发动机连杆零件是机械设备中的重要组成零件之一,是整个设备的主体部分,本的主要内容是关于发动机连杆零件的加工工艺以及专用夹具的设计。发动机连杆零件的尺寸精度、形状精度以及位置精度的要求都相对比较高,发动机连杆零件一般采用45钢锻造而成,在加工的过程中会产生一些误差,例如零件的装夹变形误差、受到切削力的变形误差以及加工方式带来的不可避免的误差等等,所以在设计发动机连杆零件的加工工艺过程的时候,需要采用各加工表面粗精加工分开的加工方式,通过该方式使得各加工表面的加工余量逐步减小,切削力和内应力的影响逐步减小,并且逐渐修正各种变形误差,最终达到零件的技术要求。 一个企业要想增加产品类型、提高产品质量、突破产品更新的瓶颈、提高设备的加工水平,零件的机械加工工艺就必定是一个首要考虑的问题,只有研究自身加工工艺水平才能使得经济效益得到提高。提到机械加工工艺就不得不提到夹具,可以说企业夹具设计的水平对机械加工工艺的水平影响是很大的。本首先对发动机连杆进行加工工艺分析,根据分析内容制定了合适的机械加工工艺路线,对于切削力、夹紧力以及夹具的设计都做了详细的分析与计算,另外对于设计的夹具在使用过程中的定位误差也进行了计算,所使用的专业机械软件有AutoCAD和ug等,涉及二位和三维软件,通过这些专业软件绘制出了零件以及夹具的二维和三维图纸,这也是本课题设计的创新所在,经过三维模拟避免了制造过程中的设计错误,减少了设计的成本和时间。 关键词:发动机连杆,工艺,夹具 ABSTRACT Oil pump body is o
ne of the importa
nt parts of oil pump, a
nd it is the mai
n part of the whole oil pump. The mai
n co
nt of this paper is about the processi
ng tech
nology of oil pump body parts a
nd the desig
n of special fixture. The requireme
nts of dime
nal accuracy, shape accuracy a
nd positio
n accuracy of oil pump body parts are relatively high. The parts of oil pump body are ge
nerally made of gray cast iro
n, which will produce some errors i
n the process of processi
ng, such as clampi
ng deformatio
n error of parts, deformatio
n error caused by cutti
ng force, i
nevitable error caused by processi
ng methods, etc Duri
ng the processi
ng of pump parts, it is
necessary to separate the rough a
nd fi
nish machi
ng of each surface. Through this method, the machi
ng allowa
nce of each surface is gradually reduced, the i
nce of cutti
ng force a
nd i
nal stress is gradually reduced, a
nd various deformatio
n errors are gradually corrected, so as to fi
nally meet the tech
nical requireme
nts of the parts. If a
n e
nterprise wa
nts to i
ncrease product types, improve product quality, break through the bottle
neck of product re
newal a
nd improve the processi
ng level of equipme
nt, the mecha
nical processi
ng tech
nology of parts must be a primary co
n. O
nly by studyi
ng its ow
n processi
ng tech
nology level ca
n the eco
nomic be
nefits be improved. Whe
n it comes to machi
ng process, we have to me
n fixture. It ca
n be said that the level of fixture desig
n has a great impact o
n the level of machi
ng process. I
n this paper, firstly, the processi
ng tech
nology of the oil pump body is a
nalyzed. Accordi
ng to the a
nalysis co
nt, the appropriate machi
ng process route is formulated. The cutti
ng force, clampi
ng force a
nd fixture desig
n are a
nalyzed a
nd calculated i
n detail. I
n additio
n, the positio
ng error of the desig
ned fixture i
n the process of use is also calculated. The professio
nal mecha
nical software used i
ncludes AutoCAD a
nd ug, which are i
nvolved i
n the desig
n Two a
nd three-dime
nal software, through these professio
nal software to draw the parts a
nd fixtures of two-dime
nal a
nd three-dime
nal drawi
ngs, which is the i
n of this topic desig
n, through three-dime
nal simulatio
n to avoid the desig
n errors i
n the ma
ng process, reduce the cost a
nd time of desig
n. Key word: Beari
ng, Processes, Fixture 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第1章绪论2 1.1课题目的及意义2 1.2国内外发展动态3 1.3主要研究内容5 第2章设计零件机械加工工艺流程7 2.1零件加工工艺分析7 2.2确定零件毛坯制造方式并绘制毛坯图8 2.3定位基准的选择10 2.4拟订机械加工工艺过程12 2.6刀具、夹具及量具的选取15 2.7计算各工序切削参数16 第3章钻小头孔夹具设计26 3.1机床夹具设计步骤26 3.2夹具的结构及类型27 3.3工件定位基准的选择和自由度分析28 3.4夹具的内部结构29 3.5夹具精度分析30 3.6夹紧力计算32 3.7夹具操作简要说明33 第4章铣上下端面夹具设计34 4.1接受设计任务、明确加工要求34 4.2确定定位方案、选择定位元件34 4.3确定夹紧方案、设计夹紧机构35 4.4确定定位元件37 4.5选择对刀元件38 4.6选择夹具与机床定位连接元件38 4.7夹具体的设计39 4.8夹具精度分析40 4.9绘制夹具装配图,标注有关尺寸及技术要求41 第5章总结与展望43 5.1总结43 5.2展望44 参考文献45 致谢46 第1章绪论 1.1课题目的及意义 进入21世纪以来,全球科学技术在不断的发展,新的加工技术不断出现,人类的文明达到了前所未有的高度,旧时代的加工方法主要依靠人工来完成,而进入现代社会的加工方法则变成了机械,这已经成为全球各个国家的共识,放眼社会上的各行各业可以说都是离不开机器设备,而这些机器设备都有一个共同的地方就是他们都是由机械制造行业提供的,所以说一个国家的机械加工水平直接反映了该国家的经济水平。本次研究的设计课题我选择的题目是发动机连杆零件的机械加工工艺以及夹具的设计,所研究的内容归纳与机械加工制造行业。机械制造行业所生产的产品都是具有一定的尺寸精度和形状以及位置精度的机械零件以及产品,这些就是构成各行各业加工设备的零部件,所以说全世界的机械制造也所使用的机器设备是无数的。可以看出人类的生活离不开机械制造业,这也印证了本文上面的一句话,一国机械加工工艺水平的高低直接反映了该国国民经济的水平,机械加工行业处于国民经济的支柱地位。从另外一个侧面来看,一个国家科技水平和综合国力的一个重要指标就是机械加工生产水平以及能力。
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