我国城市人均用地面积已经达到113 m2,超过国家规定标准近1/3。尽管如此,当前我国城市建成区平均整体容积率仅为50.58%,住宅容积率更是低至33%。
The three-dime
nal garage, also k
n as the "mecha
nical parki
ng equipme
nt", it is the use of mecha
nical a
nd electrical systems, used to access the vehicle equipme
nt. The earliest stereoscopic garage appeared i
n Wester
n a
nd Europea
n cou
ntries. With the rapid developme
nt of Chi
na's eco
nomy a
nd the accelerated pace of car e
ntry i
nto families, the three-dime
nal garage has become the best solutio
n to solve the parki
ng problem i
n domestic cities. The per capita la
nd use area of Chi
na's cities has reached 113 m2, which is more tha
n 1/3 i
n excess of the
nal sta
ndard. I
n spite of this, the average overall volume rate of the urba
n built-up area i
n Chi
na is o
nly 50.58%, a
nd the housi
ng volume rate is lower to 33%. There are 53 millio
n cars i
n our cou
ntry, the seco
nd largest
new car market
next to the U
nited States, the average gap i
n parki
ng space is above 60%%. At the same time, there are less tha
n 40 cars per thousa
nd i
n our cou
ntry, far from 120 per 1000 people i
n the world, a
nd the
number i
n the U
nited States is 550 / 1000. The stereoscopic garage i
ndustry is developi
ng at a high speed. Si
nce 2008, it has bee
n growi
ng for more tha
n 28% years for four co
nsecutive years, a
nd it is expected to remai
n 30% growth i
n 2013. Key words: garage cars 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1研究的背景1 1.方案一折叠多层循环类1 该类型特点:可以灵活设置,能耗大,存取一辆车,其他的车辆需要全部随之移动,不符合当前节能环保的社会主流。此类型属淘汰类型。 1 2.方案二折叠升降横移类2 该类型特点:构造简单实用,无需特殊地面基础要求。适合装置于工厂、别墅、住宅停车场。 2 2.方案三折叠立体环形类2 立体环形的装置优缺点2 转动的—往复运动的装置优缺点2 第2章设计计算的4 3.1减速电马达的选择4 3.1.1电马达类型的选择4 3.1.2电马达电压和速度的选择4 3.1.3电马达型号规格的选择4 3.2减速马达的选择5 3.2.1按强度选用减速马达5转动的比要求5计算的功率5 3.3链转动的装置的设计计算的7 3.3.1滚子链转动的设计的计算的7计算的齿链条轴速度与转矩7 3.3.2滚子链齿链条10 3.4直链条链条转动的装置的设计计算的14 3.4.1直链条类型和精度等级14 3.7钢轴承与联轴器的选取21 3.7.1钢轴承类型的选取21 3.7.2联轴器的选取23 3.8键的选取与计算的23 3.9标准件的选取24 第3章密封与润滑25 4.1润滑25 4.2密封25 4.3链轮机构设计25 4.4轴的设计26 4.5钢轴承校核31 4.6键的选择33 4.7螺栓的选择33 4.8螺母的选用34 4.9垫圈的选择34 参考文献36 致谢37 绪论
nal garage, also k
n as the "mecha
nical parki
ng equipme
nt", it is the use of mecha
nical a
nd electrical systems, used to access the vehicle equipme
nt. The earliest stereoscopic garage appeared i
n Wester
n a
nd Europea
n cou
ntries. With the rapid developme
nt of Chi
na's eco
nomy a
nd the accelerated pace of car e
ntry i
nto families, the three-dime
nal garage has become the best solutio
n to solve the parki
ng problem i
n domestic cities. The per capita la
nd use area of Chi
na's cities has reached 113 m2, which is more tha
n 1/3 i
n excess of the
nal sta
ndard. I
n spite of this, the average overall volume rate of the urba
n built-up area i
n Chi
na is o
nly 50.58%, a
nd the housi
ng volume rate is lower to 33%. There are 53 millio
n cars i
n our cou
ntry, the seco
nd largest
new car market
next to the U
nited States, the average gap i
n parki
ng space is above 60%%. At the same time, there are less tha
n 40 cars per thousa
nd i
n our cou
ntry, far from 120 per 1000 people i
n the world, a
nd the
number i
n the U
nited States is 550 / 1000. The stereoscopic garage i
ndustry is developi
ng at a high speed. Si
nce 2008, it has bee
n growi
ng for more tha
n 28% years for four co
nsecutive years, a
nd it is expected to remai
n 30% growth i
n 2013. Key words: garage cars 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1研究的背景1 1.方案一折叠多层循环类1 该类型特点:可以灵活设置,能耗大,存取一辆车,其他的车辆需要全部随之移动,不符合当前节能环保的社会主流。此类型属淘汰类型。 1 2.方案二折叠升降横移类2 该类型特点:构造简单实用,无需特殊地面基础要求。适合装置于工厂、别墅、住宅停车场。 2 2.方案三折叠立体环形类2 立体环形的装置优缺点2 转动的—往复运动的装置优缺点2 第2章设计计算的4 3.1减速电马达的选择4 3.1.1电马达类型的选择4 3.1.2电马达电压和速度的选择4 3.1.3电马达型号规格的选择4 3.2减速马达的选择5 3.2.1按强度选用减速马达5转动的比要求5计算的功率5 3.3链转动的装置的设计计算的7 3.3.1滚子链转动的设计的计算的7计算的齿链条轴速度与转矩7 3.3.2滚子链齿链条10 3.4直链条链条转动的装置的设计计算的14 3.4.1直链条类型和精度等级14 3.7钢轴承与联轴器的选取21 3.7.1钢轴承类型的选取21 3.7.2联轴器的选取23 3.8键的选取与计算的23 3.9标准件的选取24 第3章密封与润滑25 4.1润滑25 4.2密封25 4.3链轮机构设计25 4.4轴的设计26 4.5钢轴承校核31 4.6键的选择33 4.7螺栓的选择33 4.8螺母的选用34 4.9垫圈的选择34 参考文献36 致谢37 绪论