本文设计了一台五轴联动机床主轴模型,在XY工作台的基础上叠加两层托板,步进电动机带动轴使其做旋转运动,构成类似陀螺仪的结构。分别实现工作台绕XY轴的转动和移动,再沿Z轴装配一根丝杠完成工作台沿Z轴的上下运动最终实现刀具向各个面进行加工。 主要完成了:模型整体结构设计,各个轴的结构设计及计算、滚珠丝杠、轴承和直线滚动导轨的选择及其强度分析;步进电机的选择及分析。 关键词:数控;五轴联动;丝杠传动 Abstract Now, the ordi
nary three axis NC machi
ne tool ca
not meet the higher requireme
nts of the processi
ng parts. With the developme
nt of tech
nology, more a
nd more cou
ntries have begu
n to focus o
n research a
nd use of five axis CNC machi
ne tools. Five axis li
nkage CNC machi
ne tool is a ma
ng tech
nology of CNC machi
ne tools, a
nd is the most difficult a
nd the most widely used tech
nology i
n the
numerical co
ntrol tech
nology. Five axis machi
ng ce
nter with high efficie
ncy, high precisio
n features. If the five axis li
nkage of high-e
nd CNC system, but also to the complex space surface for high precisio
n machi
ng, more able to adapt to such as automotive parts, aircraft structural parts a
nd other moder
n mold processi
ng. I
nal five axis li
nkage processi
ng tech
nology as a symbol of the level of i
n of the cou
ntry. Therefore, it is very
necessary to study the tech
nology of five axis li
nkage. The ma
nipulator desig
ned i
n this paper usi
ng cyli
ndrical coordi
nates, ca
n fi
nish feedi
ng, tur
ng a
nd other fu
ns. Mai
nly by the ma
nipulator ha
nd, wrist, arm a
nd body parts, with rotati
ng wrists, arms stretchi
ng, arm moveme
nts a
nd arm rotatio
n of 4 degrees of freedom, ca
n meet the ge
neral requireme
nts of the i
ndustry. The ma
nipulator is a hydraulic drive, 4 degrees of freedom a
nd the clampi
ng gripper drive
n by the hydraulic system, the desig
n a
nd impleme
n of various provisio
ns of ma
nipulator motio
n co
ntrol, to simplify the circuit, save cost, improve work efficie
ncy, improve productivity, at the same time i
n the circuit layout a
nd pla
ng combi
ned with machi
nery ma
ng base, with asphalt ma
ng the feasibility of co
ntly maki
ng a
nd circuit layout i
nto a spatial structure, the structure of the ma
nipulator is more co
ncise a
nd compact. This paper desig
ned a five-axis machi
ne tool spi
ndle model, based o
n the XY table overlay two pallets, stepper motor drive shaft rotatio
n to do so co
nstitutes a similar gyro structure. Were achieved arou
nd the XY axis rotati
ng table a
nd move alo
ng the Z axis a
nd the
n complete the table assembly of a screw up a
nd dow
n moveme
nt alo
ng the Z axis to the ultimate realizatio
n of the various surface processi
ng tool. Mai
n completed: overall structural desig
n model, each shaft structure desig
n a
nd calculatio
n, ball screws, beari
ngs a
nd li
near motio
n guide the choice a
nd stre
ngth a
nalysis; stepper motor selectio
n a
nd a
nalysis. Key Words:NC; five-axis li
nkage; screw drive 目录 摘要................................................................................................................................I Abstract..........................................................................................................................II 摘要I 第一章绪论1 1.1课题研究背景与意义1 1.2国内外发展现状1 1.2.1国外发展状况1 1.2.1国内发展状况2 1.3五轴联动数控机床的结构类型3 1.4本文的研究目的及主要工作5 第二章总体设计6 2.1设计要求6 2.2主要技术参数6 2.3总体方案设计6 2.4本章小结7 第三章进给传动系统的设计8 3.1滚珠丝杠传动系统工作原理8 3.2垂直方向传动系统设计10 3.2.1Z方向滚珠丝杠的选择和校核10 3.2.2Z方向导轨的选择11 3.2.3Z方向装配图13 3.3X、Y方向传动系统的设计14 3.3.1滚珠丝杠的选型14 3.3.2直线导轨设计15 3.3.3联轴器的选型16 3.3.4装配模型17 3.4本章小结17 第四章电机的选型18 4.1步进电机介绍18 4.2参数计算18 4.2.1转速与功率18 4.2.2相关参数的确定19 4.3型号的确定19 4.3.1脉冲当量的选择19 4.3.2等效负载转矩的计算19 4.3.3等效转动惯量的计算20 4.3.4步进电动机型号选择的计算20 4.4本章小结23 第五章其他关键部件的设计24 5.1床身(底座)的设计24 5.2立柱设计24 5.3工作台的设计25 5.3.1尺寸确定及估算25 5.3.2绕轴旋转的设计25 5.4装配总图26 5.5本章小结26 结论27 参考文献28 致谢30
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