本文设计了鱼塘养殖自动投饲料机。本文首先分析了鱼塘投饲机的国内外现状及发展趋势,介绍了现有主流投饲机。接着根据现有投饲机的特点及要求,拟定了两种可行投饲机方案,为满足间歇性投饲要求,选择了曲柄摇杆机构作为送料机构的方案。接着对投饲机进行了详细设计,并绘出装配图及零件图。 最后对投饲机进行零件三维建模及虚拟装配,验证设计的合理性及干涉。最后进行运动仿真,所设计的投饲机结构简单,维修使用方便。 关键词:水产养殖,投饲机,曲柄摇杆,料斗 ABSTRACT Chi
na is the world's first aquaculture cou
ntry, alo
ng with the rest of the breedi
ng scale u
ng expa
n, the use of machi
nery i
nstead of ma
nual feedi
ng has bee
n ge
nerally recog
nized. Specialized households aquaculture fish feed i
n the feedi
ng, most of the artificial material throwi
ng method. Feedi
ng of low degree of mecha
n, as labour costs i
ncreased, becomes o
ne of the restricti
ng the developme
nt of aquaculture i
n our cou
ntry li
nk. Based o
n the above reaso
ns, this paper desig
ned the aquiculture automatic feedi
ng machi
ne. This paper a
nalyzed the domestic a
nd i
nal situatio
n a
nd developme
nt tre
nd of fish feedi
ng machi
ne, i
ntroduced the curre
nt mai
nstream of feedi
ng machi
ne. The
n accordi
ng to the characteristics a
nd requireme
nt of the existi
ng feedi
ng machi
ne, desig
ned two ki
nds of feasible feedi
ng machi
ne, i
n order to meet the requireme
nts of i
nt feedi
ng, the cra
nk rocker mecha
nism as the feedi
ng mecha
nism scheme. The
n the detailed desig
n of the feedi
ng machi
ne, a
nd draw the assembly drawi
ng a
nd part drawi
ng. Fi
nally, the 3D modeli
ng of parts a
nd virtual assembly of the feedi
ng machi
ne, verify the ratio
nality of the desig
n a
nd i
nce. Fi
nally, the motio
n simulatio
n of feedi
ng machi
ne, the desig
n of simple structure, co
nt repair a
nd use. Keywords: aquaculture, feedi
ng machi
ne, cra
nk rocker, hopper 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 目录III 第一章绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2渔塘投饲机分类1 1.2.1渔业用投饲机的分类1 1.2.1从投饲物性状分1 1.2.2从应用动力分1 1.2.3从应用范围分1 1.3渔塘投饲机应用2 1.4渔塘投饲机组成2 第二章总体方案设计4 2.1总体方案选择4 第三章曲柄摇杆机构设计6 3.1平面连杆机构的基础理论6 3.1.1平面连杆机构的定义6 3.1.2平面连杆机构的优缺点6 3.1.3平面四杆机构的结构形式6 3.1.4平面四杆机构的结构特点及应用7 3.1.5平面四杆机构的演化10 扩大转动副,使转动副变成移动副10 3.2曲柄摇杆机构的设计11 3.2.1四连杆机构求解方法11 3.2.2曲柄摇杆机构尺寸参数12 第四章详细结构设计14 4.1减速电机选择14 4.1.1电动机选择的方法14 4.2抛料盘的计算16 4.2.1抛料盘的转速
n 16 4.2.2抛料盘功率P计算17 4.2.3抛料盘盘配套电机的选择17 4.3机架设计18 4.3.1机架设计准则18 4.4料斗设计20 第五章控制器设计21 5.1输入部分21 5.2过零检测电路22 5.3输送减速电机控制22 5.4投饲电机控制23 第六章ProE三维建模与仿真24 6.1 Pro/E软件简介24 6.2零件建模26 6.2.1曲柄建模26 6.2.2机架创建28 6.3虚拟装配32 5.3 Pro/E动画仿真37 总结40 参考文献41 致谢42 第一章绪论 1.1课题背景 我国是世界上第一水产养殖大国, 1993年养殖水面达474. 7万公顷,养殖总产达957万吨。除投喂鲜活饲料和某些鱼类的特种饲料外,人工投喂颗粒饲料是我国养殖生产中的主要喂养方式。
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