The desig
n of this paper is o
n the M10 washer i
nto the stampi
ng die desig
n, through the parts of the material, structure, size accuracy a
nalysis. Material selectio
n material Q235 steel. M10 washer overall symmetry, thick
ness of M10, 1mm gasket o
n the diameter of 21mm, the middle of a diameter of 10mm through the hole. So M10 washer ca
n be used more simple compou
nd pu
ng die. The compou
nd pu
ng die is made of bla
ng a
nd pu
ng process, the precisio
n of the composite pu
ng die is higher a
nd the M10 gasket is
not distorted. So the choice of formal bla
ng compou
nd. This paper starts from the desig
n, selectio
n of die mold, mould desig
n, a
nd the
n cou
nt the pu
nch mould parts size. The first is the process a
nalysis of M10 washer, a
nd the
n determi
ne the process pla
n. The
n the layout desig
n of the part drawi
ng, the utilizatio
n ratio of the material a
nd the utilizatio
n ratio of pu
ng sheet a
nd strip are calculated. The
n, the calculatio
n of the tech
nological force a
nd the desig
n calculatio
n of pu
ng die worki
ng parts, a
nd the
n check the press, the fi
nal desig
n of the mai
n parts a
nd the selectio
n of sta
ndard parts. Provide the basis for CAD drawi
ng a
nd formi
ng of the M10 gasket. Draw the parts drawi
ng a
nd assembly drawi
ng of the mold through the above desig
n pla
n. This desig
n through the M10 gasket stampi
ng die desig
n, deepe
n our u
ng of the k
nowledge a
nd use of k
nowledge. This paper expou
nds the desig
n process of the mould a
nd the feasibility of the M10 washer i
n the practical desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture. Key words: M10 washer pu
ng compou
nd pu
ng die process Die Desig
n 目录 1绪论1 2冲压件工艺分析4 2.1材料分析4 2.2零件结构4 2.3尺寸精度5 3冲裁方案的确定6 3.1工艺方案确定6 3.2冲压工艺卡片7 4模具总体结构的确定9 4.1模具类型的选择9 4.2送料方式的选择9 4.3定位方式的选择9 4.4卸料、出件方式的选择9 4.5导向方式的选择10 4.6模架的选择10 5工艺参数计算12 5.1排样设计和计算12 5.1.1确定搭边值12 5.1.2送料步距与条料宽度的计算12 5.1.3材料利用率的计算13 5.2冲压力的计算14 5.2.1落料力、冲孔力、卸料力、推件力的计算14 5.2.2压力机的选择15 6刃口尺寸计算17 6.1尺寸计算原则17 6.2凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算18 7主要零部件设计20 7.1凹模设计20 7.2凸模的设计22 7.3凸凹模设计23 7.4卸料板的设计25 7.5固定板的设计25 7.6上下模座、模柄的选用26 8冲压设备的校核与选定27 8.1冲压设备的校核27 8.2冲压设备的选用27 设计总结28 参考文献29 1绪论 从20世纪80年代初开始,发达国家的模具制造工业已经从机床工业中分离出来了,并且发展成为独立的工业部门,其产值已经超过了机床工业的产值。改革开放以来,国内的模具行业得到了迅速的发展,其产值也超过了机床工业的产值。中国的模具产业作为独立的产业
n of this paper is o
n the M10 washer i
nto the stampi
ng die desig
n, through the parts of the material, structure, size accuracy a
nalysis. Material selectio
n material Q235 steel. M10 washer overall symmetry, thick
ness of M10, 1mm gasket o
n the diameter of 21mm, the middle of a diameter of 10mm through the hole. So M10 washer ca
n be used more simple compou
nd pu
ng die. The compou
nd pu
ng die is made of bla
ng a
nd pu
ng process, the precisio
n of the composite pu
ng die is higher a
nd the M10 gasket is
not distorted. So the choice of formal bla
ng compou
nd. This paper starts from the desig
n, selectio
n of die mold, mould desig
n, a
nd the
n cou
nt the pu
nch mould parts size. The first is the process a
nalysis of M10 washer, a
nd the
n determi
ne the process pla
n. The
n the layout desig
n of the part drawi
ng, the utilizatio
n ratio of the material a
nd the utilizatio
n ratio of pu
ng sheet a
nd strip are calculated. The
n, the calculatio
n of the tech
nological force a
nd the desig
n calculatio
n of pu
ng die worki
ng parts, a
nd the
n check the press, the fi
nal desig
n of the mai
n parts a
nd the selectio
n of sta
ndard parts. Provide the basis for CAD drawi
ng a
nd formi
ng of the M10 gasket. Draw the parts drawi
ng a
nd assembly drawi
ng of the mold through the above desig
n pla
n. This desig
n through the M10 gasket stampi
ng die desig
n, deepe
n our u
ng of the k
nowledge a
nd use of k
nowledge. This paper expou
nds the desig
n process of the mould a
nd the feasibility of the M10 washer i
n the practical desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture. Key words: M10 washer pu
ng compou
nd pu
ng die process Die Desig
n 目录 1绪论1 2冲压件工艺分析4 2.1材料分析4 2.2零件结构4 2.3尺寸精度5 3冲裁方案的确定6 3.1工艺方案确定6 3.2冲压工艺卡片7 4模具总体结构的确定9 4.1模具类型的选择9 4.2送料方式的选择9 4.3定位方式的选择9 4.4卸料、出件方式的选择9 4.5导向方式的选择10 4.6模架的选择10 5工艺参数计算12 5.1排样设计和计算12 5.1.1确定搭边值12 5.1.2送料步距与条料宽度的计算12 5.1.3材料利用率的计算13 5.2冲压力的计算14 5.2.1落料力、冲孔力、卸料力、推件力的计算14 5.2.2压力机的选择15 6刃口尺寸计算17 6.1尺寸计算原则17 6.2凸、凹模刃口尺寸计算18 7主要零部件设计20 7.1凹模设计20 7.2凸模的设计22 7.3凸凹模设计23 7.4卸料板的设计25 7.5固定板的设计25 7.6上下模座、模柄的选用26 8冲压设备的校核与选定27 8.1冲压设备的校核27 8.2冲压设备的选用27 设计总结28 参考文献29 1绪论 从20世纪80年代初开始,发达国家的模具制造工业已经从机床工业中分离出来了,并且发展成为独立的工业部门,其产值已经超过了机床工业的产值。改革开放以来,国内的模具行业得到了迅速的发展,其产值也超过了机床工业的产值。中国的模具产业作为独立的产业