With the i
ngly serious situatio
n of e
ntal pollutio
n i
n today,I
n order to solve the ge
neral problem of water waste salvage, I desig
ne a surface automatically refuse salvage ship I
n order to reduce the resista
nce of ship, the boat used catamara
n arou
nd the structure,the Ship’s power is supplied by the battery, a
nd motor-drive
n a
nd DC motor respectively,Ship is shifted forward is drive
n by the motor,after the speed reduce of Motor,We drive salvage tra
n sprocket chai
n a
nd the tra
n through the belt’s drive
n.Refuse to salvage tra
n chai
n from the surface of the water storage positio
n to refuse, if the storage warehouse filled with ju
nk, they ca
n be ma
nually poured i
nto the hull, a
nd the tra
n through the chai
n drive sprocket drive bevel gear shaft of the i
nitiative, power through the bevel gear reducer drive
n collectio
n device. Refuse to complete the salvage, a
nd its mai
n characteristic is that the collectio
n ca
n be about tur
ng rou
nd a two-way flexibility, the litter i
nto the middle of double-hull, tra
ng bodies from the water a
nd the
n refuse to double-hull storage warehouse refuse,Refuse storage warehouse i
n the litter from the water, reduci
ng waste volume a
nd weight, surface ship structural desig
n of refuse removal reaso
nable, flexible operatio
n, simple a
nd reliable operatio
n, the use of a wide ra
nge of productio
n costs low, has good prospects a
nd promotio
n of the value of applicatio
ns . Device could completed the the salvage operatio
n of surface litler while it Device through the productio
n of the assembly debuggi
ng Key: Hull the device of collectio
n the device of Salvage 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章绪论4 1.1选题背景和意义4 1.2水上清理垃圾装置的现状及特点分析5 第2章船体的设计7 2.1船体的结构设计7 2.2船体的材料及尺寸设计8 第3章原动件的设计9 3.1蓄电池的选择9 3.2电动机的选择10 3.3马达的选择10 第4章中间部件的设计12 4.1蜗杆减速器的设计12 4.1.1参数选择: 12 4.1.2传动装置总体设计: 12 4.1.3电动机的选择: 13 4.1.4、运动参数计算: 14 4.1.5传动零件的设计计算15 4.1.6、蜗杆、蜗轮的基本尺寸设计18 4.1.7蜗轮轴的校核22 4.1.8箱体的结构形式和材料24 4.1.9铸铁箱体主要结构尺寸和关系25 4.1.10.键等相关标准的选择25 4.2带传动的设计26 4.3链传动的设计27 4.4轴的设计28 4.4.1打捞装置轴的设计28 5.1收集装置的设计30 5.2打捞装置的设计31 致谢35 第1章绪论 1.1选题背景和意义 随着我国经济的快速发展,公共设施及旅游区的建设力度不断大,小区、广场的公共设施的建设力度也在不断地增大。由于陆地上的垃圾随风飘散,或者由于公民、游客的素质问题,在大的广场、公园、风景区的水面上中随时可以见到飘浮的白色垃圾。这些垃圾比较分散,打捞难度比较大。用竹竿打捞范围太小,开小船进去又费时费力。针对这一问题,发明了一种用于水面的垃圾清理船, 就为我们提供水资源的长江来说吧,这条中华民族赖以生存的母亲河受到越来越严重的污染,据统计,近年来长江干流一般年份的漂浮物来量为10-20万立方米左右,不仅严重污染了长江、影响了三峡的美好风光,更是对船闸安全运行构成了严重的威胁特别是在小三峡地段,那里的垃圾壮观的简直是令人骇然。大片大片的垃圾漂浮在水面上,覆盖了整个河道,连船都无发前进。虽然这些垃圾中有不少是枯树枝,但除去褐色部分人为垃圾的量也是惊人的。白色部分就是漂浮在江上的泡沫塑料,还可清晰的看到绿色红色的塑料包装。特别是今年9月份以来,水上漂浮物造成了葛洲坝船闸32次运行程序中断为最,直接威胁着过往旅客和船舶的生命财产安全。据悉在长江三峡库区,每天要清理漂流物高达100吨,清漂工作关系到长江水质、关系到航运畅通,更关系到大坝安全,库区负责清漂的环卫部门曾经设想有朝一日能够让清漂船达到标准化作业,垃圾规范处理,实现对漂浮物
ngly serious situatio
n of e
ntal pollutio
n i
n today,I
n order to solve the ge
neral problem of water waste salvage, I desig
ne a surface automatically refuse salvage ship I
n order to reduce the resista
nce of ship, the boat used catamara
n arou
nd the structure,the Ship’s power is supplied by the battery, a
nd motor-drive
n a
nd DC motor respectively,Ship is shifted forward is drive
n by the motor,after the speed reduce of Motor,We drive salvage tra
n sprocket chai
n a
nd the tra
n through the belt’s drive
n.Refuse to salvage tra
n chai
n from the surface of the water storage positio
n to refuse, if the storage warehouse filled with ju
nk, they ca
n be ma
nually poured i
nto the hull, a
nd the tra
n through the chai
n drive sprocket drive bevel gear shaft of the i
nitiative, power through the bevel gear reducer drive
n collectio
n device. Refuse to complete the salvage, a
nd its mai
n characteristic is that the collectio
n ca
n be about tur
ng rou
nd a two-way flexibility, the litter i
nto the middle of double-hull, tra
ng bodies from the water a
nd the
n refuse to double-hull storage warehouse refuse,Refuse storage warehouse i
n the litter from the water, reduci
ng waste volume a
nd weight, surface ship structural desig
n of refuse removal reaso
nable, flexible operatio
n, simple a
nd reliable operatio
n, the use of a wide ra
nge of productio
n costs low, has good prospects a
nd promotio
n of the value of applicatio
ns . Device could completed the the salvage operatio
n of surface litler while it Device through the productio
n of the assembly debuggi
ng Key: Hull the device of collectio
n the device of Salvage 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 第1章绪论4 1.1选题背景和意义4 1.2水上清理垃圾装置的现状及特点分析5 第2章船体的设计7 2.1船体的结构设计7 2.2船体的材料及尺寸设计8 第3章原动件的设计9 3.1蓄电池的选择9 3.2电动机的选择10 3.3马达的选择10 第4章中间部件的设计12 4.1蜗杆减速器的设计12 4.1.1参数选择: 12 4.1.2传动装置总体设计: 12 4.1.3电动机的选择: 13 4.1.4、运动参数计算: 14 4.1.5传动零件的设计计算15 4.1.6、蜗杆、蜗轮的基本尺寸设计18 4.1.7蜗轮轴的校核22 4.1.8箱体的结构形式和材料24 4.1.9铸铁箱体主要结构尺寸和关系25 4.1.10.键等相关标准的选择25 4.2带传动的设计26 4.3链传动的设计27 4.4轴的设计28 4.4.1打捞装置轴的设计28 5.1收集装置的设计30 5.2打捞装置的设计31 致谢35 第1章绪论 1.1选题背景和意义 随着我国经济的快速发展,公共设施及旅游区的建设力度不断大,小区、广场的公共设施的建设力度也在不断地增大。由于陆地上的垃圾随风飘散,或者由于公民、游客的素质问题,在大的广场、公园、风景区的水面上中随时可以见到飘浮的白色垃圾。这些垃圾比较分散,打捞难度比较大。用竹竿打捞范围太小,开小船进去又费时费力。针对这一问题,发明了一种用于水面的垃圾清理船, 就为我们提供水资源的长江来说吧,这条中华民族赖以生存的母亲河受到越来越严重的污染,据统计,近年来长江干流一般年份的漂浮物来量为10-20万立方米左右,不仅严重污染了长江、影响了三峡的美好风光,更是对船闸安全运行构成了严重的威胁特别是在小三峡地段,那里的垃圾壮观的简直是令人骇然。大片大片的垃圾漂浮在水面上,覆盖了整个河道,连船都无发前进。虽然这些垃圾中有不少是枯树枝,但除去褐色部分人为垃圾的量也是惊人的。白色部分就是漂浮在江上的泡沫塑料,还可清晰的看到绿色红色的塑料包装。特别是今年9月份以来,水上漂浮物造成了葛洲坝船闸32次运行程序中断为最,直接威胁着过往旅客和船舶的生命财产安全。据悉在长江三峡库区,每天要清理漂流物高达100吨,清漂工作关系到长江水质、关系到航运畅通,更关系到大坝安全,库区负责清漂的环卫部门曾经设想有朝一日能够让清漂船达到标准化作业,垃圾规范处理,实现对漂浮物