig
ned, a
nd the parts are completely positio
ned before processi
ng. Duri
ng the desig
n, first observe the part drawi
ng roughly, make the prelimi
nary desig
n of the fixture, a
nd the
n make cha
nges accordi
ng to the requireme
nts to meet the requireme
nts. Process several importa
nt surfaces to have certai
n dime
ns, shapes a
nd positio
ns. This paper first i
ntroduces the fu
n a
nd process a
nalysis of the output shaft, the
n determi
nes the bla
nk size, a
nd the
n carries out the process specificatio
n desig
n. Fi
nally ×φ 20 were desig
ned. 目录 摘要3 Abstract 4 1.输出轴零件工艺分析2 1.1输出轴零件的作用2 1.2输出轴零件的工艺性分析2 2.确定毛坯2 2.1选择毛坯2 2.2确定毛坯尺寸2 3.工艺路线的确定4 3.1选择定位基准4 3.2各表面加工方法的选择4 3.3确定工艺路线5 4.加工余量和工序尺寸的确定5 5.切削用量和基本时间的确定8 5.1切削用量的确定8 5.2时间定额的确定10 6.机床夹具设计12 6.1定位分析与定位误差分析12 6.2夹紧机构与夹紧力分析计算12 6.3对刀及导引装置设计12 6.4夹具方案设计与装配图12 7.参考文献14 1.输出轴零件工艺分析 1.1输出轴零件的作用 一.传递转矩,使车床主轴获得旋转动力。 二.工作过程经常承受载荷。 三.支撑传动零部件。零件的材料为45钢,是最常用的碳调质钢,综合力学性能良好,淬透性低,水淬时易生裂纹。 综合全部技术要求,选择锻件。由于是大批量生产,采用模锻.
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