nsys软件中进行有限元分析,分析罩板在四种常见工况下的位移和最大应力,并将其作为初始数据,以便进行后续的轻量化设计。预选铝合金AA6016和高强度钢BS550MC作为材料优化的替换材料,根据所选的材料强度,对罩板的厚度做出改动,之后进行有限元分析,得到罩板在四个工况下的位移云图和应力云图,结果表明,在满足材料屈服强度的条件下,使用铝合金AA6016作为替换材料能减轻罩板29.05%的质量,使用高强度钢BS550MC可以减轻罩板9.98%的质量。综合各方案的经济性和社会效益,最终选择铝合金AA6016作为替换材料。之后对罩板进行结构改进,在设计了多种方案并对其进行有限元分析后,最终得到的方案能够减轻罩板30.01%的质量。 关键词:罩板;有限元分析;轻量化;结构优化 Abstract With the gradual i
ncrease of automobile ow
nership, the e
ntal problems caused by automobiles are becomi
ng more a
nd more serious, a
nd the lightweight of automobiles is a
n effective solutio
n. As o
ne of the largest coveri
ng parts o
n the automobile surface, the light weight of car hood plays a
n importa
nt role i
n the light weight of automobile. I
n this paper, the car hood of a car is a
nalyzed a
nd its lightweight desig
n is studied. Firstly, the three-dime
nal model of car hood plate was established, a
nd the
n the model was loaded i
nto A
nsys software for fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis. The displaceme
nt a
nd maximum stress of the hood plate u
nder four commo
n worki
ng co
ns were a
nalyzed a
nd used as the i
nitial data for subseque
nt lightweight desig
n.Pre-selected alumi
num alloy AA6016 a
nd high-stre
ngth steel BS550MC as alter
native materials for material optimizatio
n. Accordi
ng to the selected material stre
ngth, the thick
ness of the car hood was cha
nged. The
n the fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis was carried out to obtai
n the displaceme
nt cloud diagram a
nd stress cloud diagram of the car hood u
nder four worki
ng co
ns.The results show that u
nder the co
n of material yield stre
ngth, the mass of hood ca
n be reduced by 29.05% by usi
ng alumi
num alloy AA6016 as the replaceme
nt material, a
nd 9.98% by usi
ng high-stre
ngth steel BS550MC.Based o
n the eco
nomic a
nd social be
nefits of the schemes, alumi
num alloy AA6016 was selected as the replaceme
nt material. After that, the structure of the hood was improved. After desig
ng various schemes a
nd fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis, the fi
nal scheme could reduce the quality of the hood by 30.01%. Keywords: car hood;fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis;lightweight;Structure optimizatio
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 研究背景和意义1 研究意义1 研究现状1 本设计的工作3 第2章汽车罩板的有限元分析4 罩板有限元模型的建立4 罩板工况分析7 正向弯曲工况7 侧向弯曲工况8 扭转工况9 模态工况9 罩板工况有限元分析10 正向弯曲工况有限元分析10 侧向弯曲工况有限元分析10 扭转工况有限元分析11 模态工况有限元分析11 本章小结12 第3章材料轻量化设计13 5.1轻量化材料介绍13 5.2轻量化材料替换方案13 5.3材料替换方案有限元分析14 正向弯曲工况14 侧向弯曲工况14 扭转工况15 模态工况16 5.4结果分析16 5.5本章小结17 第4章结构轻量化设计18 4.2形状优化方案18 4.3形状优化方案有限元分析19 4.3.3正向弯曲工况19 4.3.4侧向弯曲工况19 4.3.5扭转工况20 4.3.6模态工况21 4.4结果分析21 4.5本章小结23 第5章总结展望24 5.1总结24 5.2展望24 参考文献26 致谢28 第1章绪论 4.1研究背景和意义 由于人类社会的不断进步,我们需要更多的能源来维持社会的运行,人类对自然资源的过度开采,引起了一定的能源危机,节能环保也已变成如今社会发展的主题。汽车作为目前最基础的交通工具,因为技术的进步和人们经济水平的提高,得到了很大的普及。随着小康社会的逐渐建成,我国的汽车保有量正在高速增加,据统计,2018年全国新注册登记机动车3172万辆,机动车保有量已达3.27亿辆,其中汽车2.4亿辆。汽车保有量的增加加大了人类对化石燃料的需求,但是研究表明,可供人类使用的石油正在急剧减少。汽车保有量增加不仅引起了能源危机,还对环境产生了很大的破坏,汽车在运行时会产生大量的有害气体排入大气中,造成了严重的大气污染。随着汽车保有量的大幅增加,由汽车所引起的这一系列环境问题也日益严重,正在逐渐引起人们的重视,也亟待人们去解决。 4.2研究意义
nsys软件中进行有限元分析,分析罩板在四种常见工况下的位移和最大应力,并将其作为初始数据,以便进行后续的轻量化设计。预选铝合金AA6016和高强度钢BS550MC作为材料优化的替换材料,根据所选的材料强度,对罩板的厚度做出改动,之后进行有限元分析,得到罩板在四个工况下的位移云图和应力云图,结果表明,在满足材料屈服强度的条件下,使用铝合金AA6016作为替换材料能减轻罩板29.05%的质量,使用高强度钢BS550MC可以减轻罩板9.98%的质量。综合各方案的经济性和社会效益,最终选择铝合金AA6016作为替换材料。之后对罩板进行结构改进,在设计了多种方案并对其进行有限元分析后,最终得到的方案能够减轻罩板30.01%的质量。 关键词:罩板;有限元分析;轻量化;结构优化 Abstract With the gradual i
ncrease of automobile ow
nership, the e
ntal problems caused by automobiles are becomi
ng more a
nd more serious, a
nd the lightweight of automobiles is a
n effective solutio
n. As o
ne of the largest coveri
ng parts o
n the automobile surface, the light weight of car hood plays a
n importa
nt role i
n the light weight of automobile. I
n this paper, the car hood of a car is a
nalyzed a
nd its lightweight desig
n is studied. Firstly, the three-dime
nal model of car hood plate was established, a
nd the
n the model was loaded i
nto A
nsys software for fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis. The displaceme
nt a
nd maximum stress of the hood plate u
nder four commo
n worki
ng co
ns were a
nalyzed a
nd used as the i
nitial data for subseque
nt lightweight desig
n.Pre-selected alumi
num alloy AA6016 a
nd high-stre
ngth steel BS550MC as alter
native materials for material optimizatio
n. Accordi
ng to the selected material stre
ngth, the thick
ness of the car hood was cha
nged. The
n the fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis was carried out to obtai
n the displaceme
nt cloud diagram a
nd stress cloud diagram of the car hood u
nder four worki
ng co
ns.The results show that u
nder the co
n of material yield stre
ngth, the mass of hood ca
n be reduced by 29.05% by usi
ng alumi
num alloy AA6016 as the replaceme
nt material, a
nd 9.98% by usi
ng high-stre
ngth steel BS550MC.Based o
n the eco
nomic a
nd social be
nefits of the schemes, alumi
num alloy AA6016 was selected as the replaceme
nt material. After that, the structure of the hood was improved. After desig
ng various schemes a
nd fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis, the fi
nal scheme could reduce the quality of the hood by 30.01%. Keywords: car hood;fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis;lightweight;Structure optimizatio
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 研究背景和意义1 研究意义1 研究现状1 本设计的工作3 第2章汽车罩板的有限元分析4 罩板有限元模型的建立4 罩板工况分析7 正向弯曲工况7 侧向弯曲工况8 扭转工况9 模态工况9 罩板工况有限元分析10 正向弯曲工况有限元分析10 侧向弯曲工况有限元分析10 扭转工况有限元分析11 模态工况有限元分析11 本章小结12 第3章材料轻量化设计13 5.1轻量化材料介绍13 5.2轻量化材料替换方案13 5.3材料替换方案有限元分析14 正向弯曲工况14 侧向弯曲工况14 扭转工况15 模态工况16 5.4结果分析16 5.5本章小结17 第4章结构轻量化设计18 4.2形状优化方案18 4.3形状优化方案有限元分析19 4.3.3正向弯曲工况19 4.3.4侧向弯曲工况19 4.3.5扭转工况20 4.3.6模态工况21 4.4结果分析21 4.5本章小结23 第5章总结展望24 5.1总结24 5.2展望24 参考文献26 致谢28 第1章绪论 4.1研究背景和意义 由于人类社会的不断进步,我们需要更多的能源来维持社会的运行,人类对自然资源的过度开采,引起了一定的能源危机,节能环保也已变成如今社会发展的主题。汽车作为目前最基础的交通工具,因为技术的进步和人们经济水平的提高,得到了很大的普及。随着小康社会的逐渐建成,我国的汽车保有量正在高速增加,据统计,2018年全国新注册登记机动车3172万辆,机动车保有量已达3.27亿辆,其中汽车2.4亿辆。汽车保有量的增加加大了人类对化石燃料的需求,但是研究表明,可供人类使用的石油正在急剧减少。汽车保有量增加不仅引起了能源危机,还对环境产生了很大的破坏,汽车在运行时会产生大量的有害气体排入大气中,造成了严重的大气污染。随着汽车保有量的大幅增加,由汽车所引起的这一系列环境问题也日益严重,正在逐渐引起人们的重视,也亟待人们去解决。 4.2研究意义